
Homework Assignment

Due Monday 9/21


These are the pages that we will be covering in class during the week. Use the readings to help you get acquainted with the material.

·  Chapter 1 ( pages 1-16)


These are the vocab words that play a large part this week. You will see these words on the quiz (matching section). The definitions come directly from the back of the book. You do not have to hand these in. Recommendation: Put them on index cards

1.  Criminalistics

2.  Evidence

3.  Civil law

4.  Criminal law

5.  Misdemeanor

6.  Felony

7.  Miranda rights

8.  Arraignment

9.  Preliminary hearing

10.  Grand jury

11.  Indict

12.  Plea bargaining

13.  Violation

14.  Infraction

15.  Probative

16.  Material

17.  Hearsay

18.  Expert witness

19.  Frye standard

20.  Daubert ruling


These questions are going to be collected on a weekly basis – due on Mondays. You must type the answers out, in complete sentences.

1.  In your own words, what is Locard’s Exchange Principle? Why can this principle be considered the cornerstone of forensic science?

2.  What are three main differences between civil and criminal cases?

3.  If Upper Dublin were to have its own crime lab, what departments would you expect it to have? Explain your reasoning for each. Must have at least 4 different departments.

4.  What are the differences between felonies and misdemeanors?

5.  What is the purpose of a preliminary hearing?

6.  What must the defendant prove to be found “not guilty by reason of insanity?”


These worksheets are extra. They will be good review for the quizzes and tests.

Somehow, the answer keys will be available to you to check your work.


Announcements / Other:

The announcement section just gives you heads up of upcoming events and reminders

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Cover text book

Quiz Monday 9/21 on Chapter 1