Discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity
- Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) children and young people have the same rights as all others to unhindered access to education.
- Because of the long history of racial prejudice and discrimination, many GRT families are reluctant to declare their true ethnicity voluntarily. Schools have a duty to create an inclusive culture that encourages all parents and pupils to be confident in ascribing themselves to their appropriate ethnic group, either when they first join the school or at some later point.
- Attainment trends demonstrate that, while attainment levels for most groups have improved, for GRT pupils these levels have deteriorated. Research studies have consistently identified GRT pupils as the group most at risk in the education system. However, research evidence also confirms that when GRT pupils are given the right learning environment and experiences, they can be equally as successful as any other group.
Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Guidance Materials
In 2009, The National StrategiesNarrowing the Gaps portfolio created guidance materials to raise the attainment of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils. The documents Moving Forward Together: Raising Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Achievementcontinue to be relevant and an important source of advice and information covering primary and secondary phases through four interrelated booklets:
- The Introduction gives an overview of the communities, histories and up-to-date data, introducing key subjects such as ascription and parental liaison.
- The Leadership and Management booklet includes the legal framework and how school leaders can improve ascription, self-evaluate provision, develop and inclusive ethos, improve attendance and develop pupil voice.
- Learning and Teaching follows sequentiallyfrom early transfer to exploration of how to promote access to learning and an inclusive curriculum.
- Engagement with parents, carers and the wider community gives insight into building partnerships, how to share and gather information and how to involve communities as partners.
In addition to these booklets there is an additional booklet BuildingFutures, Developing Trust: a focus on provision for children from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller backgrounds in the Early Years Foundation Stagetogether with a DVD-ROM.
Copies of all of these booklets can be downloaded from our website www.
EMASS,January 2012
Information based on Equalities Act 2010