The Caravan Club, Yorkshire Dales Centre


Easter Rally 2018


Thank you for your enquiry. Our rally at Kettlewell runs from Thursday 29th March to Tuesday 3rd April 2018.

The route–From Skipton by pass take B6265 to Thresfield the B6160 to Kettlewell. Site on right immediately over river bridge. Map ref: 98/969724

Please find below our entertainment programme & Itinerary: -

Thursday 29th04.00pmRally opensNo arrivals before this time please due to National Park approval

limit of hours.

Friday 30thth11.00amFootball (All Welcome) and Mini Games

07.00 pmFamily Social, Inc. Supper

Saturday 31st 11.00am Rounder’s (All Welcome) and Mini Games

07.00pm Family Quiz Evening Inc. Supper

Sunday1st 11.30am Flag followed by Easter Fun for All

Monday 2ndFree Day

Tuesday 3rd02.00pmRally closes at 2 pm.

Please fullycomplete and return the attached booking formwith your payment for the extended weekend, we are unable to confirm any booking without this.

If you have any questions,please feel free tocontact us and wewill be only too happy to assist you.

We look forward to seeing you and your family at Easter.


Sarah, Jay, Lydia, Callam, Teddy and Nala-Alice and Julie, Dan, Amelia and Isabelle

Sarah Hall and Jay Brearley, Riverside View, Riverside, Clapham, Lancaster LA2 8DR, Tel: 015242 51777

Mob: 07872348165

The Caravan Club, Yorkshire Dales Centre


Easter Rally 2018

Please complete, sign and return this form complete with full payment, as calculated belowto: -

Sarah Hall

Riverside View





Please complete the followingplease ensure you complete ALL your details

Please print clearly




Telephone Number: Mobile Number: -

Centre: Membership Number: -

Car Registration Number: - Is this your first rally:

Motor Home:Twin Axle:

Do you have an Anniversary / Birthday during the weekend: - ______?

I will be arriving on Thursday 29th Marchl/Friday 30th March, please delete as appropriate.

I will be leaving on Monday 2nd April /Tuesday3rd April, please delete as appropriate.

My Party Includes: - ______Adults______Teenagers

______9 – 12______6 - 8______Under 5’s

Saturday Evening______Adults@ £2.00£______

Entertainment & Meal______Teenagers@ £1.00£______

______9 – 12’s@ £1.00£______

______6 – 8’s@ £1.00£______

______Under 5’s@ FREE£______

Sunday Evening______Adults@ £2.00£______

Entertainment & Meal______Teenagers@ £1.00£______

______9 – 12’s@ £1.00£______

______6 – 8’s@ £1.00£______

______Under 5’s@ FREE£______

Rally fee£36.00____

Total Payable£

Please make cheques payable to The Caravan Club Yorkshire Dales Centre and crossed. Rally fee is £36.00 and you are not booked on until the full fee as totalled above is received. Included is a non-returnable deposit of £5.00. Prices subject to alteration. Yorkshire Dales Centre rules apply always on the rally.

Please note by signing this booking form you are accepting responsibility for all expenses incurred on your behalf should you not attend the rally.

Signed: -Date: -