Lakewood Rotary Board Meeting, January 10, 2007
- Call to Order at 5:32 pm. Present: President Greg Rediske, President Elect Bob Zawilski, Treasurer Astrid Arola, Board Members Ed Janay, Steve Mazoff, Duncan Cook, Mary Covelli Johnson, Eric Herbel, and guest (and future President Elect) Joel Feldman.
- Secretary’s Report
- Approved last minutes
- In the pipeline: Dave Reames (posting this week); Leonard Holmes, Stephanie Walsh, Barbara Masilamani have information meeting this week (1/12).
- Treasurer’s Report: Astrid will look into the $2123.64 charge in the Raffle account, to identify if this should be allocated to last year’s budget and if it is expedient to do so.
Greg noted the $800 overage in the Food Basket account. This was principally due to a doubling of the cost of the peanut butter, an increase in fruit prices from last year, and the addition of 6 food baskets.
- President’s Announcements
- DLTA attendance: Greg Rediske, Bob Zawilski, Bill Allen, Ben Sclair, Dave Covey, Joel Feldman, Duncan Cook, Ed Janay. 8 and counting….
- Directors’ Reports
- Membership & Fellowship (Ed Janay)
- New Member Committee (Ron Irwin)
- Working a plan and should present shortly
- Fireside/Information (John Magnuson)
- New members meeting 0730, Jan. 12 at Moonrise Café for chitty chat
- Puffins (John Korsmo)
- Is still working with Puff's and enjoying... needs to know new members coming on board... copied J. Mag's note as has new members name mentioned.
- Membership Mentoring (Joe Quinn)
- Needs more mentors. Pres to advise membership: gotta help out gang or Copied Mags note to Joe.
- Club Sports (Bill Potter)
- Meeting was held and the following events are tentatively planned: 1. 9-hole golf tournament in the early Spring, after a regular club meeting. Will be a team competition; 2. A bowling tournament on a weeknight in February; 3. 18 hole golf tournament in late May or early June. Individual play, possibly with prizes.
- Revolving Dinner (Bud Montgomery)
- Has more than eight (8) members signed up so far and needs more
- Community Service–General (Duncan Cook)
- Partners for Parks (Ted Wier) Ted expects we will be involved in some capacity with the Lakewood Summer Festival. Details to follow.
- Sportsmans Dinner (Tony Robinson/Paul Wulfsteig) The committee will start meeting every week. It was suggested that Board Members take the lead in collecting items for the auction and in selling/buying raffle tickets. Raffle tickets (three books of 10 each) will be distributed to each member. This year the raffle tickets are $5 each, with the first prize being a trip to a sports event in Augusta, GA, second prize being $500 of fuel for your car, and third prize being $250 cash. Sub committee members are seeking helpers. Procurement forms were distributed to the board members.
- Community Service–Youth (Steve Mazoff)
- Youth Sports & Activities (Scott Buser)
- Scott has advised that the committee has approved proposals (we previously discussed) from Mark Blanchard for the purchase of 60 dictionaries for Lakeview Elementary ($500-$600) and 5 sets of historical novels for the Hudtloff library ($1300-$1500). They are awaiting final costs and vendors' names. A request for money from the Lakewood Baseball Club (via John Korsmo) was also received and discussed briefly.
- Scholarship (Robert Peterson) Wording is being added to the information given scholarship winners: “If any of you recipients feel that your college scholarship is reduced by the amount of the Rotary scholarship you received, please inform Rotary and we may be able to purchase specific equipment that will reward you directly (e.g. a computer).” More investigation continues, but they have had a hard time finding a definitive answer to this issue.
- Next Step (Mike McGowan)
- Moving along well. See prior reports for list of tutors. Mike advised that they had their winter meeting and that all 5 students are progressing. He also advised that one of the students has just received early action on Georgetown and is waiting on Stanford and Brown to make final decision.
- RYLA & 4-Way Test Program (Jim Schultz)
- Jim and his committee are moving forward with both prongs of the committee charge.
- Educator/Student Recognition (Tony Robinson)
- Moving forward with scheduled activities. Also have started to consider the issue of whether club monetary scholarships negatively impact other possibilities for financial aid. Robert is circulating language changes to the Educational Scholarship form which raises the subject. I suggested that they run it by Mike McGowan for his thoughts as well.
- Next presentation is January 19 meeting. Tony sent his write-ups to Ben last week.
- Lakeview Tutoring (Mark Blanchard)
- Going as well as we can reasonably expect at this time. The challenge always is getting more involved. Mark Blanchard is doing an excellent job.
- Public Relations & Communications (Mary Covelli-Johnson)
- Publicity (Bill White) Mary is looking to have pictures of auction items presented to the club to promote the Sportsmans Dinner.
- Club Directory (Ben Sclair) Coming Soon.
