AP Government Syllabus 2014-15

Unit & Dates / Reading / Assessment
The Constitution
August 19-September 5 / §  Sabato Chap 1 3-7,11-14,15-28 (Annotated Const pages 66-93)
§  Words We Live By (WWLB) 10-17
§  Reader: “Framed up” by Hendrik Herztberg
§  Sabato 44-53
§  Federalist # 10 & 51
§  Enduring Debate Beard 22-27 OR Brown 28-33 Pluralism vs. elitism
§  Reader: “Fathers Don’t Always Know Best” by Mark Kurlasky / §  Blog: Reclaiming our Republic
§  Multiple Choice & essay TEST!
September 9-19 / §  Sabato 95-104
§  Reader “A States’ Right Left” by Jim Holt
§  “The Late Great States by Steve Chapman “Abstaining from Federal sex-ed by PJ Huffstutter “Oregon Right to Die” Supreme Court decision- State exemptions from Affordable Health Care, Sabato 104-109
§  Enduring Debate “The Price of Federalism” by Paul Peterson / §  Multiple Choice test and in class essay
The Electoral Process
September 22-November 4/5
Fall Break is October 20-24 / §  Reader “10 Steps to Better Elections” by Steve Hill Reader: Update on Campaign Finance- The impact of Citizens United
§  Sabato Chap 11 389-404
§  Sabato Chap 12 419-458
§  Sabato 581- 566 and 590-606
§  Sabato Chap 13 461-507 Sabato Chap 16 584-586, lobbying-590-606
§  Enduring Debate “The Paradoxes of the American Presidency” by Thomas Cronin & Michael Genovese Reader: “Packing Cracking and Kidnapping” by Don Peck & Caitlin Casey
§  Atlantic Monthly The Quill Is Voting Worth the Trouble? / §  Class elections November 3 (See role handouts for due dates for Election & Campaign assignments)
§  Multiple Choice test and in class essay
Political Culture and the Media
November 6-Dec 4/5 / §  Sabato Chap 15 562-579
§  Reader: “Deep Throat and Shallow Journalism” by Howard Kurtz
§  Reader: “Permanent Fatal Errors” by Louis Menand 23-28
§  Reader: -“One Nation out of Many” by Samuel Huntington
§  Sabato 404-417
§  Culture War? by Morris Fiorina 2011 edition / §  Quiz
December 4/5—Dec 11/12 / §  Sabato Chapter 7
§  Reader: -“To The Founders, Congress was King” by John Dillin
§  “ New Anthrax Vaccine” 64-72
§  Capital’s New Four Letter Word Reader: Congressional memo: Behind the Noisy clashes-2 chambers that don’t understand each other” by Carl Huise New York Times
§  Profiles In Courage by John Kennedy Introductory chapter / §  Multiple Choice test and in class essay
The Executive & Bureaucracy
Dec 15-Jan 16 / §  Sabato Chapter 8 & 9
§  WWLB 64-72
§  “The Power to Persuade” by Richard Neustadt Enduring Debate
§  Reader: FCC Fines by Joel Stein LA Times (in class) High Court may Rethink @#!” / §  Multiple Choice test and in class essay
The Judiciary
January 27/28-Feb 19-20 / §  Sabato Chapter 10 359-371
§  Courtroom 302 Chapters “Good Facts Bad Facts” & “Busted Again”
§  Enduring Debate “Overruling the Court” by Leon Friedman
§  “Enduring Debate Common Law Courts in a Civil Law System” by Antonin Scalia and “Our Democratic Constitution” by Stephen Breyer / §  Multiple Choice test and in class essay
§  Mock Supreme Court
§  Matching Quiz on Supreme Court cases
Civil Rights
Feb 26/27 / §  Sabato 157-195
§  Reader
§  WWLB SC cases / Quiz