May the Grace and Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Thank you for contacting St. Thomas Aquinas for information on the Sacrament of Marriage or to begin preparation for marriage. Enclosed, please find a packet of information that will acquaint you with the Catholic Church’s marriage preparation process, help answer your questions, and help us to serve you.

This packet contains instructions on how to begin the marriage preparation process so please read everything in the packet very carefully and follow the instructions.

You will find the following enclosures in this packet:

The Sacrament of Marriage: What the Catholic Church Believes about Marriage (Form A)

Marriage Preparation: Guidelines for Weddings (Form B)

Marriage Preparation: The Process (Form C)

Fee Schedule (Form D)

Facility Use Form (Form E)

Facility Reservation Agreement (Form F)

Please read the enclosures very carefully. These will answer many of your questions and give you important information. Once you have read through the information please email or call the church office (479) 444-0223 to make an appointment. During this meeting Father Joseph Marconi will discuss marriage and the process of preparing for it.

Please remember that it is vitally important that you not make any unilateral plans for your wedding until you have read all of the enclosed information carefully and met with Father Marconi. Also, you need to allow six to eight months to fully complete our marriage preparation process.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Nora Bryant

Administrative Assistant

St Thomas Aquinas University Parish

Form A

St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish & Catholic Newman Center

The Sacrament of Marriage

“What the Catholic Church Believes About Marriage”

1. You have expressed a desire to be married with the blessing and approval of the Catholic Church. We believe you have a right to be married and we believe that serious responsibilities accompany that right to be married.

2. The Catholic Church believes that marriage is a sacrament. A sacrament is an outward and visible sign and experience of an interior reality. In other words, a sacrament is a way for God’s people to experience the presence and activity of God that is within us. The Sacrament of Marriage is a way we can experience the love, faithfulness and forgiveness of God. A couple that calls their marriage a sacrament is saying that their marriage is a reflection of God’s love, faithfulness and forgiveness.

3. God calls all people to know, love and serve Him. He calls us all to be holy, to be saints. And so the Catholic Church believes that men and women who celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage have been called by God to know, love and serve Him through being married to each other. For married people, their way to become holy, to become saints, is specifically through being married. Married people are called to bring each other closer to God through the way they love each other, forgive each other and are faithful to each other.

4. The Catholic Church believes that marriage is a covenant. This means that marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman based on a solemn promise involving the couple and God. The marriage covenant, unlike a contract, can never be broken. Therefore, a Christian marriage can only be ended by death. This means that even if a couple obtains a civil divorce, for whatever reason, the Catholic Church will still consider the couple to be married for the rest of their lives and unable to “re-marry” in the Catholic Church.

5. The Catholic Church believes that the vows a man and woman make during the wedding ceremony are made not just to each other, but are also solemn promises made to God and to everyone who will know the couple. We believe that married people have a responsibility and a duty, to God and to God’s people, to love each other, forgive each other, and to be faithful to each other in the same way that God does. We know that God loves unconditionally, is always faithful and always forgives. A married couple is to reveal the love, mercy and faithfulness of God to everyone they meet.

6. The Catholic Church also believes that one of the purposes of married love is procreation. Therefore, to be married with the blessing and approval of the Catholic Church, a couple must always be open to having children. To aid couples in planning their families, regulating the number and timing of births, we offer instruction in methods of natural family planning. Artificial methods of birth control are not acceptable.

7. If you want to be married with the blessing and approval of the Catholic Church, if you desire your marriage to be sacramental, then you are taking on a serious responsibility. This is why the Catholic Church takes the matter of your marriage very seriously. Out of love and concern for you, and for everyone who will know you, we have a grave responsibility to determine if you are ready to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage and assume the duties of a Christian husband and wife.

8. If you are married with the blessing and approval of the Catholic Church, then the Church is saying we believe your marriage is truly a sacrament, an experience of God. We are saying that we believe you have been called by God to live together as man and wife for the rest of your lives. We are saying that we believe you will love and forgive each other, and be faithful to each other, as God does. We are saying that you fully understand and accept that Christian marriage requires you to be faithful to each other and to be married for the rest of your lives no matter what. We are saying that we believe that your marriage will bring you, and those who will know you, closer to God. We naturally want to be able to say all this with a clear conscience.

9. Before we can give approval for your marriage and before we can witness that your marriage will be sacramental, we must get to know you. We must be able to confirm that you believe what the Catholic Church believes about marriage. We must confirm that you understand and accept the responsibilities that accompany the Sacrament of Marriage. We must determine if you are ready – not just for marriage, but for Christian marriage.

