YJO Board Minutes Apr 19th & 20th/10
Toronto, Ontario
In Attendance: Jim Clumpus, Liz Conrad, Brenda Cryderman, Steve Quin, Frank TaylorColin Dart, Dick Duric, Terry Henry, Lucia Lee, Dan Wideman,
Tim Marks
Regrets: Gord Boyd, Teresa Carroll
1. Review Previous Minutes from Feb 1st and 2nd /2010
2. Financial Report
The financial report was presented to the Board. Financial statement attached. YJO’s financial standing is in good shape.
3. Membership Update
Paid membership was reviewed. Some members have not paid their second installment as of yet. We have one new member agency that has joined in the last three months.
4. By Law Review
The review of the Bylaws was presented to the Board and confirmation was received that revisions to the Bylaws will be presented at the 2010 AGM for vote by the membership.
5. Logo Contest Review:
Reviewed all of the entries that were submitted. Decision pending.
6. YJO Clothing Review:
The Board looked at clothing samples again and decided upon the following:
1. 160 additional hats with current logo design.
2. 75 men’s shirts M, L, XL
Black w Clay, Clay w Black, Burgundy w Clay
3. 75 women’s shirts S, M,L
Black w Clay, Cream w Black, Burgundy w Clay
7. 2010 Conference Update:
Jim Clumpus updated the Board on the Conference 2010. Conference brochure has been sent out and posted to the web site prior to the end of March. Hard copies of the brochure will be mailed out to broader YJO contacts. Projected expenses are approximately $65,000.00 while projected revenues are approximately $60,000.00. YJO has received a commitment from the Ministry for a $5,000.00 grant for the conference, which is included in the projected revenues.
8. Roy McMurtry Meeting Update
Brenda, Terry and Tim attended a meeting at the Child Advocate’s office on Feb. 20th, 2010. A large number of community agencies representatives were present to discuss the numerous problems that the Roy McMurtry Centre is experiencing. There was some discussion regarding the creation of a Community Advisory Board for the centre. There was some concern about follow up to this meeting. We will discuss these issues with Lee Tustin when we meet with her tomorrow.
9. Review YJO Board Standing Sub-committees
Best Practices Module
Chair: Colin Dart
Members: Liz Conrad,
Jim Clumpus
Brenda Cryderman,
Terry Henry,
David Wood.**
** will solicit David’s interest / Community Programming
Co-Chairs: Lucia Lee,
Steve Quinn
Members: Dan Wideman,
Karen Carr,
Cindy Berry,
Tim Marks. / Public Relations & Marketing
Chair: Dick Duric
Members: Teresa Caroll, Frank Taylor, Gord Boyd.
9. Best Practices Module Proposal
The Board reviewed Don Adam’s proposal to address this work plan goal. Some of this work has already be done by Colin’s agency but there is belief that there is sufficient work for Don to do. He will be joining the sub-committee tomorrow morning for their meeting.
10. Feedback from the Training Days in February
The feedback from the training was very positive with average scores of 8 + out of 10. All participants wanted YJO to continue with frontline training.
11. Other Standing Committees Review
Currently the following Committees have YJO Board Members sitting on them
i. Ontario Alliance of Children and Youth Associations (OACYA): Terry Henry
Three conferences are coming up in the near future
Family Services May 4th – 6th , Toronto Area,
OARTY Jun 2nd – 4th , Deerhurst, Terry Henry
OACAS June 6th – 9th , Toronto Area, Dick Duric
ii. Youth Justice Advisory Committee: Brenda Cryderman - No Update
iii. Residential Services External Reference Committee: Lucia Lee - No Update
12. Update to the Board from the Sub-Committees
Best Practices Module:
Ideal program in a youth justice program will be established and thought that we could work backwards from this model. Don Adam will be contracted to facilitate this work for the Board.
Public Relations & Marketing:
Meeting with Joanne Millar-Reid has been scheduled April 27th. Brenda Cryderman, Terry Henry and Dick Duric will be attending this meeting to discuss Community Reintegration Custody.
Community Programming:
Nov 15th & 16th, 2010 have been set for the next training seminar in Toronto at the Travelodge. All of the training rooms have been set aside and 125 hotel rooms have been blocked. Possible topics and speakers:
Ø Motivational Interviewing - Tom Walker
Ø Mental Health Issues – Dr. Roberts from Hotel Dieu or Dr. Fred Montange
Ø Sex Offender specialization – Dr. Bill Marshall
Ø Dr. Linda Baker -
Ø Working with short term youth
Ø Other topics from Best Practices Committee:
· Brief Motivational Interviewing
13. Meeting with Child Advocate
Lee Tustin joined us for this part of the meeting.
Lee updated the Board briefly on the history that the Advocate Office has experienced with the Roy McMurtry Ct. The advocate’s report has finally been made public. The Ministry has presented their action plan which does not seem to be concrete. There is some speculation that Wes Bell may be brought into deal with the Ministry’s action plan.
The Minister seems to be genuinely concerned about the situation. However what is going to happen is not known. Irwin has gone to the Premier to request that the Advocate’s Act be opened to be revised to enable the advocate’s office to get whatever they need for investigations.
Issue of Community Advisory Board Being Established:
Lee Tustin suggested that the Advocate’s office could follow up on this initiative, especially when YJO had offered the Ministry representative to host a follow up meeting to the Feb 20th meeting with the community agencies. Nothing has happened to date other then one of the participants of the initial meeting has attempted to draw people together.
Working Group Between the Advocate’s Office and Youth Justice Ontario:
The Advocate’s Office and YJO would like to establish this Working Group. The Advocate’s Office was waiting for YJO to establish areas and ideas that we could both work on.
We also discussed that recent interactions between the advocates and our agencies/programs have taken a somewhat adversarial approach. Lee said that there are many new advocates in the office and that their perspective may depend upon who trained them. It was suggested that representatives from YJO could do a presentation at the Advocate’s office would be a good place to start. We have tentatively identified two Monday afternoons - June 7th and 14th as possible dates. 1 – 4 p.m. Candidates to represent YJO at this meeting would be Colin, Lucia, Gord, (Brenda to call Gord to illicit his willingness to attend this meeting) Frank and Terry (only the 7th not the 14th)
Possible areas that we could work on re. the working group:
Legitimate Training for the Roy
Potential In-house Programming provided by community agencies.
Meeting was adjourned at 2 p.m.
Minutes taken By Tim Marks
Signatures Indicating Finalization Of Minutes:______
Brenda Cryderman Lucia Lee
President Secretary