Joni Brady [JB] / √ / Maria Kapritsou [MK] / √
Sue Fossum [SF] / √ / Meg Bumpstead [MB] / √
Angie Winter [AW] / √ / Fiona Newman [FN] / √
Ann Hogan [AH] / √ / Trica Garrioch {TG] / √
Minutes of the ICPAN Board of Directors Meeting
via Skype January 9, 2018 @ 1500 Eastern Standard Time
Note time of meeting to be changed back one hour to 1400 Eastern Standard Time, new time to be posted on website
Item/Discussion / Action/Person Responsible/Timeline1.0 Attendance: as above
Quorum: declared by Chair / TG
2.0 Agenda
Motion “to accept agenda as presented” by TG
Seconded by MB Result: Motion carried / TG
3.0 Minutes
October 10/11, 2017, November 2/3, 2017 & December 12/13, 2017
Motion “to approve these minutes by consent Agenda” by TG
Seconded by AW Result: Motion carried / TG
4.0 Board of Directors Position Descriptions and Roles
The leadership reflection forms JB discussed in November and December meetings, which are to be filled in by board members, have been loaded on the website. JB requested board members review the role descriptions for her position. Chair asks that each member identify 1 or 2 short-term and long-term strategic organizational goals related to the position held, and do self-reflection to identify personal development needs and priorities for this volunteer role / JB
MB will create blank editable goals documentation form and email to all for ease of use
ALL to send an email to JB with goals, thoughts, ideas by January 23, 2018. A 1:1 meeting will be scheduled at that time
5.0 Treasurer’s Report
Discussed the following documents:
2017 End of Year Financial Report for, October, November and December
Account Statements following the conference as posted on website
MB will prepare a finalization of accounts with the PCO once the conference finalization meeting occurs. Meeting to include PCO Jayne Hindle, MB, FN, JB, AW / MB
MB to email Jayne Hindle to determine availability and plan meeting within the next 2 weeks
6.0 ICPAN Cancun 2019
Update on progress regarding PCOs
Discussed various merits and challenges of the PCO proposals. Concerns re: language barriers, proximity of conference venue to hotels, attractions and activities. Discussion: consider ICPAN volunteers’ workload potential realistically if used to allay PCO costs; PCO skill level and experience with sufficient number of team members to manage workload; PCO familiarity with ICPAN’s needs as some budgeted items can be outsourced/negotiated; whether the proposal provides enough detailed information. Specific PCO questions can be directed to AH, AW, JB
ICPAN Cancun 2019 (continued)
JB suggested considering option to negotiate with East Coast conferences to sub-contract work, streamline the required work. PCO from past conference knows ICPAN organization and conference logistics needed to run event. Could potentially sub-contract some virtual work and connect with the local PCO for on-site needs and expectations.
Conference Chair position
The Conference Chair position is an appointment by the Board
FN has expressed an interest to continue service on Board and submitted a letter of intent. FN stepped in mid planning for Sydney and did very well, thank you
JB suggested board members consider the following when proposing a nomination for the position of conference chair:
- Do board members have someone qualified we would like to nominate?
- There are no host country nurse volunteers known in Mexico to assume the position (ICPAN BOD is the host); planning role plus organizational experience advantageous to conference planning and coordination
Members to review PCO proposals from East Coast Conferences, T&C and BTC using the Bid review documents posted on secure webpage. MB volunteered to create/share Bid review document as we do not need to assess items #1 and #5 / JB, AH, AW
ACTION: All to send an email to JB with potential candidate name(s) by January 23, 2018
JB to add pending info when received from T&C to website
MB to create and share Bid review document reflective of ICPAN hosting the event vs. member submitting bid
All to complete a review of proposals and submit by email to AW by January 23, 2018. AW to collate, report results
7.0 ICPAN Conference Sydney
Jayne Hindle’s Conference Evaluation Report
ICPAN 2017 After Conference Report; Fiona added additional information to Jayne’s report which is posted on the website. Scientific committee information remains to be updated.
Suggestions for future conferences;
- Items to be shipped to conference site to reduce costs, plan for ICPAN banners and logo branded items for sale
Overall feedback and evaluations indicative that the conference was well received
Silent Auction Report
Final Report posted on website
- Planning for Silent Auction in future; start earlier, include country of origin for all donations
AW to send final scientific committee members name list to FN
FN to do a thematic analysis of the top five narrative response items
8.0 Membership
Update on member organizations paid /unpaid
Member Countries paid-7
Two countries having difficulties using PayPal and credit card.
One country communicated in December that they wish to continue as a member
There has been a delay in membership renewal by one country as they prefer to pay outside of the available online payment system
Goal to maintain a standard process regarding collection of organizations’ membership application and annual fee
GAC should revisit membership renewal discussion held during February 2017 meeting for consensus recommendation on a standardized process that supports the function and goals of ICPAN, Inc. Goal is to ensure clear direction for potential and existing members regarding membership policy and process followed (e.g., web based application/payment submitted per established renewal deadline date; each member country appoints 1 representative to serve on GAC to support Board succession planning and marketing/media logistics; collection of membership fees as agreed by Board and GAC)
In view of the fact that glitches have been encountered during the inaugural member renewal process, the Board discussed and recommended further collaboration on a standard process for onboarding of new member countries and the renewal of membership, aimed to ensure a time and cost efficient standard process for the future / AH
AH is working with members to facilitate renewals, MB offered to assist as needed
JB to email and follow up with the country desiring continued membership
ACTION: MK & JB to place membership renewal agenda item on first 2018 GAC meeting for discussion, recommendation
JB to appoint a work group to lead this effort
9.0 ICPAN Board Communications
Discuss standardization of communication from and within the Board
A consistent plan for communication amongst and from Board members is important to establish as ICPAN, Inc. continues to evolve and define strategic priorities. Look at this process with a goal of quality improvement
Goal to decrease number of emails whenever possible
Discussed flow of information; emails from Board members to other parties should be cc’d to the Chair for situational awareness
Within the Board, establish which members need to be cc’d / JB
TG to draft a communication policy document for review by the Board
JB to send examples, ideas to TG
ALL suggestions, ideas should be emailed to TG
10.0 ICPAN Board Contingency Planning
Discuss creation of a plan for responsibilities of BOD members if Chair and Vice Chair unavailable
With the goal of developing and improving as an association the Board needs to look at process; develop communication directives and protocols for contingency planning / JB
ACTION: AH offered to lead a working group of interested volunteers
11.0 Next Meeting Date
February 13, 2018 / TG