Federal (18 U.S.C. Section 922) and Illinois (430 ILCS 65) laws restrict a person frompossessing a valid Firearm Owner's Identification Card (FOID), any firearm, or ammunition if a person is convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor crime or is the respondent of a qualifying Order of Protection or another qualifying court order.
In the state of Illinois a valid FOID card is required to legally carry, possess or buy any firearm and/or ammunition.
Pursuant to a court order, you have been ordered to turn in all firearm(s) to the (Your Town) Department. Follow these instructions:
- Contact for the pick up of prohibited firearms, at (###) ###-#### during normal business hours, (8am – 4pm). Inform the officer that the court has ordered you to turn in your firearms to the (Your Town) Department and arrange a time for an officer to pick them up. Have your case number available (number is printed on the court order).
- You must have a copy of the court order with you when the officer arrives.
- You must obtain a receipt from the (Your Town) Department to provide proof to the court that you have turned in you firearm(s). You must then provide this receipt to the court.
Contact Information:
(Your Town) Department
Note: The potential penalty for possessing a firearm without a valid FOID card is a prison term ofup to five (5) years.
To Whom It May Concern:
The purpose of this letter is to advise you of several federal and state laws that could affect you as you take possession of the firearms described in the "Firearms Description" below. The (Your Town) Department wants you to make an informed decision as you take possession of, and become the legally responsible party for these firearrn(s).
There are several laws that regulate the transfer of firearms. In order for the Law Enforcement Department to comply with federal and state laws, we require a full criminal history check of each person who wishes to obtain possession of a firearm in our custody. This includes a person picking up his or her own firearm, a person picking up a firearm for the purpose of delivering the weapon to the owner and any person taking possession and ownership, at the request of the legal owner of a firearm that is temporarily being held by the (Your Town) Department (called a third party transfer).
Certification of Recipient of Firearm(s)
I have a validFOID card and can lawfully possess firearms and ammunition.
I understand that if I transfer thefirearm(s) to a person who is prohibited by law from possessing a firearm, I will be in violationof the Illinois Compiled Statutes 430 ILCS 65/3 (a) and may face felony prosecution and 1-3years imprisonment.
I have read this form and understand its terms. I understand that, by receiving these firearm(s), I will become the responsible party for the firearm(s) listed below.
Person receiving firearm(s) Date \
Recipient's address FOID card number Expiration date
Witness Date Case number
Firearms Description
Describe each firearm released in detail, including model and serial number:
Make Model Serial Number Description
* Under Illinois law (430 ILCS 6513) you must keep this form for your records for 10years.
Law Enforcement Instructions to Return Firearms
As you return firearms from safe keeping the following must be completed prior to handing over possession of the firearm(s):
Complete a background check to determine if there are any new or existing disqualifiers such as:
- Order of Protection
- Felony Convictions
- A qualifying Misdemeanor Conviction
- Conditions of Bond
If firearm(s) are being returned per a court order have the defendant provide a copy of theorder, review it, verify the order with the court and make a copy of the court order.
Perform a FOID check to determine if the person has a valid FOID card.
Provide a 72 how waiting period to assure that all potential disqualifiers are accounted for in the system.
Contact the victim to inform them about the return of the firearrn(s)
In addition, if the person receiving the firearm is a third party:
Have the third party complete a Firearm Release Form
* It is important that each department develop an agency specific protocol directing the return of firearms.
I ______attest that,
a)The firearm(s) listed below are legally owned by me;
b)I have not been found guilty of a felony in Illinois or any other state;
c)I have not been found guilty of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence;
d)There is no current order prohibiting my possession of a valid FOID card or firearm in the state of Illinois or any other state;
e)There are no other cases pending against me that would disqualify me from possessing a valid FOID cardor firearm;
f)I have never been adjudicated mentally defective or been committed to a mental institution; and
g)There is no legal impediment to me owning or possessing a firearm, including but not limited to thosementioned above.
Signature of Recipient Date
Signature of returning officer Date
Description of the firearm(s) and ammunition, including the make, model and serial number(s) of eachfirearm that was surrendered:
Make Model Serial Number Description
*Attach a copy of the receipt of sale, bill of sale, receipt of transfer, or other document evidencing ownership of the firearm(s) and ammunition.
The National Instant Background Check System (NICS) is a national system that checks available records in the FBIINCIC, the Interstate Identification Index (111) and the NICS Index to determine if prospective purchasers are disqualified from receiving firearms. The NICS Index contains records provided by state and federal agencies about persons prohibited from receiving firearms under federal law. All records in the NICS Index are disqualifying records and will prohibit the sale of a firearm. Most records in the NICS Index are obtained from federal agencies. However, authorized local and state law enforcement agencies may voluntarily contribute records to the NICS Index.
Interstate Identification Index (111) Illinois criminal justice agencies may access criminal history records maintained by other states in the Interstate Identification Index (III). This system assists criminal justice agencies in determining if an individual has been an offender in another state(s). Access to and dissemination of information obtained from these records is restricted to criminal justice purposes only.
Access to and dissemination of data received via LEADS, NCIC or FBI / III is restricted to criminal justice purposes only. Dissemination of information obtained through LEADS, NCIC or FBI / III to any individual or organization that is not legally authorized to have access is forbidden.
Illinois is one of only 13 states acting on behalf of NICS in a full Point-Of-Contact capacity (POC). POC states, which have agreed to implement and maintain their own Brady NICS Program, conduct firearm background checks for Federal Firearms Licensees' (FFLs) transactions in their respective states by electronically accessing the NICS. Upon completion of the required ATF Form 4473, the FFLs conducting business in the POC states contact a designated state agency to initiate a NICS background check in lieu of contacting the NICS Section. The designated agency in the state is the IllinoisState Police Firearms and Information Resources Bureau.
