Applicant Information
All information must be provided to process this form. / For Office Use Only
Transaction # ______
ZN Permit # ______
Applicant / Date
Phone / Cell
Current Address
City / State / Zip Code
Family Child Care Facility Information
Business Name
Phone / Fax / Email
City / State / Zip Code
Occupancy Information and Hours of Operation
Number of residents in the home involved in the business ______Preschool Age #:______School Ages #: ______
Applicants must provide a sketch plan illustrating off-street parking, playground area, principal structure, accessory buildings, and other site information. (Playground area must be 15 feet away from any other residential homes)
Per code section 10-2083.1(c)(2), is the dwelling address visible from the public right-of-way? Yes ____ No ____
Required Information
A plot plan illustrating the required off-street parking, playground area, principal structure, accessory buildings, and other site information must be provided. No signs are allowed advertising the facility in yard or on dwelling.
I have answered the above questions to be best of my knowledge and the proposed Day Care Home will be incidental to the use of my home.
Signature Date
Office Use Only
Zoning District / Application: Approved ____ Denied ____
Day Care, Home: No more than eight persons shall be cared for at any given time. Property is zoned for R-1, R-2, R-4, R-6, or R-10. Y____ N____
Comments: / City Official’s Stamp:

Page 2 of 2 revision 03.23.16