Fundamentals of Information Technology
- Introduction to Computers
- Create a Visiting Card for a System Administrator of a software company as per the following specifications using MS-WORD. Size of the visiting card is “3.5 X 2”, office and residence address separated by a line and insert logo.
- Create your college time table in MS-Word for 7 subjects for 6 days with 50 minutes duration, lunch break 30 minutes and each subject should have minimum 5 periods in a week.
- Create a newspaper in MS-Word of atleast ½ page. Insert the page no. as Header and P.T.O as footer.
- Create a document with not more than 150 words consisting of 10 spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. Then correct them using spell check and grammar check.
- Create a table using MS-Word with the fields Employee Name, Basic Pay, HRA, DA, PF, GrossSalary and NetSalary. HRA is 20% of basic. DA is 10% of basic. PF is 12% of basic. Find out the GrossSalary and NetSalary.
- Create an interview call letter as the main document and create 5 records for 5 persons using MS-Word.Use Mail Merge to create letters for 3 persons.
- Create the marks report in Excel for 5 students with 5 subjects and total, average and result.
- Prepare the Balance Sheet of a company by taking at least 10 items both the sides.
- Prepare the Trading Account and Profit & Loss account of a company by taking at least 5 items on credit and debit side. Find out gross profit & net profit.
- Create an Excel worksheet with the following format:
Employees / Salary
A / 50000
B / 25000
C / 30000
D / 40000
Find average salary of the employees.
Find Maximum and minimum salaries.
- Create an Worksheet in the following format:
Sl.No / Product Name / Jan to Dec / Total Sales
- Create Pie-graph for the following data:
Year / 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004
Sales / 10000 / 15000 / 25000 / 30000 / 40000
- Create a PowerPoint presentation describing Clean and Green city.
- Create a Presentation with 5 slides about your college day celebrations.
- Describing Traffic rules make a presentation with 4 slides.
- Create a PowerPoint using Organizational Chart Slide.
- Create a PowerPoint with 5 slides describing sports day in your college.
- Create a presentation with 5 slides describing Independence Day celebrations in your college.
- Create an Employee Table with the following fields. (Empno ,Empname, Sal, Designation, Address, PhoneNo)
- Create a student table in MS-Access with the following fields for 5 records. (RollNo,StudentName, Marks1, Marks2, Marks3, Total, Average, Result).
- Create a Form for Inventory Table (Product Id, Product Name, Product Qty, Product Price).
- Create a Teacher Table with the following (Name, Department No, Department Name, Location, Salary). Generate a Report for the above table.
- Create an Employee table (Empno, Empname, Basic Sal, DA, HRA, PF, Gross Pay, Net Pay).
Calculate DA @ 20%, HRA @ 15%, PF @ 12%,
- Create a table with the following (Sno, Sname, Marks1, Marks2, Marks3)
Calculate Total, Division and Generate Ranks.