Individual CategoryEntry Form
This entry is for the following award category (Please select ONE only.):
☐ Excellent HR Professional Award
☐ Rising Star Award
*Name: / (Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr)*Businesstitle:
Years of experience in the HR field:
*Name of organisation:
Business nature:
Joiningdate of the organisation:
*Note: Entrant’s name, business title and organisation name stated on this entry form will be used for promoting the HKIHRM HR Excellence Awards programme.
(Please attach a passport-sizedphoto and a name card.)
Endorsement by Supervisor:
Name: / (Mr/Ms/Mrs/Dr)Business title:
(Supervisor may be contacted for entrant's credit check if necessary.)
☐ We hereby agree to be bound by the “Terms and Conditions” of the HKIHRM HR Excellence Awards 2017/18 and accept that the judging decision of the HKIHRM is final.
☐ We hereby declare that the information given above is true and an accurate record of our work.
☐We hereby agree to make ourselves available to support the HKIHRM in creating publicitiesfor this Awards programme.
Signature with company stamp: / Business title:Name (in print): / Date:
Important notes for completing this section
- Please make reference to the relevant judging criteria in the HKIHRM HR Excellence Awards 2017/18 Entry Guide when completing this section of the Entry Form.
- Address all the questions statedin this Entry Form. Please observe the word limit stated in each sub-section and do not exceed the combined word limit of 1,000 words in English (excluding the description of your organisation).
- The submitted project should be implemented in the past 24 months (from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2017). Proven results and quantifiable achievements should be reported as far as possible. Information is suggested to be provided in ‘bullet’ points. Abbreviations and acronyms should be avoided.
- Screenshots, charts, tables, photos, andetc. may be submitted to support your entry. Any words included will be counted towards the word limit stated above.
- Any false and misleading information will lead to disqualification.
1)Introduction of entrant(Maximum100 words)
2) Please indicate your contribution to business success of the organisation, both tangible and quantifiable with significant strategic HR impact. Proven results and quantifiable achievements must be included.
(This part is not applicable to Rising Star Award. For entrantof the Excellent HR Professional Award: 30% of total score; suggested maximum no. of words: 300)
3) Please outline your capability which can demonstrate your HR competencies.
(Excellent HR Professional Award: 25% of total score; suggested maximum no. of words: 250)
(Rising Star Award: 35% of total score; suggested maximum no. of words: 350)
4) Please outline how your roles and responsibilities help to add value to an organisation and can contribute to its business success.
(Excellent HR Professional Award: 25% of total score; suggested maximum no. of words: 250)
(Rising Star Award: 35% of total score; suggested maximum no. of words: 350)
5) Please outline the scope and depth of HR professional areas which can demonstrate your HR knowledge.
(Excellent HR Professional Award: 20% of total score; suggested maximum no. of words: 200)
(Rising Star Award: 30% of total score; suggested maximum no. of words: 300)
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