Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request

Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request
When to Use
/ The Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request page in SIS allows Deans offices to:
§  Adjust the ‘Drop’ or ‘Withdrawal’ date on the transcript.
§  Adjust a ‘Drop’ or ‘Withdrawal’ refund percent.
§  Drop individual classes for a student after the drop deadline has passed.
§  Withdraw a student from all enrolled/waitlisted courses.
The Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request Page means you will:
§  No longer fill out an Academic Action form to adjust a Drop Date.
§  No longer see drop notations on the Dean’s Actions page.
§  No longer fill out a course change request to drop a course after the Drop Deadline.
§  No longer fill out a paper withdrawal request form to withdraw a student.
There are two sections to the Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request page.
1.  The “Withdraw Student from Term” section allows you to electronically submit a Withdrawal request to the Office of the Registrar. You also have the ability to adjust the impact a withdrawal has on a student’s tuition adjustment.
2.  The “Drop Individual Classes” section allows you to:
§  Adjust the impact a course drop has on a student’s transcript notation and/or tuition adjustment.
§  Drop specific classes
§  Drop all courses before the session starts.
When NOT to Use
/ The Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request page should not be used for
Course Section Changes; Use the Course Change Request process instead.

Quick Reference Guide:

Use: / If Dropping: / & Term is / & Session is
Withdrawal (p.6) / All Courses in Term / Current / Current
Current / Past
Past / Past
Deans Drop (p.5) / All Courses in Term / Current / Future
Future / Future
Deans Drop Individual Classes (p.4) / Course(s) - but not all! / Current / Current
Current / Past
Past / Past
Drop Dates
/ The Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request page displays all section/course drops starting from the first day of the session at the top of the page followed by all enrolled sections/courses.
You must use the Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request page to drop a course for a student. The section/course will not be in ‘Dropped’ Status until the request is processed by Enrollment Services.
The student should always use the enrollment system to drop their section/course(s) up until the Drop Deadline; As soon as a student drops a section/course using the enrollment system, the Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request page will reflect the dropped section/course and date.
The Drop/Withdrawal (DR/W) date for the regular A1 session is usually the Wednesday of the second week of the session. The Drop Deadline is later in the session. To see session dates, drop deadline dates, and tuition refund percentages, click the Deadlines link at the top of the page.
Effective Term 1132, the student will not be able to drop their last course in the enrollment system except for in the following situations. The student will be directed to submit a withdrawal request in the enrollment system.
§  The student will still be able to drop their last class if they are attempting to withdraw from a future term.
§  The student will still be able to drop their last class if they are attempting to withdraw from the current term and it is before their earliest session begin date.
§  The student will still be able to drop their last class via Student Center if they are attempting to withdraw from the current term and at least one of their other classes has been graded.
§  The student will still be able to drop their last class via Student Center for the Summer term only.
/ The student will not be able to submit a withdrawal request via the enrollment system in the following situations. The student will be directed to contact their Academic Dean to submit a withdrawal request.
§  If they are attempting to withdraw from a previous term.
§  If they are attempting to withdraw from the current term and it is after the withdrawal deadline for the A1 session (for Fall and Spring Terms).
§  If they are attempting to withdraw from the current term and at least one of their classes has been graded but it is after the drop deadline for one of their remaining classes.
§  If they are attempting to withdraw from the current term and they have a hold on their record preventing enrollment activity.
§  If the only remaining class is in waitlist status.

Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request, Continued

/ To withdraw a student from a term, drop a course(s) or adjust the impact a course drop has on a student’s tuition adjustment and/or transcript notations, follow the procedure below:
Step / Action
1. / Log in to SIS.
2. / Select from your Main Menu:
Records and Enrollment
Dean/Dept Processing
Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request
3. / Use the Find page to locate the student.
4. / Select the Term you want to adjust.
Result: All courses and their related components for that term display by
subject with all dropped sections/courses at the top of the list.

