Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Stillington Community Centre

Lowson Street, Stillington

Tuesday 5th March 2013


Chair: Cllr. J Turner
Cllrs: B Bardsley, J Davies, R Tingle, J Wills
District Councillor A Stephenson
Mrs. G Dunn, Clerk

2 Local residents attended

The local residents were concerned about the state of the brickwork in the Manor Walk area. The residents said that children were damaging the bricks and then throwing pieces of brickwork at houses and into gardens. Members informed the residents that they had asked Tristar and Stockton Borough Council for improvements to be made in this area on numerous occasions, and District Cllr. Stephenson had met officers from SBC on site, but as yet no action had been taken. The Clerk agreed to contact SBC once again to see if anything can be done to improve the area.

The residents also informed Members that a new streetlight had been installed next to the steps on Manor Walk a few weeks ago but was not working yet so the area around the steps was very dark at night. The Clerk agreed to contact SBC to find out when the light would be working.

Following this discussion the residents left the meeting.

1. Apologies for Absence

There were apologies for absence from Cllrs. D Foster, K Johnson, J Lithgo, P.Rogers.

2. Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda

There were none.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

Cllr. J Turner signed the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th February 2013 as a true and correct record. Proposed by Cllr. R Tingle and seconded by Cllr. J Wills.

4. Finance

Proposed by Cllr. Bardsley and seconded by Cllr. Davies the sum of £265.26 to the Clerk for salary and expenses (cheque no. 100791).

5. Progress Reports

P620 Proposed wind farm – update

One of the conditions of the planning application for the Lambs Hill wind turbines is that Banks contributes something towards improvements or management of Stillington Forest Park. To begin to ascertain what contribution Banks could make to the Park, the Clerk had met with representatives from Banks, SBC and Friends of Stillington Forest Park to discuss options. At the Friends of the Forest Park Meeting in February the condition of the main footpaths had been discussed and agreed as a priority for improvements. Work on the footpaths was discussed at the site visit and it was agreed that a number of options for improvements would be drawn up for Banks to consider.

P620 Potential Wind Turbine Developments – update

A pre application for two turbines between Thorpe Leazes and Thorpe Thewles had been submitted to SBC to find out if an Environmental Impact Assessment was required prior to the actual planning application being submitted. Councillors had no comments to make at this stage.

P620 VAS Installation Whitton – update

The installation of the Vehicle Activated Sign was now complete.

P620 Tree trimming around streetlights – progress report

This work had been completed.

P620 Improvements to open space in Manor Walk – update

The Clerk had applied to Tristar ROAP fund to request funding for plants and bark chippings. She would attend a meeting to discuss the application further on 11th March. There had been some damage to the paving slabs that had recently been put in this area, the Clerk agreed to report this to Tristar.

P621 Parking outside William Cassidi School – update

Cllr. Turner had not been able to arrange an appointment with the Head Teacher yet. She agreed to try and do this before the next meeting.

P621 New and Damaged Street Nameplates – progress report

New nameplates for Millbank Terrace and Mount Pleasant had been installed. The Clerk agreed to try and find out if a new sign would be installed at the south end of Whitton.

P621 Drainage around the West Street Subway

The Clerk had not received any feedback about this problem yet.

P621 Improvements to Mount Pleasant Playing Field – Progress Report

The Clerk had submitted the comments made at the last meeting to SBC. The minor details had been amended and the footpath would be planned in more detail once a survey of ground levels had been undertaken. SBC were proposing that they would put a leaflet together outlining the proposals. This would be delivered to residents living around Mount Pleasant. Comments on the proposals would be invited.

P621 Dog Bins and other related incidents – update

A new dog bin and litter bin had been installed in Whitton.

P621 Future Plans for Stillington Community Centre

The local MP had received the letter from the Community Centre Management Committee. In response he had written to the Chief Executive of SBC. His letter supported the Management Committee and requested that SBC continue to support the Community Centre. No response had been received to date.

