Lake Melville Xtreme Minor Hockey Association Policy and Procedure Manual

Revised October 2014

Lake Melville Xtreme

Minor Hockey Association


Revised October 2014


It is the purpose of this policy and procedures manual to provide assistance and direction to the elected members and volunteers of the Lake Melville Xtreme Minor Hockey Association (hereto known as LMXMHA). This policy and procedures manual will be used in conjunction with the LMXMHA constitution to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the association.


To be a successful minor hockey community in Canada by:

promoting healthy competition

developing positive life skills

providing equal opportunities

providing opportunity for skill development

For the enjoyment, fun and success of all.


To provide a safe and fun filled environment for all players and to foster, encourage and promote the development of minor hockey in the LakeMelville region and the province.



The duties and responsibilities of the LMXMHA executive are outlined in its “Constitution”. All minor hockey participation is governed by the Hockey Canada constitution, bylaws, regulations and rule book. In LakeMelville, participation is additionally governed by the Hockey Newfoundland and Labrador (hereto known as HNL) constitution, bylaws and regulations, and the LMXMHA constitution and policy and procedures manual. For further assistance, copies of the LMXMHA constitution and policy and procedures manual can be obtained by contacting any LMXMHA executive member.


The Lake Melville Xtreme Minor Hockey Association shall have the authority to make rules and regulations governing such matters as registration, procedures and fees, the rules governing competition and playing of hockey and any other relevant matters, provided such rules and regulations are in no way repugnant to, or modify the constitution of the LMXMHA. Proposed new rules and regulations or changes thereto shall be introduced at any meeting of the executive of the LMXMHA. Such proposed amendments shall require a simple majority vote of the executive members present to carry. In the event of an emergency situation that is a matter which is not covered by other rules and regulations, or where lack of time does not permit normal provisions to apply, the president of the association may take appropriate action consistent with the objectives of the LMXMHA. Such action shall be ratified at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the executive.


The LMXMHA and HNL will release information on registered members for hockey purposes only as per the “OPT IN PHRASE NUMBER TWO” clause (Appendix B). For further information please contact the LMXMHA executive.

4.4Conflict of Interest

Any member of the LMXMHA executive directly involved in an issue that requires a vote to be taken will not be allowed to vote.

4.5Appeal Process

Appeals of any LMXMHA policy, procedure or decision must be made in writing to the president within 30 days of receiving the decision. Until a decision is made on the appeal, the original directive will be followed.

4.6 Policy Development and Changes

LMXMHA policy and procedures manual will undergo review and assessment annually. All changes will be ratified by simple majority vote at any executive meeting.


It is extremely important that the LMXMHA maintain a positive public image and that the association always promotes minor hockey as a positive, enjoyable, healthy form of recreation for young people in the LakeMelville area.

All releases to the local media shall be positive in content.

Any member of the LMXMHA supplying local media with articles insulting players, coaches or officials that are intended to be detrimental to hockey shall be dealt with severely by the executive.


The LMXMHA executive will determine registration fees annually.

No player who is registered with the LMXMHA may play for another association unless they receive approval from the LMXMHA and HNL.


The following committees will operate within the guidelines established in the LMXMHA Constitution:

  • Disciplinary Committee
  • Parent / Fundraising Committee
  • All Star Committee
  • Scholarship Committee

(To be appointed by the executive. The LMXMHA will award a minimum $1,000 scholarship to a qualifying LMXMHA member. Details on the selection process and award criteria are available from the LMXMHA executive)

  • Other committees that from time to time are deemed necessary by the executive

4.10Disciplinary Committee

The executive will appoint a disciplinary committee at the start of the season. The disciplinary committee shall be composed of three members including a chairperson and two regular members. This committee is responsible to the executive but does not necessarily have to be comprised of executive members.

Pursuant to the rules and regulations of the association and in conjunction with the regulations of Hockey Newfoundland and Labrador and Hockey Canada, this committee shall issue suspensions to players, coaches, managers or any member of the association.

If a member of the association is found, on inquiry by this committee, to be guilty of conduct unbecoming, then upon recommendations to the executive by the committee and resolution passed by a majority of the executive, the executive shall suspend or cancel membership in the association for a specified or an indefinite period of time. Notice on the member shall be served in person, or by mail.



LMXMHA is a non-profit organization under Newfoundland and Labrador law and staffed by volunteers. No member or participant may receive a personal use benefit, cash or otherwise, without the permission of the executive.

All organizers associated in any way with LMXMHA activities should follow forthright procedures for the control of all cash receipts and collections. As a minimum the following procedures will be in effect:

  • Bank accounts shall be used for association funds. All funds, statements and cancelled cheques as well as receipts, invoices and other records are to be held “In Trust” for the LMXMHA by the treasurer.
  • A receipt in writing should evidence all cash transactions.
  • Excess funds in any team/event account at the end of the season must be returned to LMXMHA when the funds were raised through ANY form of public solicitation made in the name of LMXMHA.
  • The treasurer or president can review the records of any team. Records will be made available within seven days of a request to a team.

