Fifth Sunday of Lent
3st Scrutiny and Presentation of the Creed
Will the Elect and the Candidates come forward with your sponsors and godparents.
After the Elect, Candidates, sponsors and godparents come forward.
Elect and Candidates of God, bow your heads and pray. (moment of silence)
Sponsors place your right hand on the shoulder of the Elect
Presider: Let us pray for these Elect and Candidates whom God has chosen. May the grace of the sacraments conform them to Christ in his passion and resurrection and enable them to triumph over the bitter fate of death.
Lector of Assisting Minister: Response Lord Hear our Prayer
That these elect and candidates may be given the faith to acknowledge Christ as the resurrection and the life.
We pray to the Lord
That they may be freed from sin and grow in holiness that leads to eternal life.
We pray to the Lord
That, liberated by repentance from the shackles of sin, they may become like Christ by baptism, dead to sin and alive for ever in God’s sight.
We pray to the Lord
That they may be filled with the hope of life-giving Spirit and prepare themselves thoroughly for their birth to new life.
We pray to the Lord
That the Eucharistic food, which they are soon to receive, may make them one with Christ, the source of life and of resurrection.
We pray to the Lord
That all of us may walk in newness of life and show to the world the power of the risen Christ.
We pray to the Lord
That all the world may find Christ and acknowledge in him the promises of eternal life.
We pray to the Lord
That the sick of the parish may be freed from danger, relieved of suffering and embraced with compassion in the gentle arms of the Good Shepherd.
We pray to the Lord
For the repose of the souls of ______________________ for whom this Mass is being offered, and for all the dearly departed: May they be with their Savior in paradise.
We pray to the Lord
For the prayers we hold in our hearts and for those written in our book of prayer (pause)
We pray to the Lord
EXORCSIM – assembly sit
Father of life and God not of the dead but the living,
you sent your Son to proclaim life, to snatch us from the
realm of death, and to lead us to the resurrection.
Free these elect and candidates from the death-dealing
power of the spirit of evil,
so that they may bear witness
to their new life in the risen Christ,
for he lives for ever and ever.
All: Amen
The presider walks to each of the Elect and Candidates and lays hands on them.
Presider: to the assembly-Stand
Would the Elect and Candidates bow you heads and the assembly please extend your hands toward these Elect and Candidates as we pray.
The elect and candidates bow and the Presider walks to each of them and lays hands on them.
Then with outstretched hands over all the elect and candidates, he continues:
Lord Jesus,
by raising Lazarus from the dead
you showed that you came that we might have life
and have it more abundantly.
Free from the grasp of death
those who await your life-giving sacraments
and deliver them from the spirit of corruption
Through your Spirit, who gives life,
fill them with faith, hope, and charity,
that they may live with your always
in the glory of your resurrection,
for you are Lord for ever and ever.
All: Amen
DISMISSAL (Sacristan or altar server bring the Lectionary to the Presider for Dismissal)
My dear friends, today the Lord Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and instructed those around him to untie him and let him go free. Today’s great miracle is this: the Lord releases you from the bondage of sin and promises resurrection and new life to all who believe. As your belief in the Lord strengthens and grows, be assured of our loving support and prayer. We eagerly await the day when you will share with us at the table of the Eucharist.
Handing the Lectionary to the catechist, he says:
Now go in peace, and may the Lord remain with you always.
All: Thanks be to God