Research Unit 4703
Southern Research Station
Auburn, AL 36849
As of 6/19/2012
(FY 1977)
045 Sirois, Donald L. 1977. Feasibility of harvesting southern hardwood trees by extraction. ASAE Paper 77-1567. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 16 p.
(FY 1978)
046 Sirois, D.L.; Iff, R.H. 1978. Is there a potential for skyline logging of southern pines? In: Proceedings of a symposium, "Complete Tree Utilization of Southern Pines"; FPRS, SFES, & IUFRO; 1978 April 17-19; New Orleans, LA. p. 203-210.
(FY 1979)
047 Goulet, Daniel V.; Sirois, Donald L.; Iff, Ronald H. 1979. A survey of timber harvesting simulation models for use in the South. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO-25. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 15 p.
048 Goulet, Daniel V.; Sirois, Donald L.; Iff, Ronald H.; (and others). 1979. Harvesting simulation models, an evaluation and review for use in the Southern United States. In: Proceedings, Workshop/Symposium on Simulation Techniques in Forest Operational Planning and Control; 1978 October 3-6; Wagenigen, the Netherlands. The Netherlands: Department of Forestry Technique and Forest Products. p. 127-136.
049 Iff, Ronald H. 1979. Analyzing slack-pulling forces in manually operated skyline logging systems. For. Sci. 25(31): 475-484.
(FY 1980)
050 Goulet, D.V.; Iff, R.H.; Sirois, D.L. 1979. Tree-to-mill forest harvesting simulation models: Where are we? For. Prod. J. 1979. 29(10):45-50.
051 Goulet, D.V.; Iff, R.H.; Sirois, D.L. 1980. Five forest harvesting simulation models Part I: Modeling characteristics. For. Prod. J. 30(7):17-20.
052 Goulet, D. V.; Iff, R. H.; Sirois, D. L. 1980. Analysis of five forest harvesting simulation models, Part II. Paths, pitfalls, and other considerations. For. Prod. J. 30(8):18-22.
053 Iff, R.H.; Coy, R. Development of modern cable logging systems in the south. Southern Lumberman. 239(2968), December issue. 1979: 91-92.
054 King, A.L.; Haines, S. 1979. Soil compaction absent in plantation thinning. Res. Paper SO-251. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 4 p.
055 King, A.L. 1979. Measuring soil compaction in mechanically thinned pine plantations. ASAE Paper 79-1600. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 8 p.
056 Koch, P.; Savage, T.E. 1980. Development of the swathe-felling mobile chipper. J. of For. 78(1): 17-21.
(FY 1981)
057 Goulet, D.V.; Hines, G.S.; Sirois, D.L. 1980. Critique requested of: timber harvesting computer simulation model design criteria. For. Prod. J. 30(11):
058 Hines, G.S.; Webster, D.B.; Goulet, D.V.; Sirois, D.L. 1981. A second-generation model of timber harvesting. Simulation. p. 165-167.
059 Hool, J.N.; Hines, G.S. 1980. Considerations in developing/selecting a timber simulation model. In: Proceedings of the 1980 Summer Computer Simulation Conference; 1980 August 25-27; Seattle, WA. p. 461-464.
060 Iff, Ronald H. 1979. Cable yarder development in the southeastern United States. In: Proceedings, Symposium on Mountain Logging; 1979 September. p. 62-67.
061 Sirois, Donald L. 1981. Some engineering aspects of the Nicholson-Koch mobile chipper. ASAE Paper 81-1077. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 11 p.
(FY 1982)
062 Hines, G.S.; Padgett, M.L.; Webster, D.B.; Sirois, D.L. 1982. Statistical methodology for forest harvesting model development. Wood Sci. 14(4): 178-187.
063 Koger, Jerry L. 1981. Transportation methods and costs for sawlogs, pulpwood bolts, and longwood. Tech. Note B44. Norris, TN: Tennessee Valley Authority, Division of Land and Forest Resources. 34 p.
064 Lanford, B.L.; Stokes, B.J. 1982. Biologically based thinning systems: state-of-the-art. In: Proceedings Tappi Research and Development Conference; Asheville, NC. p. 281-286.
