Daily Lesson Plan Template
Teacher:Danielle BondurantGrade: 9
Unit Topic: Social Justice
SOL9.3 The student will apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, and figurative language to extend vocabulary development in authentic texts.
c) Discriminate between connotative and denotative meanings and interpret the connotation.
Learning Objectives:
- The students will analyze words for their connotative and denotative meanings.
- The students will consider connotative and denotative meanings when creating a title for the PSA, and for the word choice within the PSA.
Day 1
Students will be shown five pairings of words with the same denotative meaning, but differing connotative meaning. They will determine which one sounds “better” (This is purposefully the only instruction they will be given. This is so they will try to enact their prior knowledge.).
Main Lesson Activities
After the students have completed their warmup, the teacher will begin to explain connotation and denotation by using a PowerPoint. The teacher will wait a little while before going over the warmup, as it will be more effective to first explain connotation and denotation and then go over the warmup with the students. The teacher will explain an example of connotation and denotation that is within the PowerPoint. Then, the teacher will go over the warmup, asking students for their answers explaining why one word has the better connotation than the other. The students will then view the vocabulary for the social justice unit, and categorize the words into the negative, positive, or neutral columns depending on their connotations.
The teacher will explain that they will work more with utilizing specific words based on connotation and denotation once students are more involved with their PSAs.
Formative Assessment: Warmup, Chart categorizing vocabulary
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint, notebook paper, optional: computer
STAGE 3: Learning Plan ~ What are the strategies and activities you plan to use for each daily plan?
Snapshot / Warm-up
Activate prior knowledge and get students thinking about & motivated for today’s lesson. / The warmup will get students accustomed to the type of critical thinking they will use in the remainder of the lesson, and in their PSAs.
Instructional Strategies
Think in term of high yield strategies, such as:
- Identifying similarities and differences
- Summarizing and note taking
- Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
- Homework and practice
- Nonlinguistic representations
- Cooperative learning
- Setting objectives and providing feedback
- Generating and testing hypothesis
- Questions, cues, and advance organizers
Technology Use
How will you be incorporating technology? / There will be a PowerPoint. Also, students could complete the Warmup and chart on a computer document if they wish.
Teaching & Learning Activities
Plan for modeling, small or whole group instruction, and work stations. Include your examples, guided practice, problems or questions to pose, independent activities. It may help to think in terms of:
“I do …”
“We do…”
“Students do …” / This lesson will revolve around whole group discussion. Students will have guided practice when completing their charts.
Collaboration could be incorporated in a later lesson, through a peer review. The peer reviewer could check to make sure the other student’s connotation of the word choice aligns with the intended tone/mood.
Checking for Understanding
Check throughout the lesson using:
- Question and Answer
- Class discussions
- Group Response
- Demonstrations
- Practice sheets
- Quick Quizzes
Assessment Part 2—Daily
Revisit Assessment Part 1. Plan a formative assessment which shows concretely what students mastered today. This might be:
- Exit card
- Short Quiz
- Seatwork/Practice Sheet collected
- Written response to a prompt
- Oral responses/participation
Some ideas include (highlight or add):
- Flexible grouping
- Tiered instruction
- Interest-based activities
- Varied products
- Task cards
- Personal agendas
- Graphic Organizers
Lesson Closure & Student Summarizing of Their Learning
Review what students learned or should have learned. Recognize gaps and allow them to help you plan for the next lesson(s). Connect to future learning. / The teacher will explain that they will work more with utilizing specific words based on connotation and denotation once students are more involved with their PSAs.
Additional activities: