ESEA:Alaska Native Education Equity(OESE)
FY2012Budget Service Program Performance Report(System Print Out)
Strategic Goal1
ESEA, Title VII, Part C
Document Year2012Appropriation: $
Program Goal:To help meet the unique educational needs of Alaska Natives and to support the development of supplemental educational programs to benefit Alaska Natives.
Objective1of1:Support supplemental educational programs to benefit Alaska Natives.
Measure1.1of3: The percentage of Alaska Native students in school served by the program who meet or exceed proficiency standards for reading, mathematics, and science on the State assessments. (Student Achievement)
Year / Target / Actual(or date expected) / Status
2009 / Baseline data not established
2010 / Baseline data not established
2011 / Reading------48%
Science------22% / Target not in place
2012 / Reading------48%
Science------22% / Reading------57%
Science------32% / Target Exceeded
2013 / Reading------48%
Source: U.S. Department of Education, OESE, Alaska Native Education Program, grantee performance reports
Frequency of Data Collection:Annual
Data Quality: Data supplied by EDFACTS
Explanation: After three years of data collection the baseline data targets will be re-evaluated.
Measure1.2of3: The percentage of Alaska Native children participating in early learning and preschool programs who consistently demonstrate school readiness in language and literacy as measured by the Revised Alaska Development Profile (RADP). (Early Childhood Measure)
Year / Target / Actual(or date expected) / Status
2009 / Baseline data not established
2010 / Baseline data not established
2011 / 25% / Target not in place
2012 / 29% / Target not in place
2013 / 29%
Source: U.S. Department of Education, OESE, Alaska Native Education Program, grantee performance reports
Frequency of Data Collection:Annual
Data Quality: Data supplied by grantees
Explanation: After three years of data collection the baseline data target will be re-evaluated
Measure1.3of3: The percentage of Alaska Native students served by the program who graduate from high school with a high school diploma in four years. (Retention Measure)
Year / Target / Actual(or date expected) / Status
2009 / Baseline data not established
2010 / Baseline data not established
2011 / 53% / Target not in place
2012 / 53% / Target not in place
2013 / 53%
Source: U.S. Department of Education, OESE, Alaska Native Education Program, grantee performance reports
Frequency of Data Collection:Annual
Data Quality: Data supplied by EDFACTS
Explanation: After three years of data collection the baseline data targets will be
U.S. Department of Education
Draft Page1 09/30/2013