Tips: To view all of the student’s enrollment activity,
click Student Enrollment History link.
Enter student SIS ID, Term, and click [Search].
Close window when done.
To view session dates and deadlines, click Deadlines link.
Select session; close window when done.
Step / Action
5. /
Dean’s Drop Individual Classes
If you are dropping an individual course or multiple courses (but NOT ALL!),
for the current or a past term, make sure the “Withdraw Student from Term?”
box is unchecked; then:
a. / Find the Course you want to adjust.
Note: Only the course’s Graded component will display adjustment fields.
b. / Fill in the Transcript Date with the date determined appropriate.
Note: Dates should be within the Session begin and end date.
Click Deadlines to see valid session dates and deadlines.
c. / Press [Tab].
Result: The Refund % fills with refund percent based on Transcript Date.
d. / If you want to change the Refund %:
a. Check the Override% box.
b. Select desired Refund %.
Note: Based on the session, only valid refund percentages display.
If you need to make a tuition adjustment for terms
prior to Summer 1999, contact Enrollment Services.
e. / Click [Save].
If the course Status is ‘Dropped’, the Process Status changes to ‘Completed’ and displays the date/time/name.
If the course Status is ‘Enrolled’, the Process Status changes to ‘Submitted’ with the date/time/name. After the request is processed by Enrollment Services, the Status changes to ‘Dropped’ and the Process Status will change to ‘Completed’ and display a new date/time/name.
If a refund was triggered, the account change will appear in
My UW Madison within 48 hours.
Tip: If you submitted an incorrect section drop that is still in the Status of ‘Enrolled’ and Process Status of ‘Submitted’, you can rescind your request by clicking on the trashcan icon and click [Save]. The Process Status will change to ‘Rescinded’.
The Transcript Date and Refund % will remain displayed; however, the submission will not be processed.
Tip: If you need to change a request that is in the Process Status of ‘Rescinded’, change the Transcript Date to a different date to activate the save button; then change the Transcript Date and/or Refund % as needed
and click [Save] to Submit again.
Step / Action
6. /
Dean’s Drop
If you are dropping ALL courses for a future or the current Term,
AND the session has NOT started yet,
make sure the “Withdraw Student from Term?” box is unchecked; then:
a. / Find the Course you want to adjust.
Note: Only the course’s Graded component will display adjustment fields.
b. / Enter today’s date as the Transcript Date.
c. / Repeat steps 6a and 6b until you have done this for every class.
d. / Click [Save].
Result: The Process Status changes to ‘Submitted’.
Once processed by the Office of the Registrar, the class(es) will no longer display.
If a refund was triggered, the account change will appear in
My UW Madison within 48 hours.
Tip: If you submitted incorrect drops that are still in the Status of ‘Enrolled’ and Process Status of ‘Submitted’, you can rescind all your requests by clicking on each of the trashcan icons and clicking [Save]. The Process Status will change to ‘Rescinded’. The Transcript Date will remain displayed; however, the submission will not be processed.
Tip: If you need to change a request that is in the Process Status of ‘Rescinded’, change the Transcript Date to a different date to activate the save button; then change the Transcript Date as needed and click [Save] to Submit again.
e. / If you are with the Dean of Students office, remember to place any necessary academic actions and/or service indicators.
f. / If you are an academic dean, the Office of the Registrar will enter the academic action for you.
Step / Action
7. /
If you are withdrawing the student from a past Term or the current Term
(Dropping all Courses), check the “Withdraw Student From Term?” checkbox; then:

a. / Select the appropriate Withdrawal Reason.
b. / Fill in the Last Date of Attendance with the date determined appropriate.
Note: Dates should be within the Term begin and end date. See Deadlines.
c. / Press [Tab].
Result: The Refund Percentage fills with the refund percent for
each session based on the Last Date of Attendance.
d. / If you want to change the Refund Percentage for any Session:
a. Check the Override box next to the Session.
b. Select desired Refund Percentage.
Note: Based on the session, only valid refund percentages display.
If you need to make a tuition adjustment for terms
prior to Summer 1999, contact Enrollment Services.
e. / Click [Save].
If the Student is an International Student with an F-1 or J-1 Visa, a request will be sent to International Student Services (ISS) to either approve or deny the request. If the request is approved by ISS, a request will be sent to the Office of the Registrar to be processed.
If the Student is not an International Student, a request will be sent to the Office of the Registrar to be processed.
Tip: If a Withdrawal request has already been submitted for selected term, click Open Withdrawal Request link to view the request’s progress.

Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal Request, Continued

Impact on Official Transcript
/ The following displays on a student’s transcript when the Dean’s Drop Individual Classes Process Status is ‘Completed’:
Drop Individual Classes
If Transcript Date
was Modified to be: / Then Transcript Displays:
On or Before Drop/Withdrawal (DR/W) date / Nothing.
Course NOT listed on Transcript.
After Drop/Withdrawal (DR/W) date / Course with the ‘Dropped’ date as the Transcript Date.
/ When using the Dean’s Drop to drop ALL courses BEFORE the earliest Session in Term begins, nothing displays on the student’s transcript.
/ The following displays on a student’s transcript when the withdrawal request is processed by the Office of the Registrar:
Withdraw from Term (Drop All Courses once session starts)
If Last Date of Attendance
was Modified to be: / Then Transcript Displays:
On or Before Drop/Withdrawal (DR/W) date / Withdrawal Notation appears with Withdrawal Date as Last Date of Attendance.
Courses NOT Listed on Transcript.
After Drop/Withdrawal (DR/W) date / Withdrawal Notation appears with Withdrawal Date as Last Date of Attendance.
Courses listed with either a DR or W Grade.
Impact on UW Student Record
/ The UW Student Record can be found here >Records and Enrollment >Student Academic Information >Request Student Record
/ The following displays on a UW Student Record when the Dean’s Drop Individual Classes Process Status is ‘Completed’:
Drop Individual Classes
If Transcript Date
was Modified to be: / Then UW Student Record Displays the Dropped Course:
On or Before Drop/Withdrawal (DR/W) date / Nothing.
Course NOT listed on UW Student Record.
After Drop/Withdrawal (DR/W) date / Only in the body like this:

*Note: Date* equals the Transcript Date.
*Note: Any request submitted through the Dean’s Drop/Withdrawal
Request page will result in an asterisk being placed next to the date
displayed on the UW Student Record.
/ When using the Dean’s Drop to drop ALL courses BEFORE the earliest Session in Term begins, nothing displays on the student’s UW Student Record.
/ The following displays on a UW Student Record when the withdrawal request is processed by the Office of the Registrar:
Withdraw from Term (Drop All Courses once session starts)
On or Before Drop/Withdrawal (DR/W) date / Only in the body like this:

After Drop/Withdrawal (DR/W) date / Only in the body like this:

Enrollment Detail Page
/ The Enrollment Detail page displays a student’s Waitlisted, Enrolled, and Dropped (as of the first day of the class session) courses. The Add Date; Drop Date; and Transcript Date also display. Path: >Records and Enrollment >Student Academic Information >Enrollment Detail

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