10. This is the purpose for the marriage preparation process you are beginning. We want to do everything we can to help you prepare for marriage. We ask for your cooperation and honesty. We want your marriage to be the best, not mediocre. We want you to fully enjoy all the love, peace and joy that God will give you. We want you to have a long and happy life together and reach old age in the company of your children and your children’s children. May God bless you.
Form B

St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish & Catholic Newman Center

Marriage Preparation: General Guidelines for Weddings

Within the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church, the wedding ceremony holds a place of honor. To celebrate a wedding is to celebrate a sacrament. Sacraments are celebrations of the whole Christian community. Thus, weddings in the Catholic tradition are sacred ceremonies which solemnize the union of husband and wife in a ritual, the Rite of Marriage. This Rite is celebrated within the context of the public worship of a living faith community.

Weddings are special and joyful times for brides and grooms and for their families and friends. Weddings are also a joyful experience for the entire parish. The staff of St. Thomas Church welcomes the opportunity to assist couples in the planning of their weddings.

The church takes great care to see to it that the celebration of marriage is prayerful, reverent, and grace filled. Sacramental celebrations are always rooted in listening to the scriptures as a community. The celebration of the church’s ritual involves participation in prayer, song, sacred gesture and religious symbol. To assist in making your wedding a truly sacramental celebration, the following parish guidelines, procedures and policies are given.

Scheduling Weddings

We will attempt to schedule your wedding on the date you desire. Generally, Saturdays are available for weddings. However, there are a few times a year that we limit ceremonies: during home football games, during St. Thomas retreats and during Lent, Easter, All Saints Day, All Souls day and Christmas. All activities in the church are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.


  1. Requirements for a marriage to be blessed and approved by the Catholic Church:
  2. You must be at least 18 years old.
  1. You must be free to be married. Those who have been previously married and civilly divorced (including non-Catholics) are not automatically free to be married.
  1. Catholics must be registered members of a Catholic parish, attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Days of obligation and intend to continue.
  1. Catholics who wish to marry non-Catholics must intend to continue active participation in the Catholic Church and intend to do all in their power to raise any children resulting from their marriage in the Catholic faith by having them baptized and reared as Catholics.
  1. You both must have the intention to have children.
  1. You must contact your parish and pastor six to eight months prior to the date on which you would like to be married and allow six to eight months to fully complete the marriage preparation process.
  1. You must comply with the laws and requirements of the State of Arkansas regarding marriage. Contact your local county courthouse for information.
  1. Regarding your wedding ceremony:
  2. The site of your ceremony: Your wedding must be celebrated in a church, Catholic or non-Catholic, where at least one of you is registered and attends services regularly. Your wedding can also be celebrated in a church where at least one of you has some ties, relationship or history. You will not be able to have your ceremony in a private home, outside, in a park or a “wedding chapel.” Such as Thorncrown Chapel or Cooper Chapel.
  1. If you plan to have your wedding ceremony here at St. Thomas, it is extremely important that you not make any plans for your wedding until you have read all of the information in this packet and met with St. Thomas’ wedding coordinator. All plans and details for dates, times, the wedding ceremony, the rehearsal, decorations, flowers and music are all subject to the approval of our Pastor.

The Sanctuary

It is not necessary for you to hire a wedding coordinator. If you choose to have one, this coordinator will need to work with the parish wedding coordinator and comply with our parish’s wedding policies.

  1. The parish supplies candelabras and candle stands for use in the celebration of weddings. These are available for your use in your wedding celebration. Please ask the wedding coordinator for assistance in determining your environment.

St. Thomas Church (located in sacristy closet):

1 pair of wooden candelabras 1 set of brass candle stands

1 pair of flower pots1 pair of free standing single candle stands

1 pair of square wooden pedestals1 column floral pedestal

Existing plants

  1. During ordinary time, there are 6 places arrangements may go: Each side of the tabernacle, each side of the altar, in front of the ambo, and on the table in the vestibule closest to the Baptismal font. You may move any St. Thomas plants with the expectation that you will return them at the end of the service. No plants, stands or decorations may be left in the church. If your wedding is outside of ordinary time, you must coordinate with the wedding coordinator before making arrangements for decoration.
  1. The art and environment of the church sanctuary may not be altered.
  1. The church furniture (music/sound equipment specifically) should not be moved. Please make arrangements with the Campus Minister to adjust the sound equipment. A double kneeler is available for use. The chairs in the center aisle may be removed with the expectation that they will be returned at the end of the service.
  1. Dropping of flower petals or any other item is not permitted in the church building.

