Animal Adaptation and Project Choices
Please take some time to decide which final project you would like to choose. Your final project is due:
Remember, all work is to be completed at home. If you have any questions, or would like me to “preview” any part of your project along the way, please just let me know! Don’t wait until the last minute to complete your project.
1.) Board Game
Create an “Animal Survival” board game that includes important adaptations and behaviors that your animal uses and needs to survive in its environment. Your board game must include your animal’s name, pictures of your animal and/or its habitat, along with important information about your animal on the board game spaces. You must also include directions with your game, game pieces and answers to questions. Game cards are optional.
2.) Diorama
Design a diorama of your animal. Your creation must include your animal’s name, important adaptations and behaviors. Your animal should be shown in its natural habitat. Think about taking a picture of the animal in its surroundings – your diorama should include all that would be in the picture. Include a description of your animal’s adaptations and behaviors that can be viewed in your diorama.
3.) Mural
You have been asked to paint a mural for a new ad campaign. The murals will be displayed throughout the country, and will promote the preservation of your animal and its habitat. Your mural must include your animal’s name, important adaptations and behaviors, and it should be shown in its natural habitat, just as you would view it. Include a description of your animal’s adaptations and behaviors that can be viewed in your mural.
4.) Persuasive Argument
Write a paper, approximately 2 pages long, arguing for the preservation of the habitat in which you would find your animal. Your argument should include how your animal’s name, how its adaptations and behaviors are dependent on its home and how it would impact the life of this species if this precious environment were destroyed.
5.) Slide Show
Create a slide show that includes important adaptations and behaviors that your animal uses and needs to survive. Your slides should also include pictures of your animal in its habitat along with important facts about your animal. At the bottom of each slide you should write a very brief caption.
Have a great time with this! Remember, all of your work is to be done at home. However, if you have any questions, or would like me to “preview” any part of your final project, just let me know!