
Fill in the blank 1-10

1.  An unwanted sexual action from another person is ______. Sexual Abuse.

2.  Leaving children unattended and underfed is ______. Neglect.

3.  When certain bad incidents happen, states require people in the Health Care Field such as Doctors, ______, Paramedics and others to report these incidents to the state. Nurses

4.  ______is defined as the infliction of anguish, emotional pain or distress. Psychological Abuse

5.  Maltreatment or mishandling of a participant which would endanger his/her physical or emotional well-being from another is ______. Allegations of Abuse and Neglect

6.  Psychological Abuse is defined as the infliction of anguish, ______or distress. Emotional pain

7.  Neglect is defined as a condition of deprivation in which a participant's health and welfare is jeopardized because of______. Inconsistent or inappropriate services, treatment or care.

8.  ______. Is the illegal or improper use of an individual's funds, property, or assets? Exploitation (financial or material)

9.  The location to report child abuse and neglect is to the ______. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS)

10.  Time frames for investigating reports are based on ______of allegations. Severity

True or False 11-15

11.  ____- Only report children being abused, Adults can handle themselves. F

12.  ____-Always stay away from neglect/abuse victims. F

13.  ____- Never leave a child unattended. T

14.  ____- The inappropriate drug and inappropriate dose can result in patient death. T

15.  ____- Neglect is defined as unwanted sexual actions. F

A or B 16-20

16.  Doctors,____, Paramedics report incidents to the state, normal to the Department of Health in a certain state.B

A.  Dermatologists B. Nurses

17.  ______defined as the infliction of anguish, emotional pain or distress. A

A.  . Psychological Abuse B. Sexual abuse

18.  Anyone who is abused should____. B

A.  Go find help B. Report to adult.

19.  If a doctor is proscribing the wrong medicine do you tell someone? A

A.  Yes B. No

20.  Where do you report child abuse and neglect? B

A.  Parents B. (DFPS)