Board adopted 2/17/11
Hardin Northern
High School
Course Description Book
The following information is provided to students to aid them in the selection of their courses as they progress through high school and prepare for further education and/or to enter the job market. Students are encouraged to talk with their parents, teachers, counselor, and principal as they make their course selections.
Just because a class is in the course description book does not mean it will be offered! A final decision on which courses will be offered and what period or periods they will meet will depend on student interest, available teachers, and classroom space.
Students will request classes sometime in February or March. Schedules will be made according to interest of students. If there is not enough interest, the class will not be offered. We will attempt to get every class the student requests into his or her schedule, but it may not always be possible.
Hardin Northern’s Policies Regarding Make Up Courses
Required courses that are failed must be repeated the next school year if not made up in summer school or through an approved tutored course taught by a teacher certified in the subject area being taken.
Hardin Northern does not accept credits earned through correspondence courses for making up failed courses.
Any missed course credit in English must be made up in summer school. Students cannot take more than one English course at Hardin Northern during a school year.
Determination of passing or failing a course is based on the final grade for the course. If the student receives a 65% D or better for the final grade, the course is considered passed. If the student receives an F for the final grade, the course is considered failed and should be made up. Final grade is determined by averaging the two semester grades together. Example- 1st semester was a 66% and 2nd semester was a 64% averages to a passing 65%. 1st Semester grades are figured by adding the first nine weeks grade and doubling it plus the 2nd nine weeks grade doubled plus the semester exam and divide by 5. The 2nd semester is the same but uses the 3rd and 4th nine weeks and the final exam. Example 66% for first nine weeks plus 66% for first nine weeks plus 77% for second nine weeks plus 77% for second nine weeks plus 88% for exam = 374 divided by 5 = 74.8% semester average.
If half the failed course was passed during the regular school year, the summer school course work must consist of at least 30 hours of instruction. If less than half the failed course was passed during the regular school year, the make-up course must consist of at least 120 hours of instruction. Example if a student passes one of the two semesters or any 2 of the 4 nine weeks, the summer school course would only need to be 30 hours of instruction (Kenton or Apollo summer school). If the student did not pass one of the two semesters or 2 of the 4 nine weeks, then the summer school course must be 120 hours of instruction (Findlay summer school). If re-taking the course at Hardin Northern the following school year, the student must take the whole course, regardless of the amount of the course passed or failed previously.
Only two credits of the 21 required for graduation can be from summer school and/or tutoring.
Schedule Changes- This will be enforced!
Students may change their schedules within 10 days after school has concluded. After this time, classes may only be changed if it is determined by concerned parties (such as the student’s parents, teacher of the course, guidance counselor, and/or principal) that it is in the student’s best interest for the course to be changed. No schedules will be changed when the students pick up their schedules in August unless initiated by a teacher. Schedule changes after the school year has started will only be made if the teacher is in agreement. Bottom line, make all schedule changes within ten days of school letting out!!!
*Students may not carry more than one study hall during a semester unless permission of the principal has been granted.
Grades of Dropped Courses
Students withdrawing after the second week of a course shall receive a WD-F (Withdrawn Failing) on their permanent record unless: 1. The counselor may recommend to the principal a withdrawal with no penalty after consulting with the student and parents and determining there are extenuating circumstances. 2. A teacher may request a student be withdrawn. An administrator will make the final decision after conferring with the teacher, student, counselor, and parents.
Removal from a Class
Repeated incorrigible behavior in a class can result in the removal of the student from that class with no credit awarded and WDF (withdrawn failing) being recorded in students permanent record. The teacher, principal, and director of students will make final determination of incorrigible behavior and removal. If the class is a requirement for graduation, the parents will be responsible for paying for the class through summer school or virtual schooling or the student will be allowed to take the class again during the next school year.
- Read through the course descriptions. Pay special attention to the prerequisites for each class.
- Identify required classes you must take for the upcoming school year (page 18 and 19 has list)
- Review requirements for graduation, Apollo, athletics, etc. (page 18)
- Place an X or check next to the classes you wish to request for next year on page 19. NOTE: There are only 8 periods in a day. Make sure you don’t request more classes than will fit. Remember, you will see your schedule before leaving for the summer and can make changes up to ten days after school is out.
- Return your course request sheet to the High School Office before the given deadline.
Note: All fees are based on the past year and are subject to change with board approval in May.
Honors Diploma and Award of Merit
The following is the list of requirements for the state sanctioned Honors Diploma and Award of Merit. Students must meet these minimum requirements to receive these awards.
