w/c: 4/07/2016 ADULT-LED ACTIVITIES: Planning from Next Steps

Observations / Activities / Areas of Learning
SHo 20/06/16
ER 20/06/16 / ICT camera – Encourage and support children to take photographs of their surroundings, other children, events throughout their day using the camera. Encourage the children to talk about their photos , favourite spaces in preschool etc / UW – Technology
CL - speaking
MN 20/06/16
MF 20/06/16 / Texture table – create a variety of textures for children feel and explore using all their senses. Introduce vocabulary to enable children to talk about and describe the different resources; smooth, bumpy, rough, soft , hardetc / EAD – Exploring and using media and
CL - Speaking
SD 22/06/16 / Shape puzzles – support the children in recognising and experimenting with shape. Encourage the children to talk about the shapes and make links with everyday objects i.e. the door is a rectangle, the plate is round / M – Space, shape and measures
SK 28/06/16
SB 28/06/16 / Provide activities and opportunities for children to share experiences from different parts of their lives e.g. home experiences – taking the baby for a walk, looking at family photographs Encourage children to talk about their own home and community life, and to find out about other children’s experiences / UW – People and Communities
RW28/06/16 / Provide a range of materials and objects to play with that work in different ways for different purposes, for example, toolbox. Promote fine motor development by supporting children to use different tools. / UW – Technology
PD – Moving and handling
WM 29/06/16
HG 29/06/16 / Support the children in measuring each other and different objects. Encourage them to compare the sizes and use mathematical , long, longer’, ‘longest’, ‘short’,
shorter’, ’shortest’ / M – Space, shape and measures
LD 29/06/16 / Provide story books with accompanying CD. Talk to the children about the characters in books being read and encourage them to discuss the feelings of characters For those children who find it difficult to ‘listen and do’, say their name before asking a
Question. / L – Reading
CL- Listening and Attention
Observations / Enhancements / Areas of Learning
SAH 29/06/16 / OUTDOOR AREA – Create an obstacle course, provide opportunities for the children to balance,go under and go through and use positional languagee.gon, inside, under. (Balance blocks, climbing frame, tunnels) Encourage the children to move in various ways i.e rolling, crawling, slidingetc) / PD – Moving and handling
M – Space, shape and measures