Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Province of South Cotabato
District of Tampakan
I. Introduction:
Child protection is the process of protecting individual children identified as either suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect. It involves measures and structures designed to prevent and respond to abuse and neglect.
School staff will listen to and work closely with parents to make sure their child feels safe and protected in the school environment.
For the parents / guardians, it may be helpful for them to know that the law (Children Act 1989) requires all staff to pass on information which raises concern that a child may be at risk from non-accidental injury, neglect, emotional or sexual abuse.
II. Rationale:
Teachers in our school are aware of the behavioral and physical indicators that suggest the possibility of abuse. Staffs are aware of the procedures to be taken if they believe a child has been abused or are at risk of abuse.
Occasionally, this duty on duty on Teachers and Teacher In-Charge means that they risk upsetting some parents by reporting a concern which, on investigation, proves to be unfounded. In these circumstances, it is hoped that parents/guardians will appreciate how difficult it is for the child to carry out this delicate responsibility, and accept that the Teacher In-Charge was acting in good faith and had to take these steps in the best interests of children.
III. Policy Statement
The important elements that we have been implemented for the purpose of protecting our children are the following:
1. By making our school conducive to learning, child friendly and protecting our children with utmost care by showing support and love.
2. Implementing rules and procedures should be strictly followed and observed.
3. By listening and working closely to the reported abused child and by giving him what is duly right.
IV. Policy Objectives:
Datal Biao Elementary School Teachers, Teacher In-Charge, together with our Stakeholders play a part in keeping our children safe from harm and abuse. Creating a safe learning environment, identifying pupils who are suffering or at risk of harm and then taking appropriate action, are vital in ensuring children are safe at home and at school.
School staff will listen to and work closely with parents to make sure their child feels safe and protected in the school environment. Our institution works to ensure that the school is conducive to education of children. It aims for the welfare of all children in school.
V. Policy Framework:
All teachers and school head have a responsibility to protect our pupils. Teachers see to it that they are given the right privileges. There are, however, key people within the school who have specific responsibilities for ensuring that staff are aware of child protection procedures and that issues are dealt with an appropriate manner.
Designated Staff with responsibility for Child Protection Policy
MR.ROEL C. TAGHAP - School Head/Administrator-Chairperson
MS. KATHERINE C. FERNANDEZ- Guidance Counselor/Vice-Chairperson
MRS. MARY ANN D. ILLUSTRISIMO - Representative of the Teachers as designated by the Teacher’s Association
MRS. FATIMA D. MALID - Representative of the Parents as designated by the Parent-Teachers Association
MS. MERCY C. GULAE - Representative of the Students as designated by the Supreme Pupils Government
MR. ROBERTO ALCANTARA – Representative from the Community as designated by the Punong Barangay.
Protocol for Reporting
Reporting acts of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying, other acts of abuse, or any violation:
1. Report of the injured pupil-victim
- the injured pupil is brought directly to the school clinic. The pupil’s class adviser and the School Head are promptly apprised. The School Nurse diagnoses the pupil and gives him/her the necessary first aid treatment. Later, the School Nurse prepares a written medical report for the parents the school clinic’s file records.
2. Responding to a report and referral of a student allegedly being physically hurt, abused by his/her own parents / guardians
The School Head may refer the case to the Municipal Department of Social Welfare and Development (MSWD) for assessment. The Parents Assembly may also be asked to assist in the case. The MSWD shall determine the appropriate intervention.
If the victim is determined to be at risk, the school Head, with the aid of the assigned Guidance Counselor/Teacher, and in coordination with the MSWD, shall immediately remove the victim, or in appropriate cases, the offender, from the place of the incident. The child’s family shall be informed of any action taken.
3. For bullying cases
an intake sheet is accomplished by the complainant in lieu of any other adult reporting the incident; initial narrative reports written by the pupil in the presence of his/her teacher-adviser during the investigation, if any, are attached. The School Guidance counselor will take the disciplinary actions needed in addressing the bullying case
Commitment to the victim:
- They will be listened to.
- Their concerns will be taken seriously.
- The matters will be investigated.
- We will work together to help and support the young person.