065 Seki, A.; Sirois, D.L.; Kamen, T. 1982. Harvesting and utilization. Hydropyrolysls of biomass to produce liquid hydrocarbon fuels: Rept. on Energy Tree Farm Workshop, Hilo, HI. p. 71-78.
(FY 1982 continued)
066 Sirois, Donald L. 1982. A mobile harvester for utilization of weed trees and residues. In: Proceedings of John S. Wright Forestry Conference, "Weed Control in Forest Management"; 1981 February 3-5; W. Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. p. 177-191.
067 Smith, Leo A. 1980. Assessment of the ergonomics literature to identify productivity improvement applications and research needs pertinent to southern forest harvesting. Final Report. Volume I, 1980. Auburn, AL: Auburn University, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering and Engineering Experiment Station. 49 p.
068 Smith, L.A.; Sirois, D.L. 1982. Ergonomic research and needs in southern forest harvesting. For. Prod. J. 32(4):
069 Stokes, B.J.; Lanford, B.L. 1981. A case study of the Albright felling saw in saw timber stands. ASAE Paper 81-1589. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 11 p.
070 Stokes, B.J.; Lanford, B.L. 1982. Patterns and equipment for selective thinning. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Thinning Southern Pine Plantations; 1982 May 24-26; Long Beach, MS. p. 105-118.
(FY 1983)
071 Burt, E.C.; Koger, J.L.; Taylor, J.H.; Bailey, A.C. 1982. Performance of log-skidder tires. ASAE Paper 82-1596. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 9 p.
072 Hassan, Awatif E.; Sirois, Donald L. 1982. Weight distribution characteristics of semi-suspended trees. ASAE Paper 82-1585. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 26 p.
073 Hines, Gail S.; Liu, Chang Y.; Webster, Dennis B.; Sirois, Donald L. 1983. Features of a skidding module in a timber harvesting computer simulation model. For. Prod. J. 33(7/8):11-16.
074 Hoffman, Roy E.; Lanford, Bobby L.; Iff, Ronald H. 1982. Evaluation of the Holder A55F logging tractor. Bulletin 539. Auburn, AL: Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. 33 p.
075 Iff, Ronald H.; Koger, Jerry L.; Burt, Eddie C.; Culver, Wade E. 1982. C-A-R-T-S: Capacity analysis of rubber-tired skidders. ASAE Paper 82-1594. St. Joseph, MI: Society of Agricultural Engineers. 19 p.
076 Izlar, Bob; Domenech, Doug; Czerepinski, Frank; Stokes, Bryce. 1983. Makeri 33T harvester. APA Tech. Rel. 83-R-14. Washington, DC: American Pulpwood Association. 3 p.
077 Koger, Jerry L. 1982. Log loading methods and costs in the Tennessee Valley Region. Tech. Note B46. Norris, TN: Tennessee Valley Authority, Division of Land and Forest Resources. 36 p.
078 Koger, Jerry L.; Trouse, Albert C., Jr.; Burt, Eddie C.; Iff, Ronald H.;Bailey, A. C. 1982. Effects of skidder tire size on soil compaction. ASAE Paper 82-1595. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 22 p.
079 Koger, Jerry L.; Sherar, James R. 1983. Analysis of the Taylor Skyliner in western North Carolina. In: Jones Jr., Earl P., ed. Proceedings, Second Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference; 1982 November 4-5; Atlanta, GA. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-24. Asheville, NC: USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. p. 247-252.
080 Lanford, Bobby L. 1983. Productivity and cost of the Timberjack 30 feller buncher. For. Prod. J. 33(1): 62-66.
081 Reece, J. W.; Iff, Ronald H.; Sirois, Donald L. 1983. An inexpensive photogrammetry system for obtaining 3-D spatial coordinates in dynamic testing conditions. For. Sci. 29: 341-350.
082 Sirois, D.L. 1982. The Nicholson-Koch mobile chip harvesting system. In: Proceedings, The Sixth International FPRS Industrial Wood Energy Forum '82; 1982 March 8-10; Washington, DC. Madison, WI: Forest Products Research Society. 100-105. Vol. I.
083 Smith, Leo A.; Sirois, Donald L. 1982. Review of human factors applications in forest harvesting. In: Proceedings, Human Factors Society 26th Annual Meeting; 1982 October 25-29; Seattle, WA. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors Society. p. 271-275.