Federal and Illinois Prohibitions to Possessing Firearms and a FOID Card
Under federal and Illinois law, any of following criteria will disqualify a person from possessinga valid FOID card:
Federal Law (18 U.S.C. 922) Disqualify an Individual from Possessing, Purchasing, or
Receiving a Firearm
- Felonies and misdemeanors (misdemeanors with possible sentence of more than 2 yearsconfinement) *In Illinois there are no misdemeanors that carry a sentence of more than 1year of confinement.
- Fugitives from justice
- Under indictment/information for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year *In Illinois all felony charges apply
- Unlawful users of a controlled substance
- Mental defectives 1
- Illegal or Unlawful Aliens
- Dishonorable discharges from the military
- Renunciation of citizenship
- Qualifying court orders (order of protection, restraining orders)
- Misdemeanor convictions of domestic violence*
"Misdemeanor conviction in which the victim was a federally defined family or householdmember and for which the offense of conviction had as an element of the use, or attempted use ofphysical force, or the threatened use of a deadly weapon.
Illinois Law (430 ILCS 6518) Firearm Owners Identification Card Act.
- Felony convictions
- Minors with misdemeanor criminal convictions
- Mental health admission (within the last 5 years)
- Mentally retarded2
- Order of protection prohibiting firearm possession
- Use or possession of a firearm in the commission of certain crimes (Battery, assault, aggravated assault, violation of OP or substantially similar offense within the last 5 years)
- Condition of bond
- Condition of probation or conditional discharge
- Valid court order prohibiting firearm possession
- Domestic battery
- Adjudicated delinquent minor3
- Clear and present danger4
1. Adjudicated as a mental defective Title 27 CFR 478.11.
(a) A determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that a person, as a result of marked subnormal intelligence, or mentalillness, incompetence, condition, or disease:
(1) Is a danger to himself or to others; or
(2) Lacks the mental capacity to contract or manage his own affairs.
(b) The term shall include
(1) The finding of insanity by a court in a criminal case; and (2) Those persons found incompetent to stand trial or found not guilty by reason oflack of mental responsibility pursuant to article 50a and 72b of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. 850% 876b.
2. Mental Retardation 405 ILCS 5 / 1-116
Significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning which exists concurrently with impairment in adaptive behavior and which originatesbefore the age of 18 years.
3. Adjudicated Delinquent Minor 705 ILCS 405 15-105 (3)
"Delinquent minor" means any minor who prior to his or her 17th birthday has violated or attempted to violate, regardless of where the actoccurred, any federal or State law, county or municipal ordinance.
4. Clear and Present Danger 430 ILCS 65 / 8 (f)
A person whose mental condition is of such a nature that it poses a clear and present danger to the applicant, any other person or persons or thecommunity; "mental condition" means a state of mind manifested by violent, suicidal, threatening or assaultive behavior.
There are several criteria that disqualify a person from carrying a valid FOID card in the state of
Illinois. Among those disqualifiers are those specific to orders of protection and other domestic violence related crimes.
Orders of Protection Firearm Prohibitions
18 U.S.C 922(g) (8) defines the federal criteria for determining when a Respondent on an OP, or another qualifying order*, is prohibited from possessing/receiving firearms. That section states it shall be unlawful for any person to ship, transport, possess or receive firearms if that person is subject to a court order that:
- was issued after a hearing for which such person received actual notice, and at whichsuch a person had an opportunity to participate, interim or plenary OPs) AND;
- restrains such a person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner ofsuch person or child of such intimate partner or person, or engaging in other conductthat would place an intimate partner in reasonable fear of bodily injury to the partneror child (Illinois Remedy 01 meets this criteria). The following are the qualifyingrelationships for an "intimate partner"
- Current or former spouse
- Parent or guardian
- Those who share/shared a child in common
- Individual who cohabits or cohabitated with the victims as a spouse, parent or guardian
- A person similarly situated to a spouse, parent or guardian of the victim
- May be same sex
- Relationship must be or have been romantic/sexual in nature
- Not merely a roommate AND;
- includes a finding that such person represents a credible threat to the physical safety of such intimate partner or child; OR
- explicitly prohibits the use, attempted use or threatened use of physical force againstsuch intimate partner or child that would reasonably be expected to cause bodilyinjury.
* Other orders that may potentially qualify include no contact orders and restrainingorders. If an order meets the criteria above, the order may be submitted to theFirearms Information and Resources Bureau (FIRB) for review, which may result infirearm/FOID prohibition/revocation.
The law states that this revocation does not apply to law enforcement officers while"engaged in the operation of their official duties". An officer can apply to receive anexception of FOID revocation with documentation from their department. This"Official Use Exception" applies to duty weapons only. All other weapons must besurrendered. Agencies must retain possession of a respondent officer's dutyweapon(s) when not on duty during the life of the protective order.
The Illinois Domestic Violence Act (IDVA), (ILCS 60/214[b] [14.5] [a]), provides the Illinoiscriteria for determining when a Respondent on an Order of Protection is prohibited frompossessing firearms.
If the following conditions are presented:
- A petition is filed requesting an order of protection which states that the Respondent has threatened or is likely to use firearms illegally against the petitioner,
- The respondent is present in court or has failed to appear after receiving actual notice
- AND,
- The court examines under oath the petitioner, and any witnesses who may be produced.
The Illinois Family Violence Coordinating Councils - Firearms and Domestic Violence Project - 2008