Faculty of Arts and Science Decanal Promotions Dossier

– Instructions for Chair’s Assistants

Please prepare each dossier in the sequence listed below. (Do not submit teaching portfolios, copies of publications or other extraneous material.)

NOTE: Promotion dossiers must be submitted to the Dean c/o the Human Resources Office, Sidney Smith Hall, Room 2017 by FEBRUARY 1, 2013.

Dossiers should be submitted in a binder, separated by index tabs bearing the name of each section as noted below. Also, please provide a scanned copy of the complete file on a CD-ROM or USB key (see attached for details).


First page of the dossier: TABLE OF CONTENTS - include only the sections noted below.

SECTION 1: CHAIR'S REPORT - Please include a separate report for each candidate


§  The candidate’s CV must follow the Faculty's Format for Curriculum Vitae. Please ensure

that the teaching and research statements are included as well as statements from co-authors for all major publications.


§  This section includes letters from colleagues who are specialists in the field (at least two are

recommended). If the candidate holds a budgetary cross-appointment in another department or division, an assessment should be included from that unit.

§  If applicable, include assessments from colleagues with whom courses have been shared.

SECTION 4: EXTERNAL ASSESSMENTS – The recommended minimum is five assessments.)

§  Provide a separate sheet that lists the name, academic rank, institution, and comments regarding

qualifications of each external referee selected.

§  In the top right-hand corner of each letter received from referees, indicate whether the individual was

suggested by the candidate or by the departmental Promotions Committee.

§  N.B. Translations must be provided for material submitted in languages other than English or French.


§  Ensure that the report of the Teaching Evaluation Committee is a single document signed by all committee


§  Include summaries of teaching evaluations for all courses taught in the past five years. N.B. Copies of

individual evaluations are not required for the Decanal Promotions committee dossier.


§  Provide letters solicited by the Chair of the Promotions Committee from current and former undergraduate and graduate students for courses taught by the candidate.

§  Include letters from current and former graduate students listed in the candidate’s CV.

§  Do not include any copies of the letter issued by the Chair of the committee requesting student opinions.
