The Requirements of the EPQ Presentation
Presentation Requirements
‘Presentations should include an evaluation of extended project outcomes, including the individual’s own learning and performance.’ QCA Guidance
‘The presentation should be for a non-specialist audience and use media appropriate to the type of project. The presentation could take the form of a verbal or written presentation or may involve the use of flipcharts, posters, OHP transparencies, Powerpoint or short excerpts of video material...The presentation should be supported by answers to any questions from supervisors.’ AQA Specification
The essential elements that must be present in whatever form the presentation takes are:
• ‘Non specialist audience’ — this requirement directs the candidate to give a presentation that explains the researched background of their project and their thinking. It is not to encourage ‘dumbing down’ or avoidance of newly learnt technical language, but to demand that they demonstrate depth of understanding by explaining such language rather than just using it.
• ‘Questions from supervisors’ — the supervisor must be part of the audience and the presentation must include ‘live’ individual response to question(s). These may come from other members of the audience but the supervisor must ensure that the candidate is given the opportunity to respond in depth and demonstrate their grasp of the work that they have done. Pilot supervisors have found it helpful to have some in depth questions prepared in advance, based upon the report and the discussions they have already had with the candidate. These can be adapted or used as necessary.
What to expect
· Do be aware that the presentation is an opportunity for you to demonstrate a range of understanding, reasoning and communication skills and so you will need to be given the opportunity to push your skills to the limit – ‘soft’ questioning will do you no favours! Questions are really important to elicit proof of reflection and evaluation, especially if this hasn’t come across in written work.
· Expect to deliver a 15-30 minute talk to a small audience consisting of the supervisors and a few other teachers and students. A venue will be made available where you can have access to technology and other material as necessary.
· 2 documents will need to be completed: presentation record A and B need to provide a record of the presentation with supervisor confirmation of relevant questioning (give examples of questions in record B)
· The presentation should not just be a précis of the report, it should include the whole EPQ process – planning, research, problems, reflection, use in future – therefore needs a lot of preparation. Look again at the assessment objectives to understand just how important ‘Reflection’ is as a skill – this is your main opportunity to show this.
What to include
Have a look at the documentary evidence of the presentations in the exemplar EPQs. Jot down any notes you like to help you decide what to include in your presentations.
Basic structure
Ideas of what to include
What will your supervisor be looking for?
Your supervisor might consider some of the following things when deciding how successful your presentation has been:
· Was the content of the presentation communicated clearly as if to a non-specialist audience?
· To what extent did the student make effective use of visual aids?
· How well was the structure of the presentation signposted for the audience?
· To what extent did the presenter’s body language suggest a confidence in their topic and enhance the audience’s understanding?
· To what extent did the student answer questions that sought to understand the depth of understanding of the topic?
· To what extent does the pace and fluency of the presentation support the student’s enthusiasm, confidence and familiarity with the topic?
Some ‘reflective’ questions to consider...
· What have you learned about your chosen topic?
· What have been the pros and cons of your approach to the EPQ?
· What successes have you enjoyed during the project?
· What difficulties have you faced and what did you do about them?
· What have you learned as a result of this process?
· What might you do differently if you were to do this again?
· What advice would you give to someone else starting the EPQ?
· Which of your strengths did this work play to? What skills might you look to improve on? Do you feel you have developed any new skills?
· What have you enjoyed most about this? What have you enjoyed least?
· What short of changes did you make as a result of advice?
· How satisfied are you with your final presentation of your research? How would you extend your work further if you have more time?