You are out walking your newly trained guard dog when you stop to talk to a neighbor about the new drug problem in the neighborhood. Just then, a shootout erupts between two gangs. You can’t dropthe dog leash because of the neighbor.
Stage 1: Leashed
Designer: HSC MD
Location: Bay 1
Scoring: Vickers (18)
Setup: 4 IDPA, 1 NT, 2 walls, 2 barricades, 1 retractable dog leash, 2 long ring hooks to hang the leash on.
Directions: Gun loaded to IDPA, leash in weak hand, start at position “A”. On signal retreat to either position B or C while engaging T1 & T2 with three rounds, hang the leash at the position, then engage the other targets at positions B & C with three each. Back-up guns engage all targets with 2 each.
S.O. Dropping the leash is a procedural. Once anchored the leash does not have to be taken to the other barricade.
Stage 2: Swinging Good Time
Designer: HSC MD
Location: Bay 1
Scoring: Vickers (6)
Setup: 2 IDPA on swingers, 1 NT, 1 activator, start and stop line
Directions: Gun loaded to IDPA, activator in the weak hand. On signal pull the activator and retreat while engaging both targets with 3 rounds each. Shooter must stop shooting when they reach the stop line or incur a procedural. Back-up guns engage both targets with two rounds.
Stage 3: 2010 IDPA Nationals Standard 2
Designer: HSC MD
Location: Bay
Scoring: Limited Vickers (12)
Setup: 3 IDPA, 3 stands, 6 uprights and mark the starting line.
Directions: Gun loaded to IDPA, hands naturally at sides. On signal engage T1 –T3 with 2 rounds each, strong hand only. Perform a mandatory retention reload and reengage with 1 round to the body and 1 to the head freestyle. Back-up guns shoots one on each strong hand only (in tactical priority), then freestyle engage T1 & T2 with one head shot on T1. All targets must be engaged in tactical priority (close to far).
Stage 4: Stow it or Lose it.
Designer: HSC MD
Location: Bay
Scoring: Vickers (12)
Setup: 6 IDPA, 2 NT, 1 chair, 1 table, 1 barricade, 1 wall, 6 stands, 12 uprights, 1 box.
Directions: Gun loaded to IDPA and placed in the IDPA box with muzzle facing down range, all spare ammo on top of the box. Shooter stands behind the table with both palms flat on the table. On signal engage T1-T3 with 2 rounds each, and then move to cover and engage T4-T6. Reloads must be done behind cover. Spare ammo may NOT be carried in the hand, but properly stowed in a pocket or magazine pouch. Reloads must be performed behind cover. Table is considered cover if one knee is touching the ground behind the table Revolvers and Back-Up guns engage T1-T3 with 1 round each and T4-T6 with 2 rounds. Revolvers do not have to fit inside the box, but must be placed in the box with the clover closed as much as possible. Spare revolver ammo must be stowed next to the box.
S.O. T1-T3 may not be engaged while moving. Initiating a reload before reaching cover is a procedural.
Stage 5: Three Ports
Designer: HSC MD
Location: Bay 3
Scoring: Vickers (12)
Setup: 6 IDPA, 1 NT, 2 walls, 4 barrels
Directions: Gun loaded to IDPA, hands naturally at sides, shooter centered in Port A with hands touching opposite sides of the doorway. On signal engage all threat targets with 2 rounds.
Stage 6: Legal Limit
Designer: HSC MD
Location: Bay 3
Scoring: Vickers (6)
Setup: 1 IDPA, 1 stand, 2 uprights, mark starting line. Replace target after every squad.
Directions: Gun loaded to IDPA, hands naturally at sides. On signal engage T1 with 6 rounds. Back-up gun 5 rounds.
While walking down an alley you have noticed four BG following you. You turn the corner and enter a store. The BG leader used the back door and has you at gun point. Draw your concealed handgun and retreat the way you came.
Stage 7: Zig & Zag
Designer: HSC MD
Location: Bay
Scoring: Vickers (12)
Setup: 4 IDPA, three walls, black plastic sheet, 4 stands, 8 uprights.
Directions: Gun loaded to IDPA, hands touching wall at position X. On signal engage all targets with three rounds. Back-up guns two rounds on each target.
Stage 8: Bar Room Scramble
Designer: HSC MD
Location: Bay
Scoring: Vickers (14)
Setup: 6 IDPA, 2 NT, 3 barrels, 1 culvert, 2 small poppers. Cover indicated windows and door. Make sure poppers are at least 8 yards. Position targets T5-T6 so the shooter will have to advance to engage them.
Directions: Gun loaded to IDPA, hands naturally at sides starting with hands touching wall at position X. On signal engage all paper with 2 and steel till down. Shooter may not re-engage the steel after passing through port C.