22 October, 2015

To Members of Kingsteignton Town Council

You are hereby summoned under the Local Government Act 1972 Sch.12s.10 to attend the Works, Services and Planning Committee of Kingsteignton Town Council at the Community Hall on Wednesday 28 October, 2015 to follow the Finance Committee for the purpose of transacting the following business

Members of the public are invited to attend this meeting and may ask a question before the meeting with the Chairman’s approval.

C J Lakin

Town Clerk

Works, Services and Planning Committee

Chairman: Councillor R Peart

Councillors: B Austen, R Bovey, C Meathrel, M Stevenson, B Thorne,

G Wickham

Ex Officio: Councillors D Rollason


114/15 Accept apologies received by the Clerk

115/15 Declaration of Interest - a) in accordance with Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011, members to declare any disclosable Pecuniary Interest in items on this Agenda; b) Clerk to report any written request for dispensation in respect of items on this Agenda.

116/15 Minutes of the meetings held on 2 & 16 September, 2015

117/15 Planning Applications – to give observations to TDC

118/15 Planning Decisions from TDC – for information

119/15 Community Composting Scheme – Cllr Wickham to report

120/15 Neighbourhood Planning – New measures introduced to simplify and speed up neighbourhood planning; Government have announced that LOPAs must produce local plans for new homes in their area by 2017 or the Government will ensure, in consultation with local people, those plans are produced for them – to discuss

121/15 Urban Highway Grass Cutting – the attached email has been received from Devon County Council concerning towns/parishes taking over grass cutting with County providing a financial contribution – (I have contacted DCC asking what their financial contribution to Kingsteignton would be and also asked Paul Cary for a quote for cutting all of the verges for 2016) - to discuss

122/15 Adopt a Kiosk – for information (see attached)

123/15 Community Right to Bid – Sandygate Inn – to discuss

124/15 CIL Payment £145.07 received from TDC – see attached information

125/15 Devon Minerals Plan Consultation – Consultation period 24 August, 2015 to Monday 16 November, 2015 –To discuss (email attached)

126/15 Newton Abbot Neighbourhood Development Plan – 6 weeks to make representation – information attached

127/15 Correspondence

·  Email received from Ian Flood-Page concerning the Community Resiulience Event on 10 November, 2015 10am-4pm being held at Fingle Glen Golf Resort, Tedbury St. Mary if anyone is interested in attending

·  CPRE have informed the council of a Farming Seminar being held at Kentisbear Village Hall, Cullompton on Saturday 21 November 2015 10.30am-2pm

·  TDC informed the office that the road sigh showing Newton Road/Kingsteignton Road with arrows installed near Tesco is incorrect. TDC have installed this sign as indicated on the Ordnance Survey Map which has been marked incorrectly. The map has now been amended and the sign has been moved to the other side of the road so that the arrows are pointing in the right direction

·  Mr David Gill, Vicarage Hill forwarded to the Town Council a copy of his objections to Planning application 15/02266/VAR – Penns Mount. A copy of this is attached for information

·  An email has been received from Tozers Solicitors concerning Intentional Unauthorised Development – for information

·  Letter received from the Post Office concerning the decision to mover Exeter Road Post Office to Ley Lane, Kingsteignton – letter attached for information

Next meeting: Wednesday 4 November, 2015 – to discuss PLANNING APPLICATIONS ONLY

121/15 Urban Highway Grass Cutting

Following a well-publicised ‘Tough Choices’ stakeholder consultation a change, relating to Devon County Council’s highway grass cutting service, took place during early 2015.

Grass cutting on roadsides has now been limited to maintaining visibility at bends and junctions, and to provide visibility to signs.

In some areas the local community has decided that they wanted more control over what grass was cut, by procuring and managing the works themselves. This has resulted in more extensive and frequent cutting by those involved. The County Council would encourage this in certain circumstances, providing a financial contribution, in order to ensure that the Council’s policy is upheld as a minimum.

To find out more, and what allocation would be made to your area by the County Council, please contact the Highway Maintenance Team on 01392 383191 or email: .

Your Neighbourhood Highway Officer will also be available to answer your questions.

