C and C Meeting 1/12/18
DRAFT Minutes
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Communication and Collaboration (C and C) Meeting
January 12, 2018
DRAFT Minutes
Action Items:
- Ms. Kasai will research the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the effect that defunding it has on children with disabilities. She will also add AB1250 to the legislative agenda.
- Ms. Kasai and C and C members will bring bills forward for committee members to discuss during the February 9, 2018, meeting and to finalize the 2018 legislative agenda after the final bill deadline.
- Call to Order 10:09
- Introductions
Lisa Hayes – C and C Chair
Joseph Cody – SILC Chair
Kim Rutledge – C and C Member/Department of Social Services (DSS)
Linda Brice – C and C Member/Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
Jimmie Soto – C and C Member
Liz Pazdral – SILC Staff
Cheryl Kasai – SILC Staff
Danielle Hess – SILC Staff
- Public Comment
- Comments on November 16 and December 8, 2017, Committee Meetings
At the November 16 in-person meeting, there was no quorum but Ms. Kasai and Ms. Hayes spoke briefly about the possibility of working with the State Rehabilitation Council (SRC). At the December 8 meeting, there was also no quorum, but present members spoke about adding Mr. Soto as a committee member.
- New Committee Member Update
Mr. Soto stated that he would like to join the C and C Committee. Mr. Cody made a motion to approve him as a member, and Ms. Rutledge seconded the motion. This was approved unanimously by a roll call vote.
- Legislation Update
- Report of legislative activities by SILC Staff
Ms. Kasai reported on the legislative activities as presented in the document on the SILC website. The most significant federal item at this time is the spending bill, which will include items such as military spending, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, immigration reform, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Ms. Kasai and Ms. Hess met with a Member of Senator Harris’ staff at FREED Independent Living Center, Ms. Kasai and Ms. Pazdral met with a member of Senator Feinstein’s staff at the Independent Living Resource Center of San Francisco (ILRCSF).
Ms. Hayes reminded the committee that they hoped to add new items to the legislative agenda for 2018. She showed interest in looking more into CHIP, and Ms. Kasai was directed to look intohow losing CHIP would affect children with disabilities. Disability Rights California was recommended as a possible resource.
- Request to add legislation AB 1250 Counties: contracts for personal services (Jones-Sawyer)
Mr. Soto made a motion to add AB1250 to the SILC legislative agenda with a position of opposing, and Ms. Hayes seconded the motion.
Discussion included Mr. Soto describing the bill to committee members, the main concern is that it puts an unfunded additional administrative burden on counties that would likely prevent them from contracting with ILCs.
This motion passed unanimously by a roll call vote.
- Committee Goals – Rubric/Logic Model
- Legislative agenda
Ms. Kasai reported that February 16 is the last day to introduce new bills. Ms. Kasai and C and C committee members were asked to bring forward any bills that the SILC may want to discuss during the February C and C Meeting.
- Draft Social Media Policy update
This is an item on the January 22 Executive Committee agenda, and they will vote for approval of the policy.
- Adding goal(s) to the rubric
- Monthly calendar themes
Ms. Pazdral gave background information on the history of the monthly calendar themes for the SILC. In the past SILC staff has worked with Public Affairs contractors to develop a calendar that can be used to gather and post relevant information to social media and in the SILC newsletters. The provided document gives a lot of choices for each month and SILC staff asks that the committee choose one or two to focus on for each month.
Ms. Hayes led the committee in discussion and they chose Ed Roberts Day and World Braille Day for January, Age-related macular degeneration/low vision awareness month and rare disease day for February, and Developmental Disability awareness month for March.
Ms. Hayes made a motion to approve the above first quarter public relations calendar, and Ms. Rutledge seconded the motion. This passed unanimously by a roll call vote.
- Other ideas from member
Ms. Hayes recommended developing a strategy to work with the State Rehabilitation Council (SRC). The SILC is currently waiting to receive comments on a joint activity proposal from the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) directorate.
Ms. Hayes made a motion to continue to work with the SRC to develop a shared goal, and Ms. Rutledge seconded the motion. This passed unanimously by a roll call vote.
- Next Committee Meeting
- February 9, 2018, from 10:00am – 11:30am.
Ms. Kasai will be sending out a request for locations and agenda items around January 26 to ensure the meeting information can be posted on January 30.
- Adjourn 11:28