Crisis Management Plan
McMullan Elementary School

The following is the Crisis Management Plan for McMullan Elementary School. It includes specific directions and procedures for handling different emergency situations and crises. However, it is important to remember that it is the responsibility of every staff member to daily ensure the safety of all McMullan students through the use of good judgment and a keen awareness of the building and the events going on all around us.

General Information:

● All staff is responsible for keeping all exterior doors (except for the front doors and the cafeteria doors during student arrival times) locked at all times. The doors to the playground may be propped open only during recess and when monitored closely by staff. No other hallway doors may be propped open.

●To ensure the safety of students, staff, and materials, all classrooms should be locked at all times when not occupied.

●All custodial supply closets and mechanical rooms are to remain locked at all times.

●All staff are responsible for wearing their picture ID badges at all times during school hours.

●Staff cell phones are to be secured at all times and not left in plain sight.


●All visitors must present ID upon check-in for review in sexual offender database.

●Visitors will also be required to sign-in on a paper visitor log.

●Visitor passes must be worn while on campus and turned in upon leaving campus.

●All staff is responsible for making sure that all visitors go through the proper office sign-in procedure when entering the building. If a visitor in the building is seen without a visitor sticker on, he/she should be directed (and watched as he/she goes) to the front office to check in correctly.

I. Fire Drill Procedures
A. Teachers should review fire drill procedures and exit routes early in the school year,

before the first fire drill.
B. A copy of the fire drill map must be posted near the exit in all rooms.
C. The system works as follows:
Fire Alarm - exit the building using predetermined routes.
Announcement - you may reenter the building and return to class.
D. Teachers carry roll sheet to account for each student. Teachers should ensure that

lights are turned off and classroom doors are closed on the way out.

E. For unobstructed drills, exit the building through normal routes.
For obstructed drills, use alternate routes if your normal route is blocked.
F. Exit routes for fire drills are shown on maps posted in every classroom by the door.
G. Once you exit the building, proceed with your students to a safe distance from the

building and account for each child in your classroom.
H. One fire drill per month during the course of the school year.

II. Tornado Drill

A. The tornado drill is used for threat of tornado or other sudden, severe

weather. Explain to the children early in the year where to go during this drill and how

to sit in a tucked position in their assigned area.

B. The PA System or Messenger System will be used to trigger a tornado drill. When a

tornado drill is initiated, exit the classrooms and walk to the predetermined area and

go into the “tuck” position.

Announcement - return to class.

C. Teachers are to monitor children to make sure they are down, and their heads are

covered with their hands. Make sure all children are accounted for.

D. Maintenance will shut off gas during a tornado warning. Electricity will be shut off only if

a tornado strikes.

E. One tornado drill per semester during the course of the school year.

F. Tornado drill assignments are shown on the following page.

**Explanation of Messenger System**

Rodriguez - 4th/5th grade hall

Bartrip - 2nd/3rd grade hall, Art, Computer Lab

Trevino - Kindergarten hall

Morgan - 1st grade hall, Music, PE

Estrada - Clinic, Workroom, Teacher’s Lounge, Custodians, Cafeteria, Library

**The people listed above are responsible for notifying each person on their hall and listed by their name in the event that a PA Announcement is not possible or appropriate depending on the circumstances.


2nd/3rd Grade 4th/5th Grade

BartripGO to Silva S. Torres GOto Hanneman

Collins GO to Reyes Wiggins Go to M. Torres

Silva STAY in roomM. Torres STAY in room

Reyes STAY in room Science Lab GO to Abrego

G/T GO to Hanneman Hammond GO to Abrego

HannemanSTAY in room AbregoSTAY in room

ProspereGO to Pinilla M.RodriguezGO to Nevarez

PinillaSTAY in room Guerra GO to Nevarez

Vance GO to Perales NevarezSTAY in room

Deleon GO to Saldana

PeralesSTAY in room Harris GO to Saldana

Flores STAY in room Saldana STAY in room

Boudreaux GO to Flores Library GO to Staff Room

Art GO to Flores 1st Grade

Computer Lab GO to Staff Room Roeder STAY in room

Computer Lab 2 GO to Staff Room Mata GO to Roeder

Kindergarten Quiroz GO to Garcia

Shirley GO to Smith Garcia STAY in room

Smith STAY in room Marias GO to Commons

KnippaGO to Martinez Commons STAY in room

Resource GO to Morgan

Martinez STAY in room Morgan STAY in room

OseguedaGO to E. Garcia SchwerGO to Morgan

E. Garcia STAY in room CryerSTAY in room

Trevino STAY in room PE RETURN to class

III. Evacuation

A. Some situations will require an evacuation from McMullan to another

location. Teachers should talk to the children about this possibility,

however remote, and familiarize them with evacuation procedures early in the year.

