Learning Target: I can create a worksheet and an embedded chart in MS Excel.

Class Announcements:

·  If Eagle Tech Leaders sent their winter virtual project to me, I did get those submitted.

·  Eagle Tech Leaders should continue working on the Spring projects for state STLP.

·  All students (Computer Apps and STLP) should be thinking about their technology STEM fair projects. Most already know what they are doing but a few may need to come up with some ideas. Mr. Smith will give us a date for this event.

MONDAY 1/14/2013

Bellringer for digital journal (Create Bellwork 12 Section in One Note Journal) Q: What is the first step in creating an effective worksheet? A: To make sure you understand what is required.


·  Chapter Introduction

·  1-1 Project - Worksheet with an Embedded Chart

o  1-1a Overview

o  To Do To Start Excel

·  1-2 Selecting a Cell

·  1-3 Entering Text

o  To Do To Enter the Worksheet Titles

o  1-3c AutoCorrect

o  To Do To Enter Column Titles

o  To Do To Enter Row Titles

·  1-4 Entering Numbers

o  To Do To Enter Numbers

·  1-5 Calculating a Sum

o  To Do To Sum a Column of Numbers

·  1-6 Using the Fill Handle to Copy a Cell to Adjacent Cells

o  To Do To Copy a Cell to Adjacent Cells in a Row

o  To Do To Determine Multiple Totals at the Same Time

o  To Do To Save a Workbook

Also complete training in SAM: “MS Excel Training Textbook - Creating Worksheet and Embedded Chart (Numbers 1-10)”

TUESDAY 1/15/2013

Bellringer (Bellwork 12): The person requesting the worksheet should supply their requirements in a requirements document. What are the components of this document? (A requirements document includes a needs statement, a source of data, a summary of calculations, and any other special requirements for the worksheet, such as charting and Web support)


·  1-7 Formatting the Worksheet

o  1-7a Font, Style, Size, and Color

o  To Do To Change a Cell Style

o  To Do To Change the Font

o  To Do To Bold a Cell

o  To Do To Increase the Font Size of a Cell Entry

o  To Do To Change the Font Color of a Cell Entry

o  To Do To Center Cell Entries Across Columns by Merging Cells

o  To Do To Format Column Titles and the Total Row

o  To Do To Format Numbers in the Worksheet

o  To Do To Adjust the Column Width

·  1-8 Using the Name Box to Select a Cell

o  To Do To Use the Name Box to Select a Cell

o  1-8c Other Ways to Select Cells

·  Also complete training in SAM: “MS Excel Training Textbook - Creating Worksheet and Embedded Chart (Numbers 11-20)”

WEDNESDAY 1/16/2013

Bellringer(Bellwork 12): Q: What is the function in Excel that adds all of the numbers in a range of cells?



·  1-9 Adding a Clustered Cylinder Chart to the Worksheet

o  To Do To Add a Clustered Cylinder Chart to the Worksheet

·  1-10 Changing the Worksheet Names

o  To Do To Change the Worksheet Names

·  1-11 Changing Document Properties

o  To Do To Change Document Properties

o  To Do To Save an Existing Workbook with the Same File Name

·  1-12 Previewing and Printing a Worksheet

o  To Do To Preview and Print a Worksheet in Landscape Orientation

o  To Do To Quit Excel

·  1-13 Starting Excel and Opening a Workbook

o  To Do To Start Excel

o  To Do To Open a Workbook from Excel

·  1-14 AutoCalculate

o  To Do To Use the AutoCalculate Area to Determine a Maximum

·  1-15 Correcting Errors

o  1-15a Correcting Errors While You Are Typing Data into a Cell

o  1-15b Correcting Errors After Entering Data into a Cell

o  1-15c Undoing the Last Cell Entry

o  1-15d Clearing a Cell or Range of Cells

o  1-15e Clearing the Entire Worksheet

o  To Do To Quit Excel

·  Also complete training in SAM: “MS Excel Training Textbook - Creating Worksheet and Embedded Chart (Numbers 21-29)”

THURSDAY 1/17/2013

Bellringer (Bellwork 12): Paste a print screen in your journal that shows how you can use the name box in Excel to select a cell. (Should look

something like below).

·  Complete at least two practice tests at the end of the chapter in SAM to prepare for first quiz

FRIDAY 1/18/2013 – no bellwork today

Finish any uncomplete work this week and work on early finish activities

Finished worksheet will be for a grade.

Complete digital driver’s license

Figure 1–1 Finished Spreadsheet should look like the one below. This will be for a project grade.


(1) ACT Question of the Day


(2) Khan Academy or Study Island

(3) Math XL or Quizlet

(4) Wikipedia

(5) ACT Practice Test http://number2.com/

(6) School Tube

(7) Typing practice: http://www.alfatyping.com/freetypinggames/