MARCH 2016
Date:Thursday, March 16th,2016
Program:Plant Tour
Location:Greer Laboratories, Inc.
639 Nuway Circle, Lenoir NC 28645
Time:4:00 pm
Cost: Free!
RSVP: Contact Bill Phillips, VP Arrangements at 828.403.6254 or email
President’s Messagep.2
Member News p.2
Education Offeringsp.2
BoD Nominationsp.3
Mission Statementsp.3
Upcoming Meetingsp.3
APICS Forecaster1March 2016
Debbie Boyle, CSCP
Kathy Robb-Williams, CPIM
Prysmian Group
VP Education
Mike Carpenter, CPSM, CPIM
Prysmian Group
Mike Gahagan
VP Membership
Lori Bishop, CPIM, C.P.M.
Company-Coordinator&Web- Master
Ken Donham, CPIM
Greer Labs
VP Programs
Dr. Sam Formby
Appalachian State University
VP Arrangements
Bill Phillips, CFPIM
Appalachian State University
Brenda Erich
Greer Labs
VP Publicity
Rick Johnston, CPIM
Continental Automotive
Dr. Richard E. Crandall, CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP
Appalachian State University
Dr. Dinesh Dave
Appalachian State University
Chuck Benfield, CFPIM
828.464.7388 x4302
Student Liason
Tyler Sawyer
APICS Forecaster1March 2016
President’s Message
Hello fellow APICS Members and Enthusiasts,
We have a very strong finish lined up for the 3 remaining PDM’s of the 2015-16 program year. Thanks to the hard work of Sam Formby, VP of Programs, we will have some exciting topics and even a plant tour. In fact the tour will take the place of our March PDM and will feature Greer Labs, manufacturer of allergy immunotherapy products. We have two Board members, Ken Donham and Brenda Erich, who are employed at Greer Labs, and we thank them for making this event possible.Note the special date and time: March 16 at 4:00 – no charge. Look for details about location in this newsletter or on our chapter website.
In April, in addition to learning about the supply chain activities within a local charitable organization, we will be holding our annual Board of Directors election. All members in good standing who are present at the meeting will be asked to vote on the nominees presented. There’s still time to consider running, and I would encourage you to take advantage of such an opportunity to help build leadership skills and to be exposed to the inner workings of running an APICS chapter. Mike Gahagan and Bill Phillips are heading up the Nominating Committee this year, so please reach out to them if you have an interest or are even curious about the roles available. Adding new people with a fresh perspective is healthy and promotes diverse thinking. Hope to see more of you on the Board next year!
Our May PDM will be held a week earlier than usual in orderto be able to recognize graduating ASU Student members of the chapter before the semester ends. The topic will be smart logistics planning for small businesses. So mark your calendars NOW for Thursday, May 5 at the Catawba Country Club. I hope to see you there and sooner than that at our Greer Labs tour on March 16th!
Debbie Boyle, CSCP
Foothills President
Member News
We have 5 new members to welcome.
Scott Hayward
Erik Testerman
Lisa Farley
David Parham
Karen Plemmons
I hope to see you at our April meeting. The March meeting is a plant tour at GREER® Laboratories, Inc. in Lenoir, NC on March 16 at 4:00 pm, in lieu of the regularly monthly meeting.
Lori Bishop, CPIM, C.P.M.
VP of Membership, Foothills Chapter
Upcoming Educational
The next certification review classes that our chapter will offer are listed below. If you are interested, put the dates on your calendar and start talking to your managernow. The cost is $490; including your participant workbookandon-line study tools. For more information, contact me.If you have taken a review class but have not scheduled a test, how can I help you take the next step toward certification?Mike Carpenter –r 828-459-8466.
- Execution and Control of Operations – tentatively Thursday night 6-8 PM 22-September through 1-December 2016
- Strategic Management of Resources - tentativelyThursday night 6-8 PM; 16-February through 27-April 2017
- Basics of Supply ChainManagement- tentativelyThursday night 6-8 PM 24-August through 7-December 2017
BoD Nominations
Nominations for the 2016-2017 APICS Foothills Chapter Board of Directors are now being accepted. If you have ever wanted to get more involved in your chapter, this is the time to speak up. To volunteer or for more information please contact Mike Gahagan or Bill Phillips.
Do you need information about the next Chapter meeting? About our next CPIM review course? Then take a moment to visit our Foothills Chapter website at:
The site is updated frequently and has interesting and useful information for you about our chapter and its happenings. We have had over 3,500 visits to the site.
Additionally, if you have information pertaining to chapter activities or local job openings or suggestions for improvement that you would like to have posted please contact Ken Donham via e-mail at
Mission Statements
Foothills Chapter mission statement: “The Foothills Chapter of APICS is committed to serving its membership, geographic area, and business community with educational programs, services, and career assistance to meet the challenge of professional growth. The chapter promotes networking, social interaction, leadership, and management skills through involvement in professional development meetings, classroom participation, seminars and other related activities.”
National APICS mission statement “Fostering the advancement of end-to-end supply chain management through a body of knowledge, innovative research, systems, and methods to create value for customers, members, and organizations”.
Upcoming Meetings
Apr-14-Mr. Eric Kohout - Samaritan’s Purse – Global Humanitarian Supply Chain – Joint meeting with ASQ
May 5 – Mr. Chuck Johnson – Shadow Springs Vineyard – Logistics Planning for Small to Mid-sized Businesses – Installation of Officers
APICS Forecaster1March 2016