Honors Diploma
Student must be able to check 7 of these 8
- complete four units of English
- complete four units of math that shall include algebra I, algebra II, and geometry.
- complete four units of science including physical science, biology, chemistry, and physics
- complete four units of social studies.
- complete either three units of one foreign language or two units of two different foreign languages
- complete one unit of a fine art
- maintain an overall high school grade point average of at least 3.5 through the first 7 semester of high school.
- obtain a composite score of 27 on the ACT or 1210 on SAT.
Award of Merit
College Prep Requirements
Must complete all of the following:
- 4 units of English
- 3 units of math including 1 unit of algebra and 1 unit of geometry
- 3 units of science including 2 units from among biology, chemistry, physics.
- 3 units of social studies
- 3 units of a foreign language or 2 units each of 2 different foreign languages.
- 2 additional units from the above or in the area of business, computer science, or performing/visual arts
- maintain above state average attendance for high school career. Last year’s state average was 94.17%
- earn a 3.25 GPA for first 7 semesters of high school.
- participate in co-curricular, extracurricular or community activities.
- demonstrate outstanding citizenship/character traits.
Career-Technical Curriculum Requirements (Apollo Students)
Must Complete all of the following:
- complete a career tech occupational prep program (Apollo)
- complete 4 units of English, 3 units of math, 3 units of science, and 3 units of social studies
- complete an additional two units from #2 or from business, computer science, foreign language, or visual/performing art.
- maintain above state average attendance for high school career. Last year’s state average was 94.17%
- earn a 3.25 GPA for first 7 semesters of high school or a 3.5 GPA over 11th and 12th grade.
- participate in co-curricular, extracurricular or community activities.
- demonstrate outstanding citizenship/character traits.
Graduation Honor Court
The HN Honor Court was established a number of years ago to recognize the top academic students in each graduating class. To be a member of the Honor Court, a student must have an accumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.5000 or above after the first 7 semesters of high school (1st semester of senior year is the 7th semester). This was put in place because it was thought it would make the honor court represent the academic top ten percent of most graduating classes. The top ten percent division is generally accepted by many other high schools and colleges as a level for honors status. Before the establishment of the honor court system, only the top two students, valedictorian and salutatorian, were honored in each class. The change was made because it was felt that the difference in the GPA,s of the top students in a class is often not enough to only honor the two highest students.
*Denotes course tentatively offered for college credit
Ag and Natural Resources I: (Must have this class to enter any other Ag or NR class)
This class is just the beginning in a series of classes in which you will learn about the exciting world of agriculture and natural resources. You will spend ten weeks developing your leadership skills by focusing on the FFA, public speaking, parliamentary procedure, record keeping, and setting goals. There will also be time spent examining the many aspects of Alternative Fuels and their impact on society. You will look at many scientific aspects of Agriculture by spending ten weeks focusing on animal, plant, and food science. The first three weeks of the year will be focused on studying rural soils. The final nine weeks of the school year will focus on woodworking in the lab.
Open to grades: 9-12 (maximum of 12 students in class)
Length: one year
Credit: 1.25 (1/2 credit is counted towards general science)
Prerequisite: None
Course Cost: $19 for wood project, record books, and shop fee, $15 for FFA dues.
FFA/SAE: Required
Ag IIThis second year Agriculture class continues to develop your interest in the field of agriculture with a focus on soil science, plant science, hydroponics, welding, and small engines. Five weeks will be spent on studying soils as they relate to houses and lawns. Four weeks will be spent understanding plant science, flowers, seeds, and nutrients, ending with hydroponics where you will have the opportunity to plant and grow vegetables without using soil. Ten weeks will be spent in the shop using the arc, MIG, and acetylene welder and eight weeks will be spent in the shop working on understanding small engine repair and maintenance. You will also continue to develop your leadership skills through demonstrative speaking and parliamentary procedure.
Open to grades: 10, 11, 12 ( maximum of 12 students in class)
Length: one year
Credit: 1.25 (1/2 credit is counted towards general science)
Prerequisite: Ag and NR I or permission of instructor
Course Cost: $10 for welding supplies, small engines, and record books, $15 for FFA dues
FFA/SAE: Required
Natural Resource IIThis second year Natural Resource class continues to develop your interest in the area of natural resources with a focus on natural resource careers, forestry, Ohio mammals, ecosystem interactions, and woodworking. Six weeks will be spent understanding the forest ecosystem and learning to identify the trees found in the woods next to the school. You will also spend six weeks learning about wildlife management and the mammals in Ohio. Four weeks will be spent studying ecosystem interactions and animal adaptations while six weeks will be spent in the woodshop constructing a project out of native hardwoods including walnut, cherry, and maple. Throughout the year you will learn about various natural resource careers. You will also continue to develop your leadership skills through parliamentary procedure and record keeping.
