Supporting information
Table S1.
List of 37 suspected transformation products of BPA selected from literature including the proposed molecular structures, the applied degradation method, analytical method employed and the relative references.
Compound / Proposed structure / Molecular formula / Accurate molecular mass / [M-H]-(m/z) / Degradation
method / Analytical method / Reference
Bisphenol A / / C15H16O2 / 228.1150 / 227.1077
1 / / C15H16O5 / 276.0998 / 275.0925 / Photo- Fenton-like / GC-MS / [1]
Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [2,3]
2 / / C15H16O4 / 260.1049 / 259.0976 / Electrochemically generated Fenton’s reagent (EF) / LC-MS / [4]
3 / / C15H16O4 / 260.1049 / 259.0976 / Photodegradation / RP-HPLC
LC-MS / [5]
(TP1) / / C15H16O3 / 244.1099 / 243.1027 / EF / RP-HPLC
GC-MS / [4]
Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [3]
Photodegradation / RP-HPLC
LC-MS / [5]
(TP1) / / C15H16O3 / 244.1099 / 243.1027 / EF / RP-HPLC
GC-MS / [4]
Electrochemical / RP-HPLC / [6]
6 / / C15H14O3 / 242.0943 / 241.0870 / Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [2][3]
Photodegradation / RP-HPLC
LC-MS / [5]
7 / / C13H14O4 / 234.0892 / 233.0819 / Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [3]
Photo- Fenton-like / GC-MS / [1]
8 / / C13H10O3 / 214.0630 / 213.0557 / Photo- Fenton-like / GC-MS / [1]
9 / / C14H18O / 202.1358 / 201.1285 / Photo- Fenton-like / GC-MS / [1]
10 / / C12H14O2 / 190.0994 / 189.0921 / Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [2]
11 / / C9H10O4 / 182.0579 / 181.0506 / Photodegradation / RP-HPLC
LC-MS / [5]
12 / / C9H12O3 / 168.0786 / 167.0714 / Photodegradation / RP-HPLC
LC-MS / [5]
(TP3) / / C8H8O4 / 168.0423 / 167.0350 / EF / RP-HPLC
GC-MS / [4]
14 / / C8H18O3 / 162.1256 / 161.1183 / Photo- Fenton-like / GC-MS / [1]
15 / / C9H12O2 / 152.0837 / 151.0764 / Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [2,3]
Photo-Fenton / GC-MS / [7]
Ti-PbO2-ionic liquids / LC-MS / [8]
16 / / C9H12O2 / 152.0837 / 151.0764 / Electrochemical / RP-HPLC / [6]
17 / / C9H10O2 / 150.0681 / 149.0608 / Photo- Fenton-like / GC-MS / [1]
18 / / C9H12O / 136.0888 / 135.0815 / Electrochemical / RP-HPLC / [6]
Photo-Fenton / GC-MS / [7]
Ti-PbO2-ionic liquids / LC-MS / [8]
19 / / C9H10O / 134.0732 / 133.0659 / EF / RP-HPLC
GC-MS / [4]
Photo-Fenton / GC-MS / [7]
Electrochemical / RP-HPLC / [6]
20 / / C4H6O6 / 150.0164 / 149.0092 / Electrochemical / RP-HPLC / [6]
(TP5) / / C7H8O3 / 140.0473 / 139.0401 / Photo- Fenton-like / GC-MS / [1]
22 / / C7H6O3 / 138.0317 / 137.0244 / EF / RP-HPLC
GC-MS / [4]
Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [2]
23 / / C8H8O2 / 136.0524 / 135.0451 / Photo-Fenton / GC-MS / [7]
Photo- Fenton-like / GC-MS / [1]
24 / / C9H10O / 134.0732 / 133.0659 / Electrocatalytic
Ti-PbO2-ionic liquids / LC-MS / [8]
Photo-Fenton / GC-MS / [7]
25 / / C9H10O / 134.0732 / 133.0659 / Photo-Fenton / GC-MS / [7]
26 / / C7H14O2 / 130.0994 / 129.0921 / Photo- Fenton-like / GC-MS / [1]
27 / / C6H6O3 / 126.0317 / 125.0244 / Electrochemical / RP-HPLC / [6]
Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [2]
(TP6) / / C4H4O4 / 116.0110 / 115.0037 / EF / RP-HPLC
GC-MS / [4]
/ Electrochemical / RP-HPLC / [6]
29 / / C6H6O2 / 110.0368 / 109.0295 / Photo- Fenton-like / GC-MS / [1]
GC-MS / [4]
Electrochemical / RP-HPLC / [6]
Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [3]
Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [2]
Photo-Fenton / GC-MS / [7]
30 / / C6H4O2 / 108.0211 / 107.0138 / EF / RP-HPLC
GC-MS / [4]
Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [3]
Electrochemical / RP-HPLC / [6]
Photo-Fenton / GC-MS / [7]
Ti-PbO2-ionic liquids / LC-MS / [8]
31 / / C6H6O / 94.0419 / 93.0346 / EF / RP-HPLC
GC-MS / [4]
Photo-Fenton / GC-MS / [7]
Ti-PbO2-ionic liquids / LC-MS / [8]
32 / / C5H6O2 / 98.0368 / 97.0295 / Electrocatalytic
Ti-PbO2-ionic liquids / LC-MS / [8]
33 / / C4H4O3 / 100.0160 / 99.0088 / EF / RP-HPLC
GC-MS / [4]
34 / / C3H4O4 / 104.0110 / 103.0037 / Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [2]
35 / / C2H2O4 / 89.9953 / 88.9880 / Ozonation / LC-MS
RP-HPLC / [2]
36 / / C2H4O2 / 60.0211 / 59.0138 / EF / RP-HPLC
GC-MS / [4]
Electrochemical / RP-HPLC / [6]
37 / / CH2O2 / 46.0055 / 44.9982 / EF / RP-HPLC
GC-MS / [4]
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