Cllr Turner informed Members that a new men’s fitness group is due to start in the Community Centre later in March and someone has expressed interest in starting a dancing class.

P622 Friends of Stillington Forest Park – Update

A meeting had been held on 7th February. It was well attended by various groups of people who use the Park and ideas for future development of the Park were discussed. A practical work session for volunteers had also been held with the warden for the site. A public angling session had been arranged for the Easter Holidays and some more work sessions would be organized.

P622 Cassidi Gardens Work – Progress Report

The Clerk had worked that day with a group to prune and tidy Cassidi Gardens. A lot of work had been completed and the group had been enthusiastic workers. The group had joined the luncheon club for a meal and had appreciated this gesture.

P623 Damaged Fence – South Street – Progress Report

The fence had been repaired.

P624 Abandoned Car – progress report

The car had been removed.

6. Service Level Agreements

The Clerk had received new service level agreements from SBC for grounds maintenance on Parish Council owned land and for the regular health and safety inspections of the West Street playground.

The cost of Grounds Maintenance for 2013/2014 will be £883.11. It was proposed by Cllr. Tingle and seconded by Cllr. Wills that this was accepted.

The cost for playground inspection for 2013/2014 will be £514.45. This includes the annual RoSPA inspection fee. It was proposed by Cllr. Tingle and seconded by Cllr. Davies that this was accepted.

The Clerk agreed to complete the agreement forms and return them to the appropriate people at SBC.

7. Trees on Parish Council Land

The Clerk had met the SBC arborist and he had recommended various work should take place to some of the trees owned by the Parish Council on Messines Lane and on one tree in the cenotaph site. The Clerk gave details of his report to the Council. Some of the work required may be carried out by NEDL as it is very close to electricity wires. The Clerk agreed to contact NEDL about this and obtain quotes for the other work required.

8. Stillington Roadshow – Future Plans

Cllr. Turner explained that due to lack of resources – time, people and money - members of the Residents Association had agreed that they would not be organizing a Roadshow or anything other event on that scale this year.

9. TVRCC Rural Summit

The Clerk provided information about this event that would be held at Preston Park on 15th March. Cllr Turner thought that she would be able to attend.

10. Correspondence – February 2013

SBC Grounds Maintenance Contract Agreement
SBC MUGA – revised Plan
SBC Community Protection Updates
SBC Play Area Inspection Results
Boundary Commission Update on Boundary Review
CLCA Information from NALC
Darlington Ramblers Local walks information
HMRC Information Sheet
SCRGA Training and Events Information
SIEAG Minutes from last meeting
SLCC News Bulletin
SLCC Branch Meeting - Papers
TVRCC Rural News, funding and events information
TVRCC Rural Summit – information and booking form

The Clerk provided more information about the letter from the Boundary Commission.

11. Standards/Code of Conduct Issues

There were none.

12. Planning Applications

13/0386/SCO Screening Opinion request for proposed development of 2 no. wind turbines
Location Site at Thorpe Leazes, Stockton-on-Tees

There were no comments on this application which had been looked at earlier in the meeting.

13/0033/FPD Proposed Integral Garage Conversion
Location 15 Forest Park, Stillington

This had been approved with conditions.

13. Councillors Reports and Items for Future Agenda

The Clerk had received a copy of the recent RoSPA report for the West Street Playground. There were some minor recommendations that the Clerk agreed to look at and take remedial action where necessary.

District Cllr. Stephenson had copies of maps detailing road accidents in the area. Only accidents that had been reported to the police were shown and it was agreed that this did not provide the whole picture.

It was commented on that the notice board on Chapel Gardens had been recently updated but that the panel on the bus stop opposite held out of date information.

14. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 2nd April 2013 in the Stillington Community Centre.

Signed: ……………………………………….. Dated: ………………………….…….

Proposed: …………………………………… Seconded: ……………………………….