HK Parish Council
Full Parish Council – Minutes
Minutes of the
Meeting of HORSTED KEYNES PARISH COUNCIL held on Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 7:30 pm in the Village Hall, Horsted Keynes
PRESENT: Cllrs David Colville (Chairman) Keith O’Regan
John Luckhurst Sarah Webster Rufus Clarke Billy Dye Celia Vince Jez Humphreys Davis
Chris Wheatley
Also in attendance: Michaela Frost- Parish Clerk
13 Members of public
Phil Miles, a local resident addressed the Parish Council concerning funding issues for the churchyard. Mr Miles explained that the Church were grateful for the donations they received each year towards the running costs of the churchyard. The churchyard was there for the benefit of the whole village and the committee works hard to maintain the grounds and keeping it attractive for the whole community. The costs of maintaining the upkeep were rising and the church committee would be looking to the Parish Council for increased donations.
Nick Geering, a local resident also reported that there were large potholes in Waterbury Hill and although some temporary repairs had been undertaken the condition of the road was terrible. The Clerk would report the issues again to West Sussex County Council (WSCC) via the County Councillor, Cllr Lea.
Mr Geering also reported that there had been a change of use at Beggars Pit in the village and requested that the Clerk seek further information from Mid Sussex District Council.
Phil Miles, also made a comment about the District Plan Modifications as this was on the agenda later for discussion and the Clerk was able to confirm that Mid Sussex District Council had given the Parish Council an extension until the 15th November to submit comments.
A member of the public also sought reassurance that the play area replacement/refurbishment was on the agenda.
Helena Griffiths addressed the Parish Council and asked them to consider whether the Neighbourhood Plan represented the needs of the whole village. She stated that the Neighbourhood Plan would not provide affordable housing.
APOLOGIES – Cllr Hersey and Cllr Kirk
Members are invited to make any declaration of personal or prejudicial interests that
They may have in relation to items on the agenda and are reminded to make any
Declarations at any stage during the meeting if it then becomes apparent that this may
be required when a particular item or issue is to be considered.
Cllr O Regan declared an interest in any discussions concerning the coffee shop as a family member was the licensee of the coffee shop.
Cllr Wheatley declared an interest in item 10 on the agenda in that she was also a member of the Horsted Keynes Church Committee.
To resolve that the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 10 October 2017 be taken as read, confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
To receive a report from County Councillor: Apologies received from Cllr Lea as he was attending a meeting in Chichester, but he had circulated a useful update on highways issues around the village. The Clerk would be liaising with Cllr Lea regularly to update the checklist. (the checklist would be held on file in the Parish Council office)
To receive a report from District Councillor: Cllr Hersey had also sent his apologies and had circulated an update via email (held on file in office)
Cllr Stockwell updated the Parish Council concerning the District Plan. She reported that the call for land/sites was quite successful. She also reported that a meeting had been held by Sir Nicholas Soames in the sixth from college in Haywards Heath and the Department of Education now owns the site. It was hoped that the site would remain as a sixth form college.
Cllr Stockwell also reported that WSCC were likely to increase the council tax by 3.95% and so in turn MSDC would be looking to an increase of 1.95%.
Lastly she reported that there had been ministerial visits to the area looking at rail links and infrastructure.
To receive reports from Parish Councillors:
Cllr Billy Dye reported that Freshfield Lane was due to be shut for 6 months but that this had been reduced to four months.
Cllr Rufus Clarke spoke about his concerns over some felling of trees and hedgerow at Ravenswood. Cllr Clarke would be meeting with the owners and would report back to the Clerk and in the meantime the Clerk would check the position with Mid Sussex District Council.
052 RESOLVED to approve the schedule of payments and note the receipts and year to date expenditure. The document was signed by the Chairman and a Councillor.
The Parish Council considered the District Plan modifications and in particular it was noted that neighbouring Parish Councils had voiced concerns about some of the modifications and had asked Horsted Keynes Parish Council to offer support. The Parish Council had also asked for advice on the matter from their consultant, Chris Bowden.