B. Evacuation will be prompted by the PA System or Messenger

System. Instructions may be necessary which cannot be communicated by bell system.

**Explanation of Messenger System**

M. Rodriguez - 4th/5th grade hall

Bartrip - 2nd/3rd grade hall, Art, Computer Lab

Trevino - Kindergarten hall

Morgan -1st grade hall, Music, PE

Estrada - Clinic, Workroom, Teacher’s Lounge, Custodians, Cafeteria, Library

**The people listed above are responsible for notifying each person on their

hall and listed by their name in the event that a PA Announcement is not

possible or appropriate depending on the circumstances.

C. Evacuation - Loading buses to leave campus: For this procedure, students will be led by class to the bus loading area to board buses.

D. All staff will travel by bus to evacuation area.

E. Maintenance staff will post signs at all doors giving information as to where students will be relocated.

F. Search Team will search the building for stragglers before boarding the bus.

G. Maintenance will turn off all motors, fans and other power driven equipment.

Nurse will bring emergency cards and/or phone numbers.

H. Teachers are responsible for accounting for the children in their

homeroom. Thus, teachers must also bring roll sheets. during evacuations.

I. At the evacuation destination, all individuals will sign out a student through a checkpoint manned by a designated staff person.

IV. Sheltering in Place

Type of emergency-examples: Chemical spill on plant site

Transportation spill near plant site or school

1. Principal is informed of an emergency requiring Sheltering in Place


2. Initiate Sheltering in Place procedures:

Announcement made by Principal by PA System or Messenger System.

**Explanation of Messenger System**

Rodriguez - 4th/5th grade hall

Bartrip - 2nd/3rd grade hall, Art, Computer Lab

Smith - Kindergarten hall

Hernandez -1st grade hall, Music, PE

Estrada - Clinic, Workroom, Teacher’s Lounge, Custodians, Cafeteria, Library

**The people listed above are responsible for notifying each person on their

hall and listed by their name in the event that a PA Announcement is not

possible or appropriate depending on the circumstances.

3. Teachers briefly explain to students that they will be moved to a special place for a while,

and that they must follow directions and stay with their teacher throughout the exercise.

Assemble the children and have them be seated and quiet. Teachers must bring roll

sheets to location. Assembly area for Sheltering in Place is the Gym - see map of gym for

location of each grade level.

4. Gather all attendance folders from office and take to assembly area. Account for each

attendance folder. Take cellular phone to gym.

Responsible person: Karla Estrada and Renata Sanchez

5. Shut off all air conditioning and heating and close all vents.

Responsible person: Karla, Linda, Gina

6. Put “no admittance” signs on all outside doors and lock doors.

Responsible person(s): Shirley Brewer

7. Tape Gym doors around the edges where chemicals could leak through.

Responsible person(s): Shirley Brewer

8. Teachers will account for all students and report to the Principal. Then, wait with the

children for further instructions.

9. Once children are in place, Principal returns to office to receive further

information and await a possible evacuation order.

10. If ordered, evacuate building and turn on air conditioning to clear air ducts after children

are clear of building.

Preparation for Sheltering in Place Procedure:

1. Duct tape and plastic located in vault in front office.

2. Handheld radios will be taken to the gym for communication with the office. Handheld radios located in vault in front office.

3. One shelter in place drill per semester during the course of the school year.

4. Signs saying, “Sheltering in Place - No Admittance” made and ready to hang on the outside doors and kept in vault in front office.

Shelter in
Place Map

V. Bomb Threat Procedures

Person Answering Call:

1. Keep the caller on the phone for as long as possible.

2. Complete the Bomb Threat Call Checklist (copy kept by all phones) as

completely as possible.

3. Make a note of which phone line is used and the time of day for tracking purposes.

4. Notify administration.

5. After call is over, hang up and wait 5 to 10 seconds.

6. Lift receiver, wait for a dial tone, dial 9 to get a dial tone and then dial *57 to

activate a trace record with Southwestern Bell.


1. Notify Harris County Sheriff’s Department (281-221-6000) to report a threatening phone call and notify superintendent’s office (281-452-8008).

