1. Introduction
2. Saks Philosophy
3. Saks Mission Statement
4. SWOT Analysis
5. Education
6. Salon Marketing Activity
7. Mystery Client Programme
8. Salon Action Plan
9. Cash Flow
10. Salon KPI’s
11. Industry and Company Events
12. HQ Contacts
Dear Franchisee
You’ll have already considered some parts of your business plan I’m sure. Prior to developing and implementing the plan, however, it’s important to understand the key aspects of the Saks brand, as this is what the franchisee represents.
‘What makes Saks Special?’ This is the key to every decision and planned action we take. We employ well trained experts (not just one of the team – but all of them). We provide quality and we live by our brand. Education for all our staff is paramount. Without the best trained staff you cannot provide the best. Don’t fool yourselves as your clients won’t be!
Communication is vital for any organisation and ignorance is not an excuse. We franchisees must realise that we need to know what is going on. Setting time aside to read e-comms and seek out the intranet is not difficult, but merely a discipline that good business people have. Equally - communicating and keeping your clients interest is also vital, so make data collection a high priority for your business. Sending out key information to them is cost effective and inspiring. They want to know what is happening in Saks so they can feel part of the greater community.
Knowing what your customers feel is without argument vitally important, so all salons must enrol on the Mystery Client Programme, to get honest and simple-to-understand, vital feedback. To compare with your peers is even more beneficial. Without your clients genuine response how can you go forward?
Apathy, or none brand actions, not only damage your business but also those of your colleagues. Ask the top five franchisees what they do. Check out their strategy. There is a reason why they are in the top performing salons. Brand, discipline, quality and professionalism will be a regular ‘theme’ within their responses. Check out the ‘Best Practice Report’ (on the intranet) to see what they do prior to making your plans.
We’ll continue to use the Salon Standards Check throughout 2013 to assess the quality of salons and feedback the results to you. Staying fresh and clean is a vital component of a successful business and we trust this will help you stay at the forefront.
You are part of a community in the Saks franchise network. Get out from your salons to meet people at management training courses, at group meetings and at Saks events. Be part of your local group of salons and work in harmony to increase awareness and seek out opportunities. Strength in numbers is a huge advantage over most of your competitors.
If you need any help with your plans, please speak to your Business Development Manager who can assist. There are teams of salons working on their plans at this present moment - don’t be left behind! And finally, Saks has an open door policy of support, so if you’d like to discuss your plans or need advice then please do not hesitate to call me on 07801 232 341.
Kindest Regards
Barry Jarega
Head of Business Development
“We are a special kind of organisation because we help transform the way our customers look and feel.
We make them feel special. By looking better they feel better, more confident and inspired to be the very best they can be.”
At Saks we have one simple objective...... to deliver a SPECIAL experience for all our customers.
Our in-salon EXPERTS will be attentive to all of your needs, offering you GENUINE and INDIVIDUAL advice with the aim of helping TRANSFORM the way you look and feel.
Our salons will be welcoming, PROFESSIONALLY managed and maintained to the very highest QUALITY standards that you expect from Saks.
We are always looking to improve our services. So whether you’re INSPIRED by or unsatisfied with your Saks experience, we’d love to hear from you. Please have a chat with the salon manager or give us a call at head office on 0845 678 0290 or email .
Thank you for choosing Saks.
It is important to review your present position on your business prior to making changes within your working practices and plans. You should take time to use this analysis opportunity.
To use these tools please refer to your Operations Manual or speak to your BDM.
The Current Business.
The Future Business – 6 to 12 months.
This analysis may be used for both the present and the future.
The things that you are good at and the things that are moving forward, e.g. standard of work, areas of successful sales, effective staff training, financial control.
The things that you are not so good at and the things that are confining you, e.g. selling, volume take.
Favourable future openings, e.g. new sales, expanding your Saks offerings, areas for higher earning, staff potential, expanding your business, development of staff in other outlets.
The risks you are facing, e.g. increasing competition, maintaining standards, reduced clientele, not retaining quality staff.
