8th Grade United States History Thames/Finchum

Chapter 14 Study Guide

Chapter 14 Lesson 1 pages 376-381

  • After industrialization, workers’ tasks changed.
  • The Great Train Wreck of 1856 occurred in Pennsylvania.
  • The steam-powered locomotive was invented before the telegraph.

Chapter 14 Lesson 2 pages 382-386

  • Immigrants into the United States, did not quickly forget their customs and language.
  • During the 1830’s and 1840’s, people who opposed immigration were called nativists.
  • By 1840, the average workday for factory workers was 11.4 hours.
  • Long workdays and dangerous conditions within factories often led to on-the-job accidents. (short answer question)

Chapter 14 Lesson 3 pages 387-390

  • One of the consequences of the cotton gin was domestic slave trade increased.
  • In 1850 Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas were part of the Deep South.
  • In the South, what was the relationship between increased cotton production and the increased number of enslaved African Americans? The economy of the South depended on slave labor. As the demand for cotton grew, Southern farmers and plantation owners wanted to produce more cotton. Having more enslaved workers enabled Southern cotton growers to increase cotton production. The invention of the cotton gin encouraged Southern farmers to grow even more cotton. The domestic slave trade became a big business as the demand for cotton continued to grow with increased industrialization. (short answer question)

Chapter 14 Lesson 4 pages 391-397

  • Plantation owners with many enslaved workers were considered very wealthy.
  • After her own escape from slavery, Harriet Tubman returned to the South many times, helping many enslaved African Americans escape to freedom in the North.
  • Enslaved people expressed their beliefs in religious folk songs called spirituals.
  • What were some reasons for the South’s low literacy rate? The South had fewer people per square mile than the North. Many families could not send their children great distances to attend school. In addition, many Southerners believed education was a private matter, not a state function. (short answer question)


  • Capital - money to invest
  • Credit - to purchase goods with loaned money
  • Discrimination –unfair treatment of a specific group
  • Literacy – the ability to read and write
  • Trade Union - group of workers with the same skill

***Please note that there will be 6 more questions on this test. The other 6are all DBQ questions based on charts, maps, and circle graphs.