In order to make sure that delivery arrangements are in place for the new season please ensure that you contact Devon County Council no later than the 1 December 2015 if you are interested in managing your highway grass cutting service locally.

122/15 Adopt a Kiosk

An email has been received from BT.com re: Adopt a Kiosk apologising for misinforming the town council with regards to the kiosk situated on Crossley Moor Road. This kiosk is currently being used by the Community and has a positive revenue contribution and, therefore, they are not prepared to allow this kiosk to be adopted at the present time.

They have contacted TDC to consult with them in respect of the kiosks at Ware Cross and Sandygate as their permission is needed to allow the adoption. This process takes 90 days and they will notify the council when a response has been received or the consultation period expired. If consent is given they will issue the council with a contract and once this has been signed and returned they will issue two paint kits.

124/15 CIL Payment

Please find attached a remittance advice for the local (parish or town) council proportion of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) received by Teignbridge District Council during the period 1 April 2015 to 30 September 2015. The money is due to be credited to the local council’s bank account on Friday 23 October 2015.

Please note that town and parish councils are bound by the CIL regulations 2010 (as amended) in how they spend and report on CIL income. Local councils may only spend their CIL on the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure.

I also attach the following:

·  A guidance note for local councils. This sets out the background to CIL with a summary of the charges. It also explains about the local council’s duty to prepare an annual report of CIL received and spent.

·  A standard annual report template.

An email has also been received from Anne Mountjoy, Communications Officer concerning this CIL payment:

I’m a relatively new Communications Officer at Teignbridge and my colleagues in planning have advised about the CIL payment of around £145 which you will be receiving.

We would like to prepare some communications around this for our Members, and your local community. Would you have a newsletter or parish magazine where something could be included? Perhaps there’s an opportunity for a photo?

It would be great to find out if you have plans for how the money will be spent?

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

125/15 Devon Minerals Plan Consultation

Devon County Council is preparing the new Devon Minerals Plan which will cover the period to 2033, and has launched the pre-submission consultation. The Plan will, on its adoption, replace the existing Minerals Local Plan and ensure that there is a sound policy framework for the determination of proposals for mineral development in Devon. Following the end of the consultation period, the County Council intends to submit the Devon Minerals Plan to the Secretary of State for examination.

The Pre-submission Consultation Devon Minerals Plan provides the County Council’s vision and objectives for mineral development, and includes site proposals to maintain the supply of minerals together with new areas for the safeguarding of mineral resources.

The consultation period is from Monday 24th August 2015 to Monday 16th November 2015. Please submit your representations by 5pm on Monday 16th November 2015, as late representations will not be accepted.

To view a full version of the Devon Minerals Plan, the Sustainability Appraisal and other supporting evidence, and the Statement of Representations Procedure giving full details and guidance on how to respond to the consultation, please visit https://new.devon.gov.uk/haveyoursay/

Alternatively, the plan and accompanying consultation are available to view at County Hall in Exeter, and at district/city/borough council offices in Devon. A limited number of paper copies of the Devon Minerals Plan are available by contacting us using the details below.

If your Council requires any clarification on the extent of impacts on your parish, including enlarged maps of your area, or wishes to invite a planning officer to attend a meeting of your Council, please contact us.

Representation forms are available to download online at https://new.devon.gov.uk/haveyoursay/, or by calling the telephone number below. Completed forms can be returned to the postal or email addresses below.

It should be noted that representations cannot be made anonymously. All comments will be made publicly available along with your name and organisation (if applicable); addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses will be witheld on the website, although they will be shown on paper copies sent to the Inspector and available for inspection.

126/15 Newton Abbot Neighbourhood Development Plan

Teignbridge District Council proposes to submit the Newton Abbot Neighbourhood Development Plan (Submission Version) for examination by an Independent Examiner.

The Neighbourhood Plan, if ‘made’ by the District Council following a local referendum, will complement the Teignbridge Local Plan 2013-2033 by setting out local policies relating to future development in the Newton Abbot Parish area.

