I. Definition/Importance of activity and application to academic/life skills

II. Time of Speech

III. Extemp “Prep” (aka Preparation)/Draw Set-up and Format

A. Physical set-up

1. Place – Where do I prepare?

2. Length – How long do I get to prepare?

3. Topic Choices – How do I choose?

4. Sign-in – What do I do with my topic slip?

B. Use of prep time

1. Use of files/team sign-out/refilling

2. Division of labor

3. When do I leave?

IV. General speech format

A. Intro (approximate length = )

1. Attention-getting device or please listen to me

2. Thesis statement or “That is the question”

3. Answer to the question or why am I here?

4. Justification/significance statement or who cares?

5. Preview or where am I going?

B. Body of Speech (approximate length = )

1. Number of main points (minimum/maximum)

2. Methods of organization

3. Internal structure of a main points

4. Use of sources

C. Conclusion (approximate length = )

1. Summary

2. Restatement of thesis (question)/answer

3. Use of circular reference

V. Tips/strategies for enjoying activity