5.2Fundraising and Sponsorship

All-star fundraising is a collaborated effort between each of the divisional all-star teams.

Individual teams may not fundraise without the permission of the LMXMHA executive. Amounts to be fundraised one half of total required fundraising must be completed or paid by the date set annually by the LMXMHA.

The actual amount required to be fundraised will be determined based on the cost of expenses to be incurred for each tournament divided equally amongst all players in all divisions representing LMXMHA at provincial tournaments.

All fundraising amounts required by individuals will be turned into the respective coordinators and then to the treasurer before said players will be permitted to travel with their respective teams to provincial tournaments.

The LMXMHA executive must approve any and all requests for sponsorship. Details of the sponsor name, sponsor amount and duration of the sponsorship deal must be made available to the executive.

5.3 Procedure for Prorating Fees

The following procedure will be followed to calculate prorated registration fees for:

i) players registering after the normal start to a season

ii) players who will receive a refund

  • The association’s registration fee is broken into three parts; HNL insurance portion, fundraising portion and administrative overhead portion.
  • Every player will pay the entire cost of insurance and registration with HNL of which there will be no refunds.
  • Every player will pay the entire share of the fundraising portion associated with operating the LMXMHA program. This includes chocolates, bingo and raffle tickets. There will be no refunds associated with this portion of the registration fee.
  • The remaining portion of the registration fee is refundable on a prorated basis and will be calculated annually by the executive.


Refunds, in accordance with article 5.3, will be made for:

  • Medical reasons
  • Players relocating
  • Other reasons deemed appropriate by the executive

Any player suspended or removed from the membership for disciplinary reasons waives all rights of refund.



As per the association’s constitution, and pursuant to the roles and responsibilities listed below, executive members might also represent the LMXMHA on various regional and provincial level committees within Hockey Newfoundland and Labrador (HNL).

The president shall be the CEO of the association and shall, if present, act as chairperson of all meetings of the association and of the executive, and shall perform all duties that are assigned to him/her from time to time by the executive. The president may suspend any member of the association, with due cause, until a hearing is held by the disciplinary committee.

The past president will provide continuity with the previous executive.

The vice president shall perform all the duties of the president in the absence or inability or refusal to act of the president.

The treasurer shall be responsible for all financial transactions and keeping accurate and up to date financial records.

The secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes of meetings and being the custodian of all correspondence pertaining to minor hockey as well as keeping an accurate filing system.

The registrar shall be responsible for ensuring that all players are registered within the LMXMHA as well as ensuring that all players and volunteers are registered with HNL.

The directors (2) will be responsible for the development and operation of hockey programs within LMXMHA.

The parents committee, being a sub-committee to the LMXMHA executive, will work with the executive and shall perform duties assigned by the executive.

The division coordinators are responsible for the efficient operation of their respective divisions.


The referee-in-chief is responsible to the executive for coordinating and developing officials within the LMXMHA.

6.3Technical Director

The role of the technical director is to support the association by providing expertise in the delivery of the hockey program. The technical director will:

  • Advise the executive in all hockey related matters
  • Assist with the delivery of the hockey program
  • Support the all-star and house league coaches in delivering a quality hockey experience for the players
  • Encourage the youth of the association to develop as both hockey players and people
  • Request, coordinate and follow-up on coaching clinics for the LMXMHA
  • Institute and supervise a training program for the coaches
  • Help coordinate tryout sessions for all-star teams
  • Coordinate and execute evaluation sessions for teams
  • Ensure coaches through NCCP maintain a high level of coaching standard
  • Attend practices where possible to ensure development is ongoing

The LMXMHA technical director is permitted to coach within the house league or

all-star program.

6.4 Duties and Responsibilities of Coaching Staff

The LMXMHA executive requires a high standard of conduct from its coaching staff. The coaching staff is an integral part of the association and is expected to support the decisions of the executive and abide by its policies.

The following is a list of items this association expects from coaches in the LMXMHA:

  • Make games and practices fun while instilling the values of sportsmanship and fair play. Players should ALWAYS look forward to coming to the arena.
  • Ice time should be utilized fully with drills and exercises that are innovative and will keep an optimum number of players active at all times.
  • Be organized, consistent, fair and available.
  • Participate in player selections.
  • Consult with and help other coaches.
  • Discuss final player selection, where applicable, with other coaches.
  • Attend all coach and team related meetings.
  • Emphasize and exhibit sportsmanship including full participation and promotion of the fair play program.
  • Ensure player’s equipment is safe, in good condition and meets HC and HNL standards.
  • Ensure team control at all times.
  • Apply discipline fairly, when and where required.
  • Report continued discipline problems to the division coordinator.

