Troop 172 - Camp Geronimo Information Meeting

May 11, 2009

1.  Basic Info:

·  Dates: Saturday, June 20th to Saturday, June 27th

·  Location: Camp Geronimo, 40 minutes north of Payson

·  Departure Meeting Time: 8:15 a.m. at Dayspring Church; in Class A Uniform

·  What to Bring: See Permission Slip

·  Return Time: Around noon on June 27th

2.  Adult Leaders: All Week: Bob Meiers (SM), Paul Staedicke (ASM), Kim Denslow (ASM), Rick Poulin (ASM), Scott Fraser (ASM). Part Time: Tom Sands

·  What scouts can expect: Typical day, weather, etc.

3.  Tenting: Two scouts to a tent (pick buddy or be assigned). Troop will have five stand alone tents. Cots (along with thin foam insulation pad) are nice to have.

4.  Health Form – MUST have current health form. Need coordinator.

5.  Drivers may be needed. See Permission Slip. Need someone to tow trailer too.

6.  Medications – All prescriptions will be kept in the Troop lock box. Scouts should keep inhalers and bee string kits with them.

7.  Spending Money – Suggest sending $30-$35 in small bills for snacks, souvenirs, supplies, etc. May need 5-$10 more for certain merit badges (Woodcarving, Basketry, etc). Place money in envelope with scouts name and $ amount on the outside. Give to leaders on June 20th. It will be kept in the Troop Bank lock box.

8.  Duffle Bags are better than backpacks for carrying/storing gear. We will trailer in most gear in to campsite. Scouts to hike in carrying their day pack or fanny pack. Label all gear clearly.

9.  Do not bring:

·  Cell phones, electronic games, MP3 players, DVD players, big knives, etc.

·  No calls to home during week without Scoutmaster approval

10.  Mail:

·  Always welcome. Arrives daily. Snacks/goodies for sharing are popular.

·  Mail takes three days to arrive from Phoenix. Suggest mailing first letter on the Friday before we depart. It should arrive Monday.

·  Mailing address is:

Scout’s Name

Troop 172

Site 22; Session 4

Camp Geronimo

HC7 Box 390

Payson, AZ 85541-9568

11.  Emergency Phone Numbers: (928) 474-4688. Fax (928) 474-3582

12.  Merit Badge Class Prerequisites: Complete before camp! See troop website ( under Forms, for pre-req’s.

Further Questions? Call Tom Sands (480) 940-0363 or Bob Meiers (480) 814-9619