084 Steele, Jacqueline G.; Koger, Jerry L.; Trouse, Albert C., Jr.; Sirois, Donald L. 1983. Core versus nuclear gauge methods of determining soil bulk density and moisture content. Res. Note SO-295. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 6 p.
085 Stokes, Bryce J.; Koger, Jerry L.; Pickle, Frank J. 1983. Mor-bell logger: Skidding case study. Res. Note SO-290. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 4 p.
086 Stokes, Bryce J.; Lanford, Bobby L.; Sirois, Donald L. 1982. Mor-bell thinning system feller buncher, skidder and loader. ASAE Paper 82-1590. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 12 p.
087 Stokes, Bryce J.; Lanford, B. L. 1983. The Albright felling saw in saw timber stands. TRANSACTIONS of ASAE. 26(1): 44-46, 53.
088 Stokes, Bryce J.; Lanford, Bobby. 1983. Timbco feller-buncher visits the South. APA Tech. Rel. 83-R-91. Washington, DC: American Pulpwood Association. 2 p.
089 Stokes, Bryce J.; Plummer, Glenn M.; Domenech, Douglas W. 1983. Forest site preparation operations petroleum consumption management. ASAE Paper 83-1034. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 15 p.
(FY 1983 continued)
090 Stokes, Bryce J.; Plummer, Glenn M.; Domenech, Douglas W. 1983. Forest site preparation operations petroleum consumption management. APA Tech. Rel. 83-R-95. Washington, DC: American Pulpwood Association. 4 p.
091 Stokes, Bryce J.; Sirois, D.L. 1983. Operational characteristics of a harvester in intermediate cuttings. In: Jones Jr.. Earle P. ed. Proceedings, Second Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference; 1982 November 4-5; Atlanta, GA. Gen Tech. Rep. SE-24. Asheville, NC. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. p. 240-246.
092 Turner, John L. 1982. A semi-empirical mobility model for tracked skidders. ASAE Paper 82-1597. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 30 p.
093 Webster, Dennis B.; Padgett, Mary Louise; Sirois, Donald L. 1983. Features of a felling module using a feller-buncher in a computer harvesting computer simulation model. For. Prod. J. 33(6): 11-16.
(FY 1984)
094 Ashmore, Colin; Stokes, Bryce J.; Lanford. Bobby L. 1983. Thinning performance of the Hydro-Ax 411 in fifth row removal. ASAE Paper 83-1604. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 19 p.
095 Ashmore, Colin; Stokes, Bryce; Izlar, Bob; Domenech, Doug. 1984. Lokomo cone saw felling heads. APA Tech. Rel. 84-R-38, Washington, DC: American Pulpwood Association. 2 p.
096 Hassan, Awatif E; Sirois, Donald L. 1983. Weight distribution characteristics of semi-suspended trees. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 26(1): 1291-1297.
097 Hassan, Awatif E.; Sirois, D.L. 1984. Rolling resistance of a cable skidder-effect of inflation pressures and tire sizes. ASAE Paper 84-1050. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 28 p.
098 Koger, Jerry L. 1983. Observed methods for felling hardwood trees with chainsaws. Res. Note SO-297. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 7 p.
099 Koger, Jerry L.; Stokes, Bryce J.; Sirois, Donald L. 1983. P-C-G producing computer graphs. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO-200. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 40 p.
100 Koger, Jerry L.; Burt, Eddie C.; Trouse, Albert C., Jr. 1983. Multiple pass effects of skidder tires on soil compaction in soil bins. ASAE Paper 83-1619. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 19 p.
101 Koger, Jerry L.; Webster, Dennis B. 1984.
L-0-S-T: Logging optimation selection technique. Gen. Tech. Rep. SO-203. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 66 p.
102 Lanford, B.L.; Hoffman, R.E.; Iff, R.H. 1983. A small skidder for thinning: the Holder A55F tractor. So. J. of Applied Forestry. 7(3): 161-165.
103 Lanford, B.L.; Stokes, B.J. 1984. Performance of Timbco Hydro-Buncher on steep terrain. In: Proceedings, 1984 Mountain Logging Symposium; 1984 June 5-7, Morgantown, West Virginia: West Virginia University Press. p. 282-191.
