MACC Catalog # LEN222
CIP # 430107
October 2005
Moberly Area Community College
Common Syllabus
Criminal Justice Management
Current Term
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Catalog Description: LEN 222: Criminal Justice Management (3-0-3)
This course consists of a variety of management topics including general office and personnel administration, fundamentals of staff and field operations, planning, budgeting, recruitment, training, and motivational and disciplinary methods. This course also studies written policies, recognized standards, vicarious liability, and the American with Disabilities Act. The student learns what is involved with administering a criminal justice agency.
Prerequisite/Co-requisite: SOC 150
Text(s): Bennett, Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement, 5th Edition, Thomson/WAD Publishers, ISBN: 978-0-495-42750-6.
Other Required Materials:
Purpose of Course: The purpose of this course is to educate the student as to a variety of management topics to include general office and personnel administration, fundamentals of staff and field operations, planning, budgeting, recruitment, training and motivational and disciplinary methods will be examined. The use of written policies, recognized standards, vicarious liability and the American Disabilities Act will be studied also.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
· Define management.
· Identify skills necessary for carrying out the management process, to include:
(a) conceptual
(b) human
(c) technical
Identify functions within the management process, to include:
(a) Planning
(b) Controlling
(c) Organizing
(d) Motivating
· Recall developmental stages of management philosophy, to include:
(a) Scientific management
(b) Human relations management
(c) Systems management
· Discuss ethical behavior of the management role.
· Recall how management styles are gridded.
· Develop an organizational management style.
· Discuss how the ADA has affected management of criminal justice agencies.
Course Content:
· Elements of management
· Techniques of management
· Developmental stages of management philosophy
· Organizational goals and objectives
Statement to Connect Course with Technical Program Outcome Statement:
In compliance with MACC’s General Education outcomes, the student who successfully completes this course will be able to:
I. Demonstrate effective written and oral communication;
Assessment of Student Learning:
The Law Enforcement Training Center faculty continually strive to meet the needs of their students through program improvements. These improvements are a result of program assessments and the consultation and advisement of the Law Enforcement Training Center Advisory Committee. In addition to the course assessments outlines in this syllabus, the objectives achieved in this course will also be an intergral part of the Law Enforcement Training Center program assessment. Students will be assessed on the mastery of course concepts and essential skill during the capstone course, Criminal Justice Internship.
Description of Major Assignment(s)/Project(s):
Statement of Connect Course with General Education Outcomes or Technical Program Outcome Statement:
Instructor Policies:
Attendance : Any student who misses two consecutive weeks of class during a regular sixteen (16)-week semester or the equivalent proportion of the class time during a shorter session will be dropped from the class unless acceptable justification is supplied to the instructor and the Dean of Student Services. The student will be notified in writing of the action through the Office of Student Services. Additionally, any student who misses more than one-fourth of the class meetings during any secheduled session may be dropped from that class by that instructor if, in the opinion of the instructor, the student does not have reasonable opportunity to succeed in the class. (Policy Handbook, M.095)
Americans with Disabilities Act Statement
Students who have disabilities that qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act may register for assistance through the office of Access and ADA Services. Students are invited to contact the Access/ADA office to confidentially discuss disability information, academic accommodations, appropriate documentation and procedures. The office of Access and ADA Services is located in the Main Library and the phone number is (660) 263-4110 ext. 11240. Students may also contact the Columbia office at (573) 234-1067 ext. 12120.