- Military Appreciation (Jim Rooks) A visitation to Madigan to see wounded soldiers will take place soon. 8-10 people will be allowed to go, coordinated by Jim Rooks and Ed Janay. A bus may be rented from Leon Titus for $75
- Risk Management (Bob Zawilski) Exploring needs for the Dinner
- Rotary Foundation & Rotary International (Terry Roarke)
- Lakewood Foundation (Cal Kushen/Clint Johnson). Nothing to report. Clint will be working on getting our 501 (c) 3 status.
- World Affairs Conference (Bill Price. Not much going on in the last month. When we are back at the TCC he plans on having one of the students who attended last year’s conference to speak to at one of our Friday meetings.
- World Community Service (Mark Blanchard)
- I (Mark Blanchard) am attending the WCS Convention, January 13, at the Landmark Convention Center to educate myself in all things WCS.
- Our $6000 dollar budget is looking like this:
- SMILES: $1000. I talked again to Charles Heberle re: the SMILES Program. He requests $1000 that is easily matched to $4000. This is a no-brainer. Charles has also been talking to Bob Zawilski re: this as well.
- LESOTHO: $2800+. Gina's "Beggars to Business Women", the Lesotho Project, is still in the running. Her request is any multiple of $1400.
- MOROCCO: $2200. Dave Covey is spearheading support for a water project and medical supplies project in Morocco. I will be visiting Morocco with Dave and Rotarians from other clubs to see this project in action in May. Any monies we have left can be directed here as a very Rotarian and worthy cause. This is easily matched as well.
- Club Administration (Eric Herbel)
- Program (Larry Faulk) Greg will have Bruce Dague email the club about the meeting at the Art Museum (parking, etc.)
- Long Range Planning (Ted Wier) Ted is getting going on this now.
- And don’t forget that January is Rotary Awareness Month.
- Old Business
- Partners Funding Issues: The history of the funding of the Partners group is that they always received 10% of the gross from the Pancake Breakfast. After the demise of that fundraiser, their funding computation has been adjusted twice, and it was suggested by the Sportsmans Dinner Committee that it be adjusted again to 5% of the net (from 5% of the gross). A lengthy history of the computations and dollar allocations was given to the Partners by Greg Rediske, suggesting the change. The Partners group, on the 8th at their regular meeting, moved to request a return to their old computation from the Pancake Breakfast days of 10% of the gross. Further discussion was held between Greg and President Sharon Selden. Discussion was conducted by the Board, and after one failed vote, it was MSC to allocate $4500 to the Partners this year, with the potential for increases in future years based on need and availability. The philosophy behind this decision is that in the Pancake Breakfast years, the computation was always about $2500 to the Partners, because the PB always resulted in about the same gross. From a practical standpoint, this allowed both the Partners and the Rotary Club to budget this income/expense. By having a percentage of the Sportsmans Dinner to be the funding mechanism, budgeting becomes difficult for both groups, as the event is rapidly changing. The allocated money has always been treated like all other committees in terms of funding, and the decision was made that continuing with this budgetary allocation makes more sense for both. If the Partners need more money for their giving, this can be dealt with as with other committees. It was discussed that allocating based on participation or worth was a slippery slope, and that allocation based on need and want was a more accurate and efficient way of dealing with this situation. The $4500 allocated represents a 5% increase over last year, a 25% increase over two years ago, and a 47% increase over 3 years ago. Greg will speak with Sharon, and talk to the Partners at their next meeting to make sure they are happy with this arrangement.
- By-Laws: The following were MSC to be added to the currently approved By-laws:
- insert after the first sentence in Article III section 2 "Each nominating committee will provide a slate of nominees to the Board and Officers prior to a formal club announcement"
- insert as an additional paragraph to Article IX:
- The president shall appoint such additional committees and or subcommittees to the above standing committees, as the president shall deem necessary for the club to effect the goals of Rotary International in general, and the needs of the community in particular. These committees may include any or all of those committees set forth in Exhibit A as well as such additional committees as the president shall deem necessary and beneficial to the good and welfare of Lakewood Rotary.
Exhibit A: Optional additional committees and/or subcommittees:
Community Service: - RYLA Committee
- Scholarship Committee
- Military Appreciation Committee
- Youth Achievement Awards Committee
- Exchange Student Committee
- Rotary Foundation Committee
- World Community Service Committee
Club Service:
- Attendance Committee
- Club Bulletin Committee
- Fellowship Committee
- Greeters Committee
- Program Committee
- Public Relations Committee
- Budget and Finance Committee
- Sergeant-At-Arms Committee
- Rotary Information Committee
- New Members Committee
- Classification and Membership Committee
- Greg will have these added to the By-laws posted on the website, and make copies of the additions to have available at a club meeting. After announcing the changes at the January 19th meeting, voting on the entire By-laws and their changes will take place on February 2, 2007.
- New Business:
- Donation to Maritime Museum in light of no charge tour was MSC, $200. Greg will send with a thank-you card.
- Next Meeting: February 14, Valentine’s Day: Greg will contact Tacoma Country and Golf Club to see if the venue is even available on that day before deciding on whether or not to change dates. Steve cannot attend the 21st, if it is changed to then.
- Adjourn at 7:29 pm