104 Matthes, R.K.; Watson, W.F.; Sirois, D.L. 1983. Consideration of forces involved during skidding operations. ASAE Paper 83-1624. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 9 p.
105 Plummer, Glenn; Stokes, Bryce J. 1983. Petroleum product consumption of forest systems-report #1 in a series of six. APA Tech. Paper 83-A-3. Washington, DC: American Pulpwood Association, Southwide Energy Committee. 1983. 15 p.
106 Plummer, Glenn; Stokes, Bryce J. 1983. Petroleum product consumption of off-highway forest machines-report #2 in a series of six. APA Tech. Paper 83-A-9. Washington, DC: American Pulpwood Association, Southwide Energy Committee. 15 p.
107 Plummer, Glenn; Stokes, Bryce J. 1983. Petroleum product consumption estimators for off-highway forest operations-report #3 in a series of six. APA Tech. Paper 83-A-12. Washington, DC: American Pulpwood Association, Southwide Energy Committee. 9 p.
108 Sherar, James R.; Koger, Jerry L. 1984. The Clearwater yarder--a Mississippi case study. In: Proceedings, 1984 Mountain Logging Symposium; 1984 June 5-7, Morgantown, West Virginia: West Virginia University Press. p. 337-339.
109 Sirois, Donald L. 1983. Biomass of four hardwoods from lower Piedmont pine-hardwood stands in Alabama. SFES Gen. Tech. Rep. SO-46. August 1983. 18 p.
110 Sirois, Donald L.; Smith, Leo A. 1983. Evaluation of physiological demands of forest harvesting tasks. ASAE Paper 83-1634. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 14 p.
111 Smith, Leo A.; Wilson, G. Dennis; Sirois, D. L. 1983. Work physiology evaluation of southern forest harvesting tasks. For. Prod. J. 33(9): 38-44.
112 Sommerville, Matthew C.; Lanford, Bobby L.; Stokes, Bryce J. 1984. Mechanized piling during pine plantation thinning. For. Prod. J. 34(4):45-49.
113 Stokes, Bryce J.; Lanford, Bobby L. 1983. Evaluation of timbco hydro-buncher in southern plantation thinning. ASAE Paper 83-1600. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 11 p.
(FY 1984 continued)
114 Watson, W.F.; Matthes, R.K; Sirois, D.L. 1983. Fuel consumed by rubber tired skidders. ASAE Paper 83-1625. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 12 p.
(FY 1985)
115 Lanford, B.L.; Sirois, D.L. 1983. Drive-to-tree, rubber-tired feller buncher production studies. Gen. Tech. Rept. SO-45. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station. 14 p.
116 Franchi, B.L.; Savelle, I.W.; Watson, W.F.; Stokes, B.J. 1984. Predicting biomass of understory stems in the Mississippi and Alabama coastal plains. MAFES Tech. Bulletin 124. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station.
117 Hassan, Awatif E.; Sirois, D.L. 1984. Performance of a skidder with dual tires on wetland. ASAE Paper 84-1552. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 18 p.
118 Greene, W. Dale; Lanford, Bobby L.; Stokes, Bryce J. 1984. Productivity of the Valmet 940 GP Grapple Processor in Southern Pine Plantation Thinning. In: Corcoran, Thomas J; Gill, Douglas R., eds. Proceedings, C0FE/IUFRO Conference; 1984 August 12-14; Orono, ME. Orono, ME: University of Maine. p. 105-108.
119 Tuttle, C.L.; Golden, M.S.; Sirois, D.L. 1984. A portable tool for obtaining soil cores in clay or rocky soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 48(6): 1453-1455.
120 Iff, Ronald H.; Koger, Jerry L.; Burt, Eddie C.; Culver, Wade E. 1984. C-A-R-T-S: Capacity analysis of rubber-tired skidders. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 27(3): 660-664.
121 Burt, E.C.; Koger, J.L.; Taylor, J.H.; Bailey, A.C. 1984. Performance of log-skidder tires. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 27(3): 670-673.
122 Turner, John L. 1984. A semi-empirical mobility model for tracked vehicles. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 27(4): 990-996.
123 Webster, Dennis; Padgett, Mary L.; Hines, Gail S.; Sirois, Donald L. 1984. Determining the level of detail in a simulation model- a case study. Comput. & Indus. Engng. 8(3/4): 215-225.