053 RESOLVED to submit the following the MSDC:
Hosted Keynes Parish Council supports the concerns raised by Balcombe Parish Council concerning Policy DP29. In that the policy states that in the AONB developments (less than 10) will have to provide a commuted sum rather than an element of affordable homes on site. Horsted Keynes Parish Council were also concerned that this policy would mean Parishes could see multiple sites of 9 houses in each village where funding for affordable housing is spent elsewhere in the district. For those outside the AONB there would be no contribution at all as sites would not meet the 11 homes criteria to levy an affordable element. Horsted Keynes Parish Council agreed that the Policy DP29 should reflect that any development which falls within the policy of 9 houses must include an element of affordable housing and result in affordable houses on site
054 RESOLVED to not send a representation to the next MSDC Planning Committee concerning the Westhall House planning application.
055 RESOLVED to formally submit the Horsted Keynes Neighbourhood Plan to MSDC. (The Neighbourhood Plan would be available on the Parish Council’s website and a copy available to view in the Parish Office)
The Parish Council then considered a motion submitted by Helena Griffiths in accordance with Standing Orders. (See Agenda for detailed motion)
Cllr Sarah Webster responded to the motion and this can be summarised as follows:
The play area is a large asset in the centre of the village The playground was judged to be at medium risk in the latest ROSPA report dated June 2017 which is on the website. The flooring at the play area needs replacing as there are trip hazards. It is estimated that to replace the floor alone would cost £30,000- £40,000. Over the last two years the replacement and refurbishment of the play area has been on every Parish Council agenda and there have been several consultation events including a village day, AGM meetings, consultation at the freighter day and a consultation event in the village hall. At every consultation event it was stated that a loan would be needed to fund the replacement/refurbishment of the play area, and that this would be funded by an increase to the precept. The precept should have been raised gradually over the years to allow for the replacement of assets, but it has remained low for a considerable time. The Parish Council support the replacement/refurbishment of the play area to address any risks and ultimately to provide a play area for the community.
In response to the motion submitted by a local resident, Helena Griffiths, the Parish Council discussed undertaking a final consultation with the community, making it clear about the precept increases. Each person on the electoral roll in Horsted Keynes would be given the opportunity to vote via the P&P Magazine either for or against the scheme.
056 RESOLVED (1) to place an article in the P&P magazine about the play area, the loan and the increase in the precept.
(2) that detail would be given in the P&P article concerning how this would affect different properties in the village depending on what council tax band their house was in.
(3) that the P&P article would allow for each person on the electoral roll to vote on whether they supported the play area refurbishment/replacement scheme or whether they were against it.
(4) that the P& P article would be made available on the Parish Council’s website and there would be posters around the village promoting the vote.
(5) that the Parish Council would attend as many local events leading up to the next meeting reminding parishioners on the electoral register to vote.
(5) that the votes would need to be back to the Clerk in the Parish office by 12 December.
(6) that the Clerk would be responsible to count the votes and record the results.
(7) that it was hoped that the results would be available at the Parish Council meeting on 12 December 2017.
(7) that if the results of the vote were unclear, the Parish Council will then consider the next steps and may have to defer making a decision on the play area replacement/refurbishment until a later meeting.
The Parish Council received a verbal report from the Toilets, Green and Recreation Ground and Highways Committee (TGR) Committee Members and noted the unconfirmed TGR Minutes of 26 September 2017.
056 RESOLVED –to note the update.
The Planning Chairman provided an update on the planning applications received. There had been three applications for consideration,
057 RESOLVED – to note the update.
The Parish Council had received correspondence from the HKPCC requesting an increase in donations to help with the running and maintenance of the churchyard.
058 RESOLVED – that the Finance and Governance Committee would consider the rules and regulations concerning s137 donations and would report back to a future Parish Council meeting.
059 RESLOVED that Cllr Clarke would look into whether he would be able to provide a tree for the St Giles Tree Festival.
060 RESOLVED to note the feedback from the freighter day concerning the Parish Council’s visioning exercise. (See website)
051 RESOLVED to defer consideration of position of replacement tree outside Horsted Club.
052 RESOLVED – that Cllr Humphreys Davis would look into the possibility of adding a subscription element to the Parish Council website was available.
12 December 2017
Tim Griffiths explained that as a former Parish Councillor he had been strongly discouraged to raise the precept by MSDC.
Brian Oliver stated that he thought that there was a European directive stopping the cutting down of hedgerows and this may be something to bear in mind with the situation at Ravenswood.
Karen Griffiths explained that she though Helen Hord had undertaken a lot of fundraising for the replacement of the play area and requested further information about where the fundraising monies had gone. Cllr Webster said she would look into this.
The meeting ended at 09:30pm
Chairman ………………………………………………………………………………………. Date ……………………………………………
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