Special Notes for NuVi (Garmin) GPS

This may apply to StreetPilots as well

The NUVI is primarily an automobile navigation device. Some marine features may not be available. Some users have reported that buoys on a NUVI are not colored. At this time, we do not know which models can/cannot display color.


  • Attach NUVI to your computer/PC;
  • On the computer, Click on [START] (lower left); thence "My Computer”
  • See which letter-drive the Garmin device is. The compute will say something like, "GARMIN (K:)" where "K" could be any letter. Hereinafter, whenever this documentationspecifies "K:", substitute the drive of your Garmin NUVI.
  • Double-click on the device. It should show folders (directories) named "Garmin" and "JPEG" and possibly others.
  • Double click on the "Garmin" folder/directory.
  • There may be several entries that begin "gmap". You must insure there is NOTan entry named gmapsupp.img. The Bizer file of Winnipesaukee loads a file named "gmapsupp.img". IF a file by that name already exists, this procedure will over-write that file. If a file does already exits, you could rename it, but you do so at your own peril.

(Pick AA or BB below)

AA Download the file that you were sent and unzip the file. One of the files in the unzipped folder is named WINNIxxx.IMG. Rename that file to gmapsupp.img and copy it to "K:\garmin\gmapsupp.img" (Substitute your device letter for "K")

BB If you were emailed only the gmapsupp.img file:Download it to your PC and copy it to K:\Garmin folder/directory-OR- Download it directly to the K:\Garmin folder/directory. You may need to rename the file to gmapsupp.img

When the device is turned on,

  • If your NuVi has a Marine Mode, insure that it is set.
  • Select the little wrench.
  • Thence select "settings”.
  • Scroll down to "MAP"
  • Select "MAP INFO" (on the bottom of the screen).
  • Select the "cgpsmapper" map and de-select all others. This temporarily selects the Bizer map. To re-activate other maps, de-select "cgpsmapper" and select the other maps.

If you are not physically at Lake Winnipesaukee, you can do the following to look at the map you have just loaded:

  • With a map displayed on the screen, zoom out many levels until the Winnipesaukee area is on the screen. It probably will be surrounded by a box.
  • Put your finger on Winnipesaukee and pull it to the center of the map.
  • Zoom in. Re-center the map, as necessary, as you zoom back in.