Appendix 4
NANO Project: New Arrivals, New Opportunites
Comenius Partnership with Bollnas Education Authority.
Croydon is currently involved in a 2 year partnership with the education authority of Bollnas, a small town in Sweden that is experiencing a rapid increase in the number of new arrivals from overseas. Our LA was approached to collaborate with them to develop good practice for the integration of these young people. The outcomes of the project will be to
- Establish of a framework or set of common principles for effective integration into learning that can be applied in the context of each of the participating regions
- Create a toolkit or handbook that provides a step-by-step approach and pedagogical resources for teachers and other practitioners
- Develop case study material to support professional development activity
- Create a web-based forum to facilitate further dialogue between practitioners
- Deliver an end of programme conference to disseminate findings and evaluate impact
The main partners
The project involves 3 educational establishments and an external partner from each local authority.
The Croydon partner schools are
- Broadmead Primary School
- Norbury Manor Business and Enterprise College
- John Ruskin College
The external partner for Croydon is The Children’s University and for Bollnas is the Red Cross.
First Year Developments
There have been initial exchange visits to enable all participants to experience the practice in the different contexts which are very different in each country. For example, the UK teachers commented that in Sweden, schools are required to provide mother tongue provision, staffing is more generous and there are preparatory classes for new arrivals who do not integrate into mainstream lessons immediately. Great emphasis is placed on the learning environment to promote health and wellbeing – buildings are sound proofed to reduce unnecessary noise, showers are compulsory after sport, lunch is free for all students.
Swedish teachers were impressed by the way UK teachers led lessons, developed interactive learning through skillful questionning techniques and used the interactive whiteboards to support EAL learners. They were keen to introduce the Children’s University within their town.
Each learning establishment has introduced elements of the good practice they have seen in the partner school.
Progress so far
- A web based forum has been created
- A set of principles has been established which will form the framework for the toolkit
- Resources for the toolkit have been developed including
- A scheme of work for beginners
- A series of beginners lessons for new arrivals in secondary schools
- Induction resources such as welcome books, buddy resources
- Guidance and training resources
- Case studies are being produced to track progress and impact.
Priorities for the coming year
- Development of expertise in meeting SEAL needs of new arrivals
- Creating and trialling resources and strategies
- Dissemination of project findings
If you would like further information about the NANO project please contact