Latest Revision = 1-20-15
instructor:Steve Coffman
office hours: T1715-1730 online
chat: T1730-1830
email: use our course email at dtl to contact me. FERPA prevents me from returning personal information via an unsecure method.
The University asked me to put this statement in my syllabi.
Students with Disabilities:
MSU Billings is committed to providing equal access. If you anticipate barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, please contact me so that we can discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course. If you determine that disability-related accommodations are necessary, please contact Disability Support Services (657-2283; located in Room 135 in the College of Education). We can then plan how best to coordinate your accommodations.
Academic Support Center:
The Academic Support Center of MSU Billings provides tutoring services to support the academic success students. Any MSUB/City College student can utilize the services on either campus. The ASC is staffed with student tutors, professional tutors and instructors who are trained to tutor in a variety of subjects. Tutors are available to assist students with math, writing, reading, anatomy and physiology, and other specialty areas for specific majors. Tutoring services are "free" as they are already paid for as part of your student fees. The ASC hours are as follows:
· University Campus – Located in the SUB
Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m., Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday, and Sunday nights from 6-9 p.m.
· City College Campus —Located in the Tech Building
Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m., and Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
This syllabus is subject to change. Changes will be noted in the online version of the syllabus located at my website.
Text:There is no required text for this course. Instead, readings are available via electronic reserve. Access is located in the course schedule.
Student Learning Outcomes:Students in the Organizational Communication 420/514 course should be able to: 1) identify and explain the theoretical concepts central to the study organizational communication and 2) recognize the communication behaviors that reflect those concepts. Further, 3) students should be able to speak well and 4) write competently.
A.Your attendance at and willingness to participate in online chats is stronglyencouraged.Undergraduates are required to attend six(8 graduate students) chats, OR write six(8 graduate students) responses to the chat logs, OR some combination of the two.Chat log responses are due at 1700 on the Sunday following the chat. Late responses will not be accepted. I hope that you will only use options 2 and 3 in the event that work prevents you from attending chat.
Chat participation:
Attend 6 (8 grads) chats and/or respond to 6 (8 grads) chat logs = met the requirement.
Attend 5 (7 grads) chats and/or respond to 5 (7 grads) chat logs = subtract 10 points from final grade.
Attend 4 (6 grads) chats and/or respond to 4 (6 grads) chat logs = subtract 20 points from final grade.
B.Similarly, willingness to participate in online discussions is also strongly encouraged. Undergraduates and graduates are required to comment in the fivethreaded discussions (I won’t grade the introductions threaded discussion).Comments on others’ posts count as a comment. Late responses will not be accepted. Threaded discussion participation:
Threaded discussion participation:
Attend 5 threaded discussions = met the requirement.
Attend 4threaded discussions= subtract 5 points from final grade.
Attend 3 threaded discussions = subtract 10 points from final grade.
C.There will be 4 essays designed to encourage application and critique of coursematerial. These papers will be graded by three criteria: 1) clear conceptual content, 2) appropriate application of theory and 3) compositional competence. The average of these four essays will count as 100% of your final grade unless you fail to meet the chat requirement. (outcomes 2,4) These papers will be due as noted in the course schedule. These papers must be deposited in the appropriate dropbox.
The attached paper files must be titled in the as follows: (your first and last name) (your course and section number) (paper number) as in Linda Kelly 420-800 paper 1.(See illustration below.) This is so that I will know what paper folder to put the paper in without having to open the file. Papers should be submitted as word documents (.doc). If you use a Mac, submit papers via the rich text format (.rtf).
Finally, late papers will be accepted with a penalty. This is because papers written after chat will obviously have an advantage over those written prior to chat.The penalties are as follows: one day up to one week late = -10 points; > 1 week to < 2 weeks = -20 points; > two weeks = 0 for the assignment.
Students are expected to do their own work, and adopt the honor system for academic honesty (see student handbook).
Each paper will be graded as follows:
no paper = 0
minimally acceptable paper = 70+%
acceptable paper = 80+%
excellent paper = 90+%
***When I grade your papers and chat responses I use the reviewing feature in word. I always comment on papers and my comments should show up in bold, brown words.Viewing my comments on your papers has become more complicated. This is because Information Technology has installed Windows 2013 on my computer. One result of this is: that which was simple and automatic has become manual and more complex. So here are some instructions for viewing my comments in a different colored font.
- In the dropbox for your paper, open the returned (graded) paper.
- You might be able to see the comments in black print, or not.
- On the ribbon at the top of your screen, click on reviewing. It should show up like the screen below. Turn on “track changes” (click on it).
- Click on the “simple markup” icon and change it to “all markup” as pictured below.
- You should now be able to view the comments and you can save the paper as well.
Course Format:
- Extensive readings related to course topics.
- Audio lectures accompanied by Powerpoint visuals.
- Written assignments.
- Discussions of course content.
- Chats covering course content.
Course Topics:
1/20Office time = 1715-1745. No chat. Introduce yourself in the “introductions” discussion. Come back later (before 1/27) and comment on others’ posts.
1/27Conceptual Foundations of Organizational Communication. Access the reading and PowerPoint in the content unit.
2/3What went wrong? Access the reading and PowerPoint in the content unit. View “externalities” and “democracy, ltd.” videos.
2/10Discussion of Krugman’s “rich and poor.” Access the NPR audio in the content unit.
Easter Island Collapse case study. Access the reading and PowerPoint in the content unit.
2/17Dialogic communication and political practice. Access the reading and PowerPoint in the content unit. View Stanley Deetz video.
Paper 1 Assignment for undergraduate and graduate studentsat 1700 on 2/17. Access the assignments via the content unit.
2/24Power and Politics. Access the reading and PowerPoint in the content unit.
3/10Post-structural organizing. Access the reading and PowerPoint in the content unit.
Paper 2 assignment for undergraduate and graduate students at 1700 on 3/10. Access the assignments via the content unit.
3/17Adam Smith: Enlightenment and capitalism.Access Alan McFarland’s lecture, Robert Reich’s 2 minute summary and PowerPoint in the content unit.
3/24Feminist organizing. Access the reading and PowerPoint in the content unit.
3/31Administrative evil. Access the reading and PowerPoint in the content unit. View “The Corporation” segment on “(evil) mindset.”
4/7Impact of technology. Access the reading and PowerPoint in the content unit.
Paper 3 assignment for undergraduate and graduate students at 1730 on 4/7. Access the assignments via the content unit.
4/14Emergent organization. Access the reading and PowerPoint in the content unit. View Linda Putnam’s lecture excerpt on Taylor’s theory.
4/21Storytelling. Access the reading and PowerPoint in the content unit. View “room to wiggle” and “star wars” video.
Paper 4 assignment for undergraduate for graduate students at 1730 on 4/21. Access the assignments via the content unit.
4/28Final office time: 1715-1745. I will be in the chat room to answer any final questions.