Ezekiel, Part 1Kay Arthur
Lesson 4
Why Has America Changed?
The Church has been seduced: ceased to believe Bible was inerrant Word of God.
“This book contains the word of God, but it’s not the Word of God.”
I believe that our future depends not on the government - not on who the president of the United States of America is, not who our elected officials are – but I believe it depends on what the Church does at this point in history. We need to return to the Word of God!
The relevancy of the Prophets
Message of the prophets? ______
Jude 3:Contend earnestly for the faith that was once for all handed down to the saints.
Romans 16:17-18“Now I urge you brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances, contrary to the teachings that you have learned and turn away from them”. For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Jesus Christ but of their own appetites, and by their smooth and flattering speechthey deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting”.
The Marketing of Evil byDavid Kupelian
Romans16:19-20for the report of your obedience has reached to all.Therefore I am rejoicing over you. I want you to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil.The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet”.
Are You Ready for Coming Days?
Do you just want to IGNORE what’s going on?
I hope it doesn’t happen in my lifetime.
I don’t want to deal with it today.
I already have enough stress!
Those difficult days are here!& will get worse - unless the Church gets better!
Ezekiel 12: Pack Your Bags
“Rebellious House”: A rebel against God. I haven’t listened to Him. I haven’t obeyed Him. I’ve gone through the form, I’ve gone through the ritual, I’ve gone to the temple, I’ve kept the feasts, -- But my heart is far from God and it’s not impacted the way I live.
Are you prepared to be a sign to your society today
------of what a TRUE Christian looks like
WHY is EZK speaking to ______?
Jerusalem’s Leadership: “Prince” will go into exile, too!
(Shame on you if you don’t go to the polls…We are to be earnestly contending for the faith which was …delivered to the saints! )
DIASPORA: Ezekiel 12:15“So they will know that I am the Lord when I scatter them among the nations and spread them among the countries
REMNANT:Ezekiel 12:16 “But I will spare a few of them: Living Testimony-“You know what? Because of our sin, because of our rebellion, because of our obstinance, because we were so stubborn, because we refused to listen to God, because we refused to bow the knee – that’s why we’re here!”
America: Feminism- when we got smarter than God
Violence- because there’s no fear of God before our eyes
Why is there no fear of God before our eyes?
b/c Church has not held forth the Word of God like it should in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation!
has NOT acted as light -NOT been that salt in their midst –NOT been a restrainer of evil!
Ezekiel 12The PROVERB: Don’t Worry-The vision is for a later time! Don’t worry about it; it’s not going to happen in our lifetime!
Ezekiel 12:21-23, 28. “The days are long and every vision fails”. Therefore say to them thus says the Lord God, I will make this proverb cease so they will no longer use it as a proverb in Israel. Tell them the day draws near as well as the fulfillment of every vision”. Thus says the Lord God, none of My words will be delayed any longer. Whatever word I speak will be performed”.
Ezekiel 13:3-4 “your prophets have been like foxes among the ruins”.(instead of building up the wall so that the enemy can’t get in, they’re playing among the ruins!)“You have not gone up to the breaches nor did you build the wall around the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord”.
False prophets:Not a problem-just take the hole (weak place) and whitewash it!
Women:“because you disheartened the righteous with falsehood when I did not cause him grief”, you told a lie! And I was not causing him grief and you told him I was! “And you have encouraged the wicked not to turn form his evil ways and preserve his life”. Do you see somebodywalking wickedly and you don’t warn them to flee from the wrath which is to come?
Ezekiel 14 Tempting to listen to someone who tickles their ears:
Judgment is not coming - God loves everybody! - We’ve got to be tolerant!
God is NOT tolerant!God is righteous!
There is an evil. There is a good. There is a right and there is a wrong
God lays down the law and we bow the knee.
If we don’t bow the knee, we must accept the consequences.
Ezekiel 14:6,8 REPENT! Turn away from your idols and turn away from all your abominations!
I will set my face against that man (who doesn’t get rid of idols, who already KNOWS what God has said)
and make him a sign and a proverb, and I will cut him off from among My people”.
Illustration: ONLY the Righteous will Survive
Ezekiel 14:12-20: “God would never let anything happen...b/c we’ve got Daniel, Ezekiel”
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne.
God’s righteousness and justice command His judgment!
Know this – that He is coming! His reward is with Him to give to everyone according to his deeds.
You and I need to be signs:
need to be light in the midst of the darkness
need to hold forth the Word of Life in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation
need to be able to say: “Be an imitator of me, even as I am of Christ Jesus 1 Corinthians 11:1
Ezekiel 14:21-22 In other words, when the remnant comes to Babylon and they tell about the abominations, then you’re going to say,“That’s right! That was just! God is just. He is righteous. He is holy.”
God’s peopleMUST be Righteous, Just, and Holy.
Get prepared! Difficult times are coming and you never know where God’s going to take you.