NOTICE is given that the Cabinet, at a meeting to be held on 28th January 2013, is expected to consider business that is likely to result in ‘key decisions’, as defined on s8 of the above Regulations, being taken. The wider definition of ‘key decisions’ adopted by the Council is appended to this Notice.
Notice is further given, pursuant to s5 of the above Regulations, that the Cabinet, at the meeting to be held on 28th January 2013, is expected to consider confidential or exempt business in private session.
The items of business are as follows:-
Savings ProgrammeAnticipated Outcome: Following consultation, approval of 2013/14 and 2014/15 savings proposals.
Contact Officer: Jim Taylor, Chief Executive
tel: 01706 925403
Key Decision: YES
Documents to be submitted: Report.
Confidential/Exempt Business: The report in respect of this matter is expected to contain information defined under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Part 1 Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information); Information relating to any consultations or negotiations or contemplated consultations or negotiations in connection with any labour relations matters arising between the Authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of or office-holders under the Authority; and Information in respect of which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in Legal proceedings.
Business Rates – Impact of ‘Localism’ on Reliefs
Anticipated Outcome: Following consultation, approval of proposed changes to the existing Discretionary Rate Relief Scheme.
Contact Officer:Simon Bailey, Customers and Communities Service.
tel 01706 926001
Key Decision: YES
Documents to be submitted: Report.
Confidential/Exempt Business: YES
The report in respect of this matter is expected to contain information defined under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Part 1 Paragraph 3 (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information))
Social Fund - Localisation of support following the abolition of Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants from April 2013
Anticipated Outcome: Approval of a policy to implement new arrangements in relation to the Social Fund, following transfer of funding to the local authority in April 2013.
Contact Officer: Andy Glover, Customers and Communities
tel - 01706 924105
Documents to be submitted: Report.
Confidential/Exempt Business: No
Financial Update
Anticipated Outcome: Approval of expenditure or budget allocations, if required in light of the Council’s reported financial position or in response to recent developments.
Contact Officer: Vicky Crossland, Finance and Procurement Service
tel: 01706 925409
Key Decision: YES
Documents to be submitted: Report.
Confidential/Exempt Business: NO
Ofsted Inspection Report
Anticipated Outcome:Receipt of report and inclusion of recommendations into the Single integrated Improvement plan.
Contact Officer: Gladys Rhodes-White, executive Director
tel: 01706 925001.
Key Decision: YES
Documents to be submitted: Report.
Confidential/Exempt Business: NO
Anticipated Outcome: Approval of arrangements for setting up a local Healthwatch body.
Contact Officer: Jane Myers (Adult Care Service)
Tel: 01706 923066
Key Decision: YES
Documents to be submitted: Report
Confidential/Exempt Business: Confidential/Exempt Business: YES
The report in respect of this matter is expected to contain information defined under Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Part 1 Paragraph 3 (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information))
Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Anticipated Outcome: Approval of the Joint Strategy, as recommended by the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board, for recommendation to Council.
Contact Officer:Michelle Loughlin, Public Health Service, NHS HMR.
tel 0161 655 1432
Key Decision: YES
Documents to be submitted: Report and Strategy
Confidential/Exempt Business: NO
Tackling Climate Change
Anticipated Outcome: Approval of proposals to enable the Council to respond to the climate change agenda and consider opportunities in the area for energy generation.
Contact Officer: Peter Rowlinson, Planning and Regulation
tel: 01706 924307.
Key Decision: YES
Documents to be submitted: Report
Confidential/Exempt Business: NO
Transport Strategy
Anticipated Outcome: Support for key transport proposals to be subject to targeted consultation.
Contact Officer: Peter Rowlinson, Planning and Regulation
tel: 01706 924307.
Key Decision: YES
Documents to be submitted: Report.
Confidential/Exempt Business: NO
The membership of the Cabinet is as follows:-
Councillor Farooq Ahmed
Councillor Sultan Ali
Councillor Jacqui Beswick
Councillor Martin Burke
Councillor Richard Farnell
Councillor Jean Hornby
Councillor Colin Lambert
Councillor Terry Linden
Councillor Donna Martin
Councillor Peter Williams
The agenda for the meeting, together with any reports that do not contain confidential and/or exempt information, will become available from the Town Hall, Rochdale, and on the Council website www.rochdale.gov.uk no later than during Friday 18th January 2013.
Representations as to why any business indicated as containing confidential or exempt business should not be considered in private session should be forwarded to the Governance and Committee Services, Legal and Democratic Service, PO Box 15, Town Hall, Rochdale OL16 1AB, no later than Thursday 17th January 2013. A further Notice regarding the intention to consider business in private session will be issued on 18th January 2013.
Governance and Committee Services
Legal and Democratic Service
Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council
21st December 2013
1. It is likely to have a major impact on the life of a community within the Borough (e.g. the closure of a school or a major traffic regulation scheme)
2. It forms part of the development of, or the development of a change to, the Policy or Budget Framework
3. Either:
3(a) it involves revenue expenditure or saving that is neither provided for within the Budget, or virement not permitted by the Constitution
3(b) it involves revenue expenditure or saving in excess of £500,000.
4. It involves capital expenditure that is estimated to exceed £500,000 or is not provided for within the budget
5. It involves a significant reduction in or significant change to a service or facility provided by the Council, such reduction or change not being within the Policy or Budget Framework
6. It consists of the declaration of land or property, the estimated value of which exceeds £500,000 as surplus to the Council’s requirements
7. It involves securing approval in principle to the acquisition or disposal of land or property, the value of which is estimated to exceed £500,000
8. It involves securing approval in principle to the taking of, or the granting, renewal, assignment, transfer, surrender, taking of surrenders, variation or termination of any leases, licences, easements or wayleaves, at considerations in excess of £10,000 per annum or a premium of £100,000
9. A financial decision the consequences of which are likely to result in compulsory redundancies or major changes to the terms and conditions of employment of a significant number of Council employees