Coaches may deal with reoccurring behavioral problems ‘on’ or ‘off’ the ice by:

giving a verbal warning

removing player from drill

removing player from rink surface

removing player from dressing room

Behavioral problems coaches hope to eliminate include:

Inappropriate language

Not listening to coaches

Shooting pucks after the whistle

Pushing and fighting

Disrupting practice

Official abuse

  • Enforce suspensions.
  • Deal with potential problems early.
  • Support and abide by LMXMHA executive decisions and association policies.
  • Encourage participation in association fundraisers.
  • The coaching staff must have a controlled attitude towards officials. Lack of coaching self control will not be accepted by the LMXMHA executive and will bring review and possible dismissal.
  • Accept responsibility for condition of dressing room.
  • Two coaches or responsible adults must remain in the dressing room until all players have left.
  • Coaches will assist arena staff as required.
  • Coaches will apply LMXMHA fair play principles. It is the philosophy of the LMXMHA that all players receive equal ice time.
  • Ensure players and coaches exhibit good sportsmanship by shaking hands with their opponents at the end of the game.
  • Coaches will arrive at the arena in ample time prior to games/practices to ensure they enter the ice surface before players.
  • Maintain regular communication with other coaches, managers and the divisional coordinator.

6.5All-Star Head Coach’s Responsibilities:

  • Be responsible for running the team and attending ALL practices and games where possible.
  • Be responsible for ensuring that at least two members of the staff is present in the dressing room until the last player leaves.
  • Ensure all players proceed directly to the dressing room at the conclusion of a game/practice.
  • Be responsible for notifying players of practices and games.
  • Be responsible for making sure that players are ready to start games on time.
  • Conduct a player evaluation at year-end. This will be helpful in future all-star selection.
  • Be responsible for the conduct and behaviour of the coaching staff. This pertains to their awareness of and executing of their responsibilities as specified herein.
  • Ensure all players and coaches wear the proper game attire and required protective equipment in both games and practices.
  • Keep a personal list of all players and evaluations that tried out for the team.

6.6Application and Selection of All-Star Coaches

6.6.1 Application:

  • Prospective coaches must submit a resume including previous coaching experience and NCCP levels attained. References on request only.
  • Prospective coaches must submit their coaching application on or before the deadline specified by the LMXMHA.
  • Prospective head coaches must have or be willing to obtain the appropriate coaching level as determined by HNL regulation. A letter of conduct (CPIC) is required by the LMXMHA executive for ALL coaching staff (coach, assistant, trainer and coordinator).


All-star coaches will be selected by the technical committee and ratified by simple majority vote of the executive based on the following criteria:

  • Hockey and coaching knowledge
  • Leadership ability
  • Good communication skills and ability to relate to the players
  • Coaching philosophy and attitude
  • Previous coaching experience
  • An understanding of adolescent developmental issues

In addition:

  • All-Star coaches must recommend their possible choices (if known) for their assistant and trainer before all-star tryouts begin. The LMXMHA executive must approve each coaching staff position before it is announced.
  • The letter of offer to coaches will contain appropriate information (i.e. any regulations, etc)
  • Members of the LMXMHA executive may coach, assist or manage where a position is available.
  • Where possible, the LMXMHA will recruit young coaches from the older divisions to assist teams through an apprentice / mentoring program.

6.7 Duties and Responsibilities of Division Coordinators

The division coordinator is elected during the annual general meeting and is a voting member of the executive. The coordinator is responsible for the house league program of their division and if the said division has an all-star team, the coordinator assumes the responsibility of the all-star team as well. The coordinator will work with the division coaches and the executive to ensure that their respective division is operating smoothly and efficiently and that all players are treated fairly. The coordinator is the first point of contact for any concerns within their division. The coordinator will communicate those concerns to the coaching staff and if deemed necessary, to the LMXMHA executive. Parents should not contact the coaches directly regarding team concerns, unless the safety of a player is at stake. The coordinator is responsible for calling team meetings and the organization of parents for team activities and responsibilities.

The coordinators responsibilities include:

6.7.1 House League Program

  • Selecting, along with division coaches, house league teams. Players on these teams are to be chosen fairly and equally to the best ability of the coordinator and coaches. If, after a predetermined number of games, it appears that teams are unbalanced, the coordinator will ensure that player movement within the division occurs to achieve team equality.
  • Preparing and organizing team schedules. Supplying those schedules to players, parents and coaches.
  • Distributing all necessary information to parents and players.
  • Distributing and collecting team uniforms.
  • Ensuring any suspensions are adhered to.
  • Collecting necessary fees.
  • Maintaining a complete set of any parental consent forms and medical history forms. These must be available at every game and practice. Ensuring in the event that an injured player is transported to the hospital without the presence of his/her parent, that a responsible adult accompanies the player.
  • In case of an injury, ensuring an injury report form is filled out and handed in to the executive.
  • Ensuring that association rules and policies are adhered to.
  • Ensuring all fair play requirements are carried out by the team.
  • Collecting and remitting any payments to the association’s treasurer as required.
  • Ensuring that the dressing room facilities are adequate and that the room is

left tidy and undamaged.