Open to grades: 10, 11, 12 (maximum of 15 students in class)
Length: one year
Credit: 1.25 (1/2 credit is counted towards biology)
Prerequisite: Ag and NR I or permission of instructor
Course Cost: $14 for wood project and record books, $15 for FFA dues
FFA/SAE: Required
*Animal Sciences/Pre-Vet
Class will focus one semester on the sciences of animals including nutrition, breeds, anatomy, and diseases. Along with those topics, several weeks will be spent on veterinary care and veterinary medicine. Class will be very lab intensive with many opportunities for hands-on learning. Class will focus on large animals.
Open to grades: 11 and 12 (maximum of 15 students in class)
Length: One semester
Credit: 1/2 (must take food science other semester) (course is tentatively available for college credit)
Prerequisites: none (student must have a 3.2 GPA to take for college credit)
Course Costs: $15 for lab experiments and $15 for FFA dues.
FFA/SAE: required
Food Sciences
Class will focus one semester on the study of food and the science behind our food. Topics will include nutrition, handling and storing, processing, and the economics of food production. Also as part of the class, four weeks each will be spent on meat sciences and dairy products. During those four weeks, students will learn how to ID, judge, and grade meats and dairy. As a class project, students will develop a food product that could be marketed in stores. Class will be very lab intensive with many opportunities to engage in hands-on learning.
Open to grades: 11 and 12 (maximum of 15 students in class.)
Length: One semester
Credit: 1/2 (must take animal science other semester)
Prerequisites: none
Course Costs: $15 for lab experiments and $15 for FFA dues.
FFA/SAE: required
Ag IIIA class that is intended to continue your development of leadership skills, study animal sciences, and begin focusing on the business world. Nine weeks is spent examining how commodity markets work and their role in agriculture. During this time you will also play the Stock Market Game. Nine weeks will focus on understanding business structure and operation including marketing, selling, and advertising. Nine weeks will be spent focusing on animal sciences which will go in depth on anatomy and physiology, nutrition, reproduction and genetics. Several weeks will also be spent examining and preparing for college admission, choosing the right college or other employment possibilities. The remaining time will be spent on completing a hydraulics project.
Open to grades: 11, 12 (Maximum of 15 students in class)
Length: one year
Credit: 1.25
Prerequisite: Ag and NR I, either Ag II or NR II, or permission of instructor
Course Cost: $6 for project record books and shop fee, $15 for FFA dues
FFA/SAE: Required
*Natural Resource III
This class is intended to continue your interest and knowledge in natural resources. In addition, college credit from the University of Findlay in Environmental Science is an option for qualified students. In class you will have the opportunity to study water quality, manage bluebirds, learn about solid waste management, and identify wildflowers in the woods next to the school. The first part of the year will be spent testing nitrates, phosphates, dissolved oxygen, and macroinvertebrates in the SciotoRiver. Four weeks will be spent exploring solid waste and environmental issues. Six weeks will be spent working with electricity and four weeks will be spent learning about birds of prey and how to manage bluebird boxes around the school. In the spring, three weeks will be spent identifying and learning the edible properties of some of Ohio’s wildflowers. The remaining time will focus on parliamentary procedure, informative speaking, recycling, and nature interpretation.
Open to grades: 11, 12 ( maximum of 15 students in class)
Length: one year
Credit: 1.25 (1/2 credit is counted towards biology), (course is available for college credit)
Prerequisite: Ag and NR I, and NR II or permission of instructor. Students must have 3.2 GPA to take for college cr.
Course Cost: $8 for project record books and shop fee, $15 for FFA dues
FFA/SAE: Required
Ag and Natural Resource Business IVThis class is the end in the series of Agriculture and Natural Resource classes. It is intended that students learn by doing. You will greatly develop your leadership skills by establishing yourselves as the leaders of our chapter. Much of your time will be spent strengthening your business management skills by focusing on goal setting, planning, marketing, financing, and labor efficiency through class projects such as the Chicken and Pork Chop BBQ, the FFA Banquet, and officer elections, as well as planning for FFA Week and the blood drive. Time will be spent on community service through class projects such as mentoring and Ag in the Classroom. You will also develop your leadership and employability skills through public speaking, parliamentary procedure, interviewing, and agri-entrepreneurship. Classroom time will be spent on job interviewing skill and managing your finances.
Open to grades: 12 (maximum of 15 students in class)