2. Report Bomb threat call to Southwestern Bell trace center 1-800-773-5550.

3. Give directions to staff which may include evacuation or other measures.

4. File Incident Report.

VI. Student Safety from Unauthorized Visitors


Staff will be notified of a situation requiring a campus Lockdown by announcement. Announcement will communicate to staff which level of Lockdown is necessary and specific directions.

● Level 1: All external doors locked and secured. All students and staff remain in building until further notice. Only necessary movement allowed inside the building.

● Level 2: All external doors locked and secured. All students and staff remain in locked classrooms until further notice. Normal activity can continue inside locked classrooms.

● Level 3: All external doors locked and secured. All students and staff remain in locked classrooms. Students and staff in locked classrooms turn off lights and get out of sight.

**Office staff will need to lock doors for subs in the building.

Special Information Concerning Unauthorized Visitors

Student permanent records and identification are always checked in the event that a student is checked out from school. In the event that the person attempting to check out a student is not listed on the registration forms as having rights to do this, he/she will be denied that right.

In the event that a student has special circumstances (restraining order, limited joint custody, parent request that certain people not have contact with the student, etc.), this information will be entered into the database in the Raptor Technologies software used for students checkout. This information will also be passed on to the student’s teacher so he/she will be aware of the situation.

Safe Room

A safe room has been set up in case an emergency situation arises that deals with an unauthorized person attempting to make contact with a student. In a case like this, the teacher will be notified and instructed to immediately move the child to Ms. Saldana’s’ office, where the child can be safe behind locked doors. If necessary, local authorities will be notified to help control the situation.

VII. Emergency Response Team / Search Team

Principal – Gina Ervin (First in Command)

Asst. Principal – Linda Craft (Second in Command)

Nurse – Ronnie Ramirez

Secretary – Karla Estrada

Counselor – Karina Saldana

Receptionist – Bridget Sanchez

VIII. Command Centers

Primary – Principal office/Staff Room

Secondary - Gym

X. Weather Watch Team

Principal, Assistant Principal, Secretary, Maintenance, Custodians

X. 911 Authorized Staff

Principal, Assistant Principal, Nurse, Counselor and any other staff

member designated by the Principal.

XI. Emergency Alarm System
Alarm - exit building for fire drill.
P.A. System:
Tornado/Disaster Drill
Shelter in place
Messenger Team:
Shelter in place
Bomb threat
Any other situation in which P.A. system is inappropriate or not working
XII. Security Emergency Equipment
Nurse provides all classroom teachers with a small kit containing:
· Rubber gloves
· Alcohol wipes
· Band-aids
· Gauze
Nurse is responsible for collecting emergency medical bag, AED, and student emergency cards and bringing to the site of fire drills, evacuation/emergency drills, and shelter-in-place drills.
Fire extinguishers
Number - 23
Location - see emergency drill map
Fire alarm pull stations
Number - 16
Location - see emergency drill map
Hand held radios
Number - 8
Location – 7 in Vault and 1 in Nurse’s office
Shelter-in-place supplies
Duct tape, plastic, signs
Location - Vault in front office
Number - 1
Location - Vault in front office
Location - All classrooms (extras in vault in front office)
Emergency telephone
Principal’s office
XI. Staff Resource List
●· CPR Trained Staff
● Office: Veronica Ramirez, Linda Craft, Pamala Merritt
● 1st grade hall: Zoe Barnett, Michelle Roeder, Erin Cox
●4th/5th grade hall: Sonia Torres
● 2nd/3rd grade hall: Terry Roberts
● All staff trained on AED yearly.
●· CDL Licensed staff

Bomb Threat Checklist

Exact time of call ______Date: ______

Exact words of caller ______




  1. When is the bomb going to explode?______
  1. Where is the bomb? ______
  1. What does it look like? ______
  1. What kind of bomb is it? ______
  1. What will cause it to explode? ______
  1. Did you place the bomb? ______
  1. Why? ______
  1. Where are you calling from? ______
  1. What is your address? ______
  1. What is your name? ______


calm disguised nasal angry broken

stutter slow sincere lisp rapid

giggling deep crying squeaky excited

stressed accent loud slurred

If voice is familiar, whom does it sound like? ______

Are there any background noises? ______

Remarks: ______

Person receiving call: ______Telephone number received at: ______

After call is over, hang up and wait 5 to 10 seconds.

Lift receiver, dial 9 for a dial tone, and then dial *57 to activate a trace record.