It also helps you to highlight the key issues facing your business, both current and future.
NOW Date……………………………
List as many factors as you can that apply now, under each heading.
What does this tell you about the business?
List any key issues
FUTURE Date…………………………
List as many factors under the appropriate heading as you can, that will apply to your business in the future.
What does this tell you about the business?
List any key issues
Before booking any Management Training course speak to your Business Development Manager and they will help ascertain which courses will be most beneficial to you.
To book management training courses, contact Saks Customer Services on 0845 678 0290 or email .
Delivered by: Business Development Manager
Duration: One day
What it covers: Why do we have appraisals?
How do we hold the appraisals?
How often and why?
Preparation and information required
Knowledge of the individual
Appraisal forms
KPI objectives – what? When by? How?
Staff targets versus salon targets
Targets as a motivator. How to use?
SMART directives
Appraisals complete – what now?
When to review?
How to review?
Poor response and performance – how to manage?
Manage out negative staff
Manage and develop a healthy team member
Where & When: Saks HQ, Darlington
Monday 11th February 2013
Saks Academies, London
Monday 17th June 2013
Customer Care
Delivered by: Jemma Ferguson, Customer Services Manager
Duration: Half day
What it covers: What is Customer care?
Brand Guidelines – Special, Expert, Quality, etc
How to deal with complaints?
Complaints log and follow up
Team members’ responsibilities
Cleanliness and standards
Mystery clients - Why?
How to deal with mystery client response
Communicate the message to the team
In salon training sessions - how? Why?
Client centric – its importance
Where & When: Saks Academies, London
Monday 18th February 2013
Saks HQ, Darlington
Monday 15th April 2013
Team Meetings
Delivered by: Business Development Manager
Duration: Half day
What it covers: How often? How long?
Importance and relevance
Topics and guides
Preparation – what’s the objective of the meeting?
Creative meetings
Training meetings
Communication meetings
Developing leaders through meetings
Understanding your team
Business plan/target tracking
Praise in public!
Build a team
Focus groups/project involvement
Encourage ideas
Where & When: Saks Academies, London
Monday 18th February 2013
Saks HQ, Darlington
Monday 15th April 2013
Financial Awareness
Delivered by: Business Development Manager
Duration: One day
What it covers: Importance of cash flow
How to develop a cash flow?
Tracking performance objectives
Being realistic. How to make targets realistic
Understanding your P&L – why quarterly? When monthly?
Cost controls – stock, wages, budgets
How to work out profit margins? Promotion, offers, stock budgets
How to work out a breakeven?
Targeting staff. How?
Targeting a promotion to achieve the salon objectives?
Knowing your salon targets – live and breathe them!
Where & When: Saks HQ, Darlington
Monday 18th March 2013
Saks Academies, London
Monday 22nd July 2013
Front of House
Delivered by: Kirsty Jewson, Head of Beauty
Duration: One day
What it covers: Benefits of a front of house team
Setting and achieving target objectives
How do your customers benefit?
How does front of house contribute to the client journey?
Where & When: Saks Academies, London
Monday 20th May 2013
Saks HQ, Darlington
Monday 8th July 2013
Marketing and PR
Delivered by: Jane Pikett, Marketing and PR Expert
Duration: One day
What it covers: What is Marketing and PR?
Why PR is good for your business
Saks’ brand and target market
Brand values, brand pillars, brand promise and brand delivery
Marketing methods
How to get what you want from PR
Marketing and PR fundamentals
The Marketing and PR mix
Best practice and strategic planning
Building your salon’s profile
Client convincers
PR generators
The Saks Marketing Manual
The power of influence
Social media
Local Marketing Toolkit
Making and maintaining relationships with the media
Where & When: Saks Academies, London
Monday 25th March 2013
Saks HQ, Darlington
Monday 23rd May 2013
Your Retail Business
Delivered by: Arthur Ehoff, L’Oréal Proefessionel
Duration: One day
What it covers: Setting targets for your retail business. Your objectives for the coming year?
