December 2016 – Thirty-First Edition

Hello, and welcome to CiLK’s thirty-first Bi-Monthly Bulletin. This edition includes an update on the Kent-wide Physical Disability Forum, introducing another new staff member, details of a pilot at Deal Library, Christmas wishes,‘Did you Know’ section and outreach locations. Enjoy the read!

Kent-wide Physical Disability Forum–Update

Following the successful Launch of the Physical Disability Forumon 5thOctober 2016, the feedbackfrom participants recommended that we set up a Working Group.

The aim of the Physical Disability Forum Working Grouphas been to draftTerms of Reference for the Forum and suggest a plan of action over the next few months, including making arrangements for the next full Forum meeting -so that we can begin discussing the major issues of concern to the Kent Physical Disability Network.

The Physical Disability Working Group met at Lenham Community Centre on 6th December 2016 with 20 attendees, many of whom are physically disabled users of services from all over Kent. The discussions included defining the Forum’s main purpose, goals, membership, chair arrangements, who is represented, how often and where to meet, administration, funding and communication of information throughout the network.

The Working Group will meet again after Christmas on 10th January 2017to complete this work and then take it to a full Forum meeting proposed for 28th February 2017.

If you are interestedin coming to the full Form meetingin February,please contact George Sapiets, Project Manager: or 07881-927297

Introducing Angie Berkley – Information Officer

Angie joined CiLK towards the end of August 2016 as an Information Officer after completing four years as an Eye Clinic Liaison Officer with the Kent Association for the Blind (KAB) based at Maidstone Hospital.

She worked twelve years with Kent County Council as a qualified Specialist Social Worker with Deaf and Hearing Impaired People. Angie is a fluent sign language user, and still uses these skills when catching up with friends.

In 2003 she was involved in a road traffic accident that resulted in her becoming a full time wheelchair user. This has stopped her riding motorbikes; but has opened her life to cherish each day and live it to the full.

After she studied fine art at UCA Canterbury Angie became a contemporary artist painting abstract works using any materials to hand, such as, household paints, plaster, wax, acrylics and oils. She also created conceptual works on the theme of identity in the form of portraits. Angie had a studio at Nucleus Arts in Chatham for six years and exhibited throughout Kent and Medway. Her archery takes all her time now as she attends four clubs to shoot. Angie is known as the ‘Fair Weather Archer!’ as she only shoot outdoors in perfect conditions! She is the secretary at the Centre for Excellence for Disability Archery in Kent (CEDAK). Last year Angie became a level 1 coach. She particularly enjoys coaching within a secondary school; most people know she tries to keep Wednesdays for coaching. Angie also provides taster and beginner courses. Angie enjoys an active social life and does not accept the barriers that are placed on her as a wheelchair user. In February this year, she went on a jet ski for the first time and loved every minute. Angie also loves going to Orlando to be the big kid on the rides! She also loves film and belongs to two film societies and sees a film a week!

Angie covers West Kent and Medway, you can contact her on 07881373736 or by email at

Deal Library Pilot

Deal Library is launching a pilot programme in January 2017 to offer 121 help for people with dementia, stroke, learning disabilities or visual impairment and their carers to facilitate improved access to stock and libraries services.

They are calling it ‘slow browsing’ and it’s along lines of the project in Gosport for supermarket shoppers, for more back ground information:-

Initially Deal Library are trialling two sessions a month held on the 1st Friday between 10-12 and the 3rd Sunday 10-12 for a six month period.

Library volunteers will help people choose books and access resources including Picture to Share, Books Beyond Words and Books on Prescription collections.

For more information:-

The volunteers will also be able to help with simple stock enquires using the on-line catalogue plus other on-line resources like Fantastic Fiction and Who Writes Like to help broaden their reading interests.

They will also be promoting ‘Pen Friend’ to customers wishing to assess the audio book stock who find reading the descriptions on the covers a problem.

For more information:

These labels have been added to their audio books to enable all customers’ access to the story details without having to read the small print on the packet. The pen is available from the reception desk.

If this project is a success then they will extend the sessions at Deal Library and consider rolling it out to other libraries in the district some time later in the year.

For more information on this project and on the other services mentioned please contact:

Lynne Steward, Customer Services Development Librarian, Dover District.

Christmas Wishes

CiLK would like to wish all our members and supporters a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for all your support over the last year.

Centre for Independent Living Kent will be closed during the Christmas period so the staff can take a well earned break.

The answerphone and the office will be unstaffed during the following period:

Thursday 22December – 02 January 2017

During this time we are contactable for real emergencies on07917670372. If you need us please leave a message on this number which we will check frequently during the festive break. We will be back raring to go on Tuesday03 January 2017!

‘Did you Know?’

Warm Home Discount Scheme – The big energy companies offer a warmth home discount (worth about £130)

You have to have dual fuel account; have certain benefits and/or earn less than £16000 pa; and/or heating bill is more than 10% of income.

You can go on line to complete the form - contact your energy supplier - and get an answer as to whether you qualify.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) forms – DWP do home visits to help people complete their PIP forms. It seems you need a good reason why individuals cannot go out and use a form filling service such as DISK/DIAL/CAB but they will do it. The individual needs to contact them directly to arrange:

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Telephone:0345 850 3322
Textphone:0345 601 6677Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

If you have something you would like included in the next bulletin then please contact the CiLK Office by Tuesday 7 February 2017.

Telephone 01233 633187 or Email