You can purchase a specially made crate cover such as

The Thunderhut

Or create your own safe haven

·  Allow your dog to seek a windowless room such as a bathroom or basement.

·  Cover a crate, if your dog is acclimated to using a crate, with a heavy blanket.

·  Pad a closet with mattress foam.

·  Allow your dog to seek comfort under a table or desk.

·  Plug in an Adaptil D.A.P. Dog Appeasing Pheromone Diffuser to send a scent communication message of safety and security to the safe haven area.

·  Play Through A Dog’s Ear CD tapes that are soothing.

·  Or play music with a strong downbeat that will drown out the thunder.

·  Close curtains to decrease visual stimulation.

·  Train your dog to enjoy a KONG Food Toy filled with a special treats during quiet and happy times, and then offer the KONG when your pet is in his haven during a storm.

·  Never try to pull or force your dog out of a safe haven

·  Speak calmly and confidently to your dog, do not coddle or pity.

·  Reward you dog for relaxed behaviors.