Goal: Familiarize yourself with credible and non-credible—plain silly to seriously concerning—and discuss your findings with the class. Here’s your chance to really dig into authentic areas of interest to you…and you’ll have the opportunity to focus on one specific theory and convince us the theory is true.

Step 1: This is a Partner Project…grab a partner. I’ll be asking you later today who your partner is.

Step 2:Conspiracy Continuum (super-fast research) –together with your partner, generate a list of ten conspiracy theories in which you both have interest. Then, plot your list on a continuum identifying which theories are LEAST CREDIBLE (least credible would be #10) to MOST CREDIBLE (#1). Using a visual medium (powerpoint, prezi, whatever works for you), display your continuum. Be ready to very briefly explain the “gist” of each theory (think one or two sentences, no more).

-So, think about it this way....create 10 slides. On each slide you’ll list a conspiracy theory (remember, it’s a continuum…least credible to most credible). Place some sort of appropriate IMAGE on each slide (just images/no video links). Very briefly talk us through how the theory works.

-This stage of the project is worth 25 points and think about it this way: the conspiracy continuum is a foundational step for the “real show.” If you create the continuum and present it to the class, you earn the points…no pressure!

Step 3: Focused Research on One Conspiracy Theory – LET THE REAL FUN BEGIN!

So we’ve done the “overview” of conspiracy theories and everything that is out there through the continuum process. Now, you and your partner need to select one specific theory (make sure it’s something that you are passionately interested in) and really dive into it, research it, learn the “ins and outs.” It should be a theory that you truly believe could be credible. Specifically, you will need to:

Select one conspiracy theory

Research the theory from all perspectives. In other words, find evidence that supports the theory, but also research what those who disagree say about the theory. (In other words, you cannot just research your position…you need to look at what detractors might say).

Format your research in an ARGUMENTATIVE DOCUMENT (be sure to place both partners’ names on this). This document should contain all of the following:

-As the first part of this document, clearly state the theory in as much detail as possible (EX: The United States did not send astronauts to the moon in the 1950s and the entire idea of a “moon landing” was faked in an effort to make it look like the United States beat the Russians in the “space race.”)

-A “Pro” Portion in which you clearly write up why you find this conspiracy theory to be possible. While this is certainly based on your opinion, you are obligated to pull in sources (at least two outside sources). This is not an essay, but I’m thinking that to be thorough and complete, you’ll need multiple paragraphs to fully explain the “pro” position.

-A “Con” Portion in which you clearly communicate what those you disagree with this conspiracy theory argue. Pull in at least one outside source (but feel free to use more). The “con” position must be explained in a minimum of one paragraph (but you certainly can write more, if needed).

-Works Cited Page: list your research sources (MLA citation format is required). To be clear, simply listing URLs in not enough. Please go to the Purdue OWL Writing Lab website for more information on how to format a Works Cited page if you do not recall how to format this page.

-Print this document; it should be ready to be handed in on the day of presentations.

Step 4:Pitch to the class –become your conspiracy…convince us your Conspiracy Theory is true. Think about some of the wacky stuff you see on YouTube…and the lengths people are willing to go convince us of something.Pull in any resources you need (video clips, actors, etc) in an effort to persuade us that your conspiracy is real…and something we should be concerned about.

Added pressure: the class will provide YOU with feedback and let you know whether or not you’ve convinced them.

Speech Requirements:

-Must be persuasive

-Must be media-driven and as engaging/interactive as possible

-Must be 5 to 10 minutes in length

Example: So if you believe that UFOs exist AND are a potential threat to our security (and you happened to see one last night), convince us this is true!!

Name/s (both):______War&Conspiracy


Advanced / Basic / Emerging
Presentation Created / Engaging, visually appealing, and easily interpreted. / Proficient and understandable presentation created. / Presentation needs improvement.
“Pitch” to class / Polished, enthusiastic, and engaging presentation; speaker/s comfortable in leading class through findings. / Functional and complete presentation to class; if presenting in a group, all members play a role (yes, you both must speak). / Needs improvement.
Timing / Met or exceeded the 5 minute goal. / Less than 5 minutes.
Argumentative Document
-Clear theory
-Pros explained (with 2 sources)
-Cons explained (with 1 source)
-MLA Works Cited page / Complete and thorough research of source materials. Document reflects all four key components (as listed to the left). Document clearly argues both sides of the theory. Document is easy to read and contains few errors. / Some required information is present; some portions are missing OR document does not thoroughly argue the merits of the conspiracy theory. / Major portions of the document and process are incomplete.

Presentation and “Pitch” = ______/100 pts

Argumentative Document = ______/50 pts