Action plans
Visual appearance and retail attraction – maintenance
Hero products? Importance and relevance
Receptionist targets – role and responsibility
Staff targets – How to introduce. Staff support and responsibility
Staff training - product knowledge/sales skills
Client care – solution not ‘selling’
How to run a product promotion? Target objectives? How?
Incentives – when to use and how?
Where & When: Saks HQ, Darlington
Monday 4th February 2013
Cheadle David Lloyd Club
Tuesday 5th February 2013
Saks HQ, Darlington
Monday 10th June 2013
Saks Academies, London
Monday 22nd April 2013
Delivered by: Mark Rowley, Shortcuts
Duration: One day
What it covers: Enterprise Live (updating product prices, discounts, employee details)
Set and Forget
Text and email marketing
Online bookings
Q&A session
Where & When: Shortcuts, Sale, Manchester
Tuesday 5th March 2013
Shortcuts, Sale, Manchester
Tuesday 14th May 2013
To book beauty courses, contact Saks Customer Services on 0845 678 0290 or email .
Beauty Induction
Delivered by: Kirsty Jewson, Head of Beauty
Duration: 3 days
For: All therapists and franchisees
What it covers:
This course is extremely Client Centric and is designed to improve the overall client journey within Saks beauty. Each day will incorporate the Saks Brand Pillars to ensure staff leave with an in-depth understanding of the Brand Pillars and more importantly how to implement them in the salon.
The program is compulsory for all new beauty staff and franchisees joining the company to ensure consistency and quality is maintained and the customer promise delivered. Each day covers:
The beauty optimisation day is aimed at demonstrating ways in which therapists can contribute to developing the business within the salon by adding value throughout the client journey, treating customers as individuals with great consultation skills, as well as networking and promoting themselves within the business.
This day unlocks verbal and non-verbal ways in which therapists can enhance the customer experience as well as establishing a deeper understanding of best practices and correct codes of conduct in beauty.
The Saks Skin Expert consultation provides staff with a systematic approach to an advanced consultation, setting a professional standard which inspires confidence and establishes a reputation for excellence in skin analysis and informed advice.
Staff will fully understand the Saks procedure right from greeting the client to leaving the salon.
Where & When: Saks Academies, London
Monday 4th - Wednesday 6th February 2013
Monday 15th - Wednesday 17th July 2013
Saks HQ, Darlington
Monday 11th – Wednesday 13th March 2013
Leeds ghd Academy
Monday 7th - Wednesday 9th October 2013
Monday 13th - Wednesday 15th May 2013
Beauty Retail
Delivered by: Elemis
Duration: 1 day
For: Therapists
What it covers:
Knowledge is power and this one day training program will arm your therapists with the knowledge needed to retail successfully. They will recognise the pertinent retail products that should form part of a client’s homecare regime as well as assisting in taking the fear out of retailing.
Where & When: Saks HQ, Darlington
Monday 21st January 2013
Elemis, London
Monday 21st January 2013
Elemis, Sherwood
Monday 21st January 2013
Scotland – tbc
Monday 28th January 2013
Saks HQ, Darlington
Monday 14th October 2013
Elemis, London
Monday 14th October 2013
Elemis, Sherwood
Monday 14th October 2013
Saks Skills Days
Delivered by: Saks Beauty Ambassadors and Suppliers
Duration: 2 days (split)
For: Therapists
What it covers:
The Saks Skills Days is a two day program that covers all core beauty areas such as waxing, threading, brows, nails and tanning (beauty bread and butter). The two day program will enhance existing techniques as well as introduce new ones to ensure these treatments are delivered to a professional competency and to a quality level that will leave longer lasting results for our clients.
Day 1 – Waxing, threading and brows (this day will combine new techniques as well as enhancing existing ones to ensure a comfortable and professional service with the best treatment outcome)
Day 2 – Advanced geleration and tanning (this day will enhance existing techniques that will lengthen the lifespan of these treatments as well as perfecting the finished look)