East Baton Rouge Parish School System – Title I SchoolwideProgram Plan
East Baton Rouge Parish School System
Title I Schoolwide Program Plan
Sample Parent and Family Engagement Components
For additional assistance please contact Marlon Cousin at 922.5593 or
SY: 2016 - 2017
East Baton Rouge Parish School System – SY 2016-17Page 1
East Baton Rouge Parish School System – Title I SchoolwideProgram Plan
ActivityParental Involvement/Instruction (Identify each activity according to the Esptein Model: (P) Parenting, (C) Communicating, (V) Volunteering, (L@H) Learning @ Home, (DM) Decision Making, (CC) Collaborating with the Community.
- The school’s Action Team for Partnerships (ATP) will meet at least three times per semester as a whole team to ensure continuous progress in plans and activities and to evaluate activities that were implemented over the course of the last two months.(DM, CC, P, C, V, L@H)
- Student Planners and/or homework folders will be purchased and distributed to all or targeted populations within the school in an effort to promote daily communication between home and school and learning at home. (C, L@H)
- A “Back to School Bash” or Family Orientation meeting will be held the week prior to the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year. School rules/expectations, school year calendars/timelines, will be reviewed at this time. (CC, V, L@H)
- The school will host an annual Family Literacy Night, in which students/families are encouraged to dress as their favorite book character. Books for pleasure reading will be distributed to all participants in an effort to promote a print-rich environment at home. (L@H, C)
- The school will hosta Family Math Night that is interactive, as students and their parents will rotate between learning stations. Parents will be provided with strategies and supplies to assist their children at home with math test preparation and homework activities. (L@H, P)
- In an effort to include parents in the decision-making process, the school will host a School Improvement Team or Parent Advisory Council Meeting at least once per each semester. Parents will be afforded with opportunities to provide input into the school’s Parental Involvement Policy, The Compact for Student Success and the school’s PBIS Plans. (DM)
- Materials, supplies, furniture and technology components such as a desktop computer, dedicated printer, document camera, LCD projectors, digital camera bundle, portable public address systems, will be procured for the establishment/maintenance of a School-Based Parent Resource Center. (V, L@H, C, CC, DM, P)
- Backpacks containing materials and supplies that will comprise of “Homework Kits” will be purchased and distributed to promote learning at home. (L@H)
- Test-prep packets and/or workbooks will be created or purchased and distributed to families in an effort to prepare our children and their families for the new rigor of Common Core. (L@H)
- High-stakes test prep workshops for parents will be conducted and test-prep materials will be distributed. (L@H)
- In an effort to promote/encourage learning during the summer, grade transition workbooks will be purchased and distributed. In addition, summer reading packets will also be prepared and disseminated. (L@H)
- Various means of communication such as letters/newsletters, parent notification letters will be mailed when appropriate. In addition, the school marquee, website and auto-mated calling system will be utilized for communication purposes as well. (C, V, P, L@H, CC, DM)
- Daily instructional goals and activities will be provided to parents via access through the web-based lesson plan software program – OnCourse (C, L@H).
- An ACT informational meeting will be provided for parents once each semester. Parents in attendance will learn ACT test design, college readiness standards and cost. (C,L@H)
- During monthly team meetings, the administrators and teachers will collaboratively discuss and develop onsite parental involvement activities such as Lunch and Learn, Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad, and High School Night (CC) .
- Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meetings will be held at least twice per semster. (C, CC, DM).
- Principal, school leadership team members, classroom teachers, and the social worker will organize monthly family involvement/content-specific programs. The goal of the monthly programs is to involve all family members in hands-on learning activities. Each grade level team will be responsible for one month's program throughout the school year. Parents will accompany their children and be provided activities and strategies which can be used at home to enhance student literacy. (L@H, C, CC,)
- The Social Worker will provide on-going home-school support through the school Parenting Center. The Social Worker will assist families and provide information to parents on children's issues including truancy, attendance, achievement, behavior management, and other needs. (P, CC, L@H)
- Intervention and remediation materials will be purchased and distributed to promote learning at home. (L@H)
- Literacy activities such as, "Dr. Suess' Birthday Celebration", or “Real Men Read”, will be planned and coordinatedwith the intent that community members and district support will serve as guest readers for students in every classroom. (CC)
- Monthly student recognitions/celebrations will be coupled with parent learning activities, i.e., Lunch and Learn combined with a Student of the Month Celebration. (L@H, CC, C)
- Postage stamps will be purchased via requisition from Office Depot to assist with mailing parent notification letters, school calendars and newsletters. (P, CC, C)
- The school will purchase pop-up banners, horizontal banners, and A-Frame notification stands w/ accompanying inserts to promote Family Engagement activities. (CC, P,V, C, L@H)
- The school will host Family Movie Night on a monthly basis as a PBIS incentive and reward for outstanding student behavior. (CC, P, V)
- The school will establish regular, meaningful communication between home and school via printed newsletters, calendars, the school marquee, Remind 101 app, and school-based website. (CC, P, V, DM)
- The school will invite parents to present talks and/or demonstrations about their specialized knowledge or skills. (P,V, CC)
- Following conference or report card time, the school will offer workshops on improving grades and study skills. (L@H, P, CC, DM)
- The school will provide a personal greeting and welcome packet for all parents visiting the school, including a community services directory, important school contact information, school calendar and coupons to local businesses. (CC, C)
- The school will partner with local agencies to provide regular parenting workshops on nutrition, family recreation or communication.(CC, P, V, L@H)
- The school will create roles for parents on all decision-making and advisory committees, properly training them for the areas in which they will serve (e.g., curriculum, budget or school safety).(DM)
- The school will create a families “suggestion or comment” box (electronic and onsite) for families to anonymously provide their questions, concerns and recommendations.(CC, P)
- The school will offer translators to welcome and assist families during school activities. (CC, V, P)
Title I School wide Funds (Insert anticipated costs) / Agendas and sign-in sheets for all parent meetings will be kept on file.
Meeting/workshop evaluations will be distributed and collected for every parent meeting/workshop.
East Baton Rouge Parish School System – SY 2016-17Page 1