There are six weeks to make representations on the Newton Abbot Neighbourhood Development Plan document starting at9amThursday 15th October 2015and ending at12pm Thursday 26th November 2015. Any responses received after this deadline will not be considered.

Please use thestandard response form available on the webpage below.Thiswill ensure that you provide all the information necessary for your response to be valid. Copies of the response form can be posted on request.

The Newton Abbot Neighbourhood Development Plan and supporting documents can be viewed:

●  Online atwww.teignbridge.gov.uk/newtonabbot

●  Facebook:facebook.com/PlanTeignbridge

These documents include the screenings for the Strategic Environmental Assessment and the Habitat Regulation Assessment that conclude that a full assessment of either is not required.

You can also view the documents throughout the consultation period at Teignbridge District Council Offices, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot during normal office hours (8.30am–5pmMonday – Thursday and8.30am–4.30pmFriday) and at the Newton Abbot Town Council Office, 9 Devon Square, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2HN during normal opening hours (8.30am-1pm/ 2pm-4.30pm Monday-Friday).

Send your completed response form by e-mail:

Or in paper form by post to:

Newton Abbot NDP Representation

Spatial Planning & Delivery

Teignbridge District Council

Forde House

Brunel Road

Newton Abbot


TQ12 4XX

Representations must be in a written format giving your name and address. We would strongly request that you include your e-mail address, as this saves the Council considerable time and money keeping you informed in future. Anonymous or verbal comments cannot be taken into consideration.

Comments cannot be treated as confidential. They will be published on our website excluding private telephone numbers and email addresses. Paper copies will be made available at our offices.

Inappropriate comments including those which are racist, sexist, xenophobic, defamatory, prejudiced or otherwise likely to cause offence to the subject of the comments, or any other reader, will be removed and not considered. However, an unedited version of such comments will still be sent to the Independent Examiner with the Newton Abbot Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Please advise us in a separate letter or e-mail if you wish to be kept notified about:

●  the Neighbourhood Plan Examination

●  the publication of recommendations by the independently appointed Examiner

●  the Neighbourhood Plan referendum

●  Teignbridge District Council’s decision to ‘make’ the plan.


127/15 Correspondence

Letter of objection received from Mr David Gill re Penns Mount planning application:

I wish to object to this application for several reasons.

Primarily the original planning application No 14/03324 was granted with Condition 24 included. This clearly states that no roads or buildings will be constructed on the area of land at the top of Penns Mount. Policy KS6 of the Local Plan provides for a green open space and large hilltop park of at least 5 hectares.

This is a cynical attempt by the developer to undermine the policy of the Local Plan. A considerable amount of time, effort and expense has gone into the formation of the Local Plan which has been ratified by a Government Inspector. What is the point of going through this process if a developer can then come along and change the fundamental issue which has been agreed? Surely this is not right and cannot be allowed to happen.

There is already considerable congestion on this busy main road every day even before the Linden and Devonshire developments have been completed. Building additional houses would result in even more traffic onto the roundabout at the junction with Longford Lane. This is a potential accident blackspot waiting to happen.

Penns Mount is an iconic landmark at the head of the Teign estuary whichcan be seenfrom miles around. This landshould bekept as a green openspace as promised to local residents who are totallyagainst any further building. It willat least give some visual relief from the awful concrete jungle which is being constructed. It is in the Plan andmust be retained. If this variation is granted it would leave the Planning Committee and its Officers with no credibility whatsoever. I would stronglyurge all members to reject this application.

Email received from Tozers re Intentional Unauthorised Development

Intentional Unauthorised Development
Steve Quartermain, the Chief Planner for the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), announced recently that the Government has introduced a new planning policy which will have an effect on all future planning applications.
The new policy allows Councils and planning inspectors to take into consideration when determining a retrospective planning application or appeal whether someone has intentionally tried to flout planning rules. The Council or Inspector can then weigh up whether the person should be allowed to benefit from their unauthorised development when they determine the application or appeal. The policy applies to all new planning applications and appeals received from the 31st August 2015. It is due to increased incidents of "intentional unauthorised development", especially in the Green Belt areas (which have specific policies that ensure the protection and permanence of the designated area).