Photography and Videotaping

  1. Picture taking is recommended either before the wedding (finishing by forty-five minutes) before the start of the wedding) or after the ceremony. The vestibule or sanctuary may not be set up and used as a photography studio.
  1. Photographers are allowed to take pictures during the service and use flash conservatively.
  1. One stationary video-camera will be allowed behind the brick columns by the music area OR behind the brick columns near the Mary altar.
  1. Artificial lighting may not be introduced into the sanctuary.

Other Facilities

  1. To reserve St. Thomas’ Newman Hall for a reception, a Facilities Reservation Agreement (Form F) must be completed, and accompanied with a deposit to guarantee a reservation. Form F is included in your packet.
  1. At St. Thomas, the bride and her attendants may dress in the Mother Teresa Room.
  1. Throwing birdseed is permitted outside of the buildings. Please sweep the steps after the conclusion of the ceremony.
  1. The parish is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
  1. Smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted on church property.
  1. The damage deposit will be forfeited if all facilities used are not cleaned and returned to their previous condition or the wedding party possess or partakes in alcoholic beverage consumption.

Music Guidelines

You will exchange your vows within an act of public worship in the presence of the people of God, the Church. The music used must be in harmony with and in support of your faith and the faith of the Church. Music for your wedding may be vocal, instrumental, or both. The celebrant can assist you in the selection of appropriate service music. Popular or secular love songs may not be used at weddings in our parish. Such songs are not congruent with the nature of the liturgy. They may be more appropriate for the wedding reception where they help to express other dimensions of the wedding.

  1. Taped music is not allowed in the celebration of the rites of the Catholic Church.
  1. Solos are appropriate before the procession and as a post-communion meditation when the wedding is celebrated within Mass. It is liturgically appropriate for a cantor (soloist) to sing the responsorial psalm and the gospel acclamation.
  1. Congregational songs should be given prime consideration in the planning of your wedding music.

Visiting Clergy

Visiting clergy (priest or deacons) are welcomed to officiate at your wedding with the approval of the pastor and the diocese. Visiting clergy are required to follow our parish liturgical guidelines and customs for weddings in our parish.

  1. Please supply us with the name, address and phone numbers of the visiting priest or deacon. We will need to supply them with a copy of our parish wedding guidelines.
  1. Priests and deacons from other dioceses must obtain approval in writing from our diocese before officiating at your wedding.
  1. Ministers from outside our diocese or out of state are required to register with the county courthouse before they can legally witness a marriage in the state of Arkansas. It is the responsibility of the visiting priest to register and obtain an Arkansas license.

Form C

St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish & Catholic Newman Center


These steps should be initiated six to eight months before the proposed wedding date.

  1. Schedule an appointment with the pastor through church administrator.
  2. Meet with pastor to complete the following:
  3. discuss the meaning of the Sacrament of Marriage
  4. review the general guidelines of the diocese and the parish
  5. complete prenuptial questionnaire
  6. Schedule appointment with the St. Thomas wedding coordinator to review specific requirements and to lock in wedding date via deposit
  7. Complete FOCCUS survey on-line
  8. Wedding coordinator will provide log-in information
  9. Sign up for Natural Family Planning course:
  10. Review options and select best for you as a couple
  11. Generally takes three months to complete
  12. Can complete concurrently with FOCCUS and/or Pre-Cana
  13. Schedule Pre-Cana through the Diocese of Little Rock:
  14. Scheduled following completion of FOCCUS
  15. Can complete concurrently with FOCCUS and/or NFP
  16. Submit required paperwork:
  17. Baptismal certificates, Freedom to Marry, Annulments, etc.
  18. Certificates of completion Pre-Cana and NFP
  19. Couples getting married at another parish:
  20. Within Diocese of Little Rock, all paperwork must be submitted 40 days prior to the wedding date
  21. Outside of the Diocese of Little Rock, all paperwork must be submitted 50 days prior to wedding date
  22. Outside of United States, all paperwork must be submitted 70 days prior to wedding date
  23. Couples getting married at St. Thomas Aquinas Church,
  24. Schedule an appointment with wedding coordinator no later than 60 days prior to wedding to discuss Liturgy, music, facility use, remaining fees, etc.
  25. Schedule final meeting with pastor or wedding coordinator at least 30 days before wedding:
  26. Final Liturgy plans (readings, music)
  27. Confirm rehearsal and wedding times.

**These are general guidelines…each wedding is unique**

Form D

St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish & Catholic Newman Center