Hedgehogs block landing craft (FAQ entry)

Just a note to verify via R Borg that hedgehogs also block landing craft as per rules on page 16, Memoir 44 rulebook. [stevens says 2008-01-28 01:38:13]

Thanks, stevens Correct. Correct. A Landing craft cannot move (nor disembark its troops) on any hex that contains a hedgehog.


Sandbags on other terrain? (Comment / Question)

According to the asterisk (*) on the card, sandbags only protect (-1 attack die) when placed on countryside or beach hexes. But what happens if sandbags are placed on Airfields, Cemeteries, Dams, Flooded Fields, High Grounds, Marshes, Minefields, Pontoon Bridges, Railroad Bridges, Railroad Tracks, Fords & Fordable Rivers, Roads, Supply Depots, Dragon's Teeth, Frozen Rivers, Ravines, Fish Ponds, Hospitals, HQs, Supply Tents, Piers, Rice Paddies, Fordable Streams or Rope Bridges? Or from a Hill on the same level?

It would be more correct to change the text to the original text from the M44 rulebook: When a unit does not benefit from any protection for its terrain, the sandbags reduce the number of Battle dice rolled by 1 when attacked by Infantry or Armor.

[Larsine says 2008-09-22 13:33:09]

Removing sandbags after a unit is destroyed or retreats (Comment / Question)

Q. The rules say, “when a unit leaves a hex with sandbags, the sandbags are removed”. Does a unit being destroyed count as “leaving” the hex?

A. Yes. If a unit is in a hex with sandbags and another unit destroys it or forces it to retreat and then takes ground into the hex, are the sandbags removed? Yes. [gheintze says 2008-10-19 05:34:18]

Do engineers ignore terrain modifications from obstacles? (Comment / Question)

Q. Are things like Field Bunkers and Sandbags considered terrain for the engineer's ability to ignore terrain in a Close Assault? Since the FAQ on Sandbags comments on Sandbags on “other terrain” I ruled that yes, they did count, but I'd like to get some clarification.

A. Yes, engineers ignore all terrain modifications, including obstacles such as sandbags and bunkers. [gheintze says 2008-10-19 05:38:26]

Ignoring flags when attacked by engineers (Comment / Question)

The Engineer unit would still roll 3 dice in an attack on a sandbagged unit but would the defending unit still have the option to ignore one flag?

Yes, the defender still has the ability to ignore one flag.

[gheintze says 2008-10-19 05:40:11]


Armor Overrun or Taking Ground after moving into wire (Comment / Question)

Q. If armor is in wire (and cuts), wins battle, can it overrun, or does wire rule of no more movement apply?

A. No. When it says you can move no further that turn, you are not able to move even during armor overrun or taking ground.

[gheintze says 2008-10-19 05:30:21]


Terrain Modifiers (Comment / Question)

1) Do units attacking from mountains ignore the terrain protection of units on hills?

2) Can a unit on a mountain be attacked by units at ground level or only from a hill hex? [Grand_Admiral_Thrawn says 2008-07-13 00:23:59]

Terrain Modifier answer (Comment / Question)

1) Units attacking from mountains DO ignore the terrain protection of hills. Hills reductions only apply to units battling from below (see the hills card).

[gheintze says 2008-10-17 16:58:28]

2) Yes, a unit on a mountain can be attacked by units at ground level.

[gheintze says 2008-10-17 05:42:29]

Hills attacking mountains (Comment / Question)

Do units on mountains being attacked by units on hills have the full -2 die reduction or only -1, since the units on hills are closer in altitude than units on the regular ground? [stevens says 2008-10-17 19:12:14]

Hills attacking mountains answer (Comment / Question)

The card states the -2 die reduction “applies to units battling from below, “relative height isn't mentioned and hence doesn't matter.

[Shnik says 2008-11-21 23:05:54]


Road benefit ends if road crosses a bridge (Comment / Question)

Q. If a unit is moving on a road and encounters a bridge, does the road extra hex movement benefit end?

A. Yes!

See this reference:

[stevens says 2009-04-03 00:24:46]


Clarification of the Air Check Value for Wadis (Comment / Question)

Q. In the Med. Expansion Rulebook it says that Wadis have an air check value of 2, but on the card it says 1. Which is correct?

A. The correct Air Check value is the one on the summary card, i.e. 1.

[gheintze says 2008-10-28 17:11:53]


Terrain Card #47 - Frozen Rivers (Comment / Question)

An infantry unit is attacked and forced to retreat onto a frozen river. It has one figure left. The unit rolls a star and the infantry figure is eliminated. Does this count as a medal for the attacker? Thanks.

[Marc1 says 2008-09-14 01:14:04]

Frozen Rivers answer (Comment / Question)

The answer provided by the community is that it does count as a medal for the attacker. See

[gheintze says 2008-10-17 05:44:52]


Die roll reduction (Comment / Question)

Question: So units fighting other units on the same hill range receive NO die roll reduction even if the defender is on a hill with cave; is this correct?

Answer: If you fight a Japanese unit that is on a cave on hill, you fight it at -2. In all other cases, you fight the unit like you would if it was on a regular hill.

[bigmal40 says 2008-04-08 23:33:58]


Misprint in Air Pack Rules and Scenarios manual (Comment / Question)

According to the Air Pack manual, under Special Rules for the following Pacific scenarios: 3-Tenaru, 5-Matanikau River, 7-Clearing Matanikau River, 8-Guam Landings, 9-Japanese Counter-Attack, the water features listed are Fordable Streams (card #61). However, in each of these scenarios the manual states; “(Terrain 41-Fords & Fordable Rivers)”. This is a misprint. All the water terrains in these scenarios are Fordable Streams not Fordable Rivers. See Forum link:

[stevens says 2009-01-19 15:21:26]


Treated Like Hills in regard to Battle Dice (Comment / Question)

Quote from Eric: “When battling a unit on a hill (or erg & ridge) with another unit on a hill (or erg & ridge) at the same height, there is no dice reduction. This is true regardless of whether the terrain is connected (i.e. contiguously adjacent or not). This is consistent with the summary cards, and with the general spirit of keeping the game simple. Sorry for the extraneous and erroneous “contiguously adjacent” mention in the rules of the Mediterranean Theater.

Forum thread:

[stevens says 2009-03-14 14:52:04]

ACTIONS #2 Blowing Up Bridges

Blowing up Bridges Medal? (Comment / Question)

Yes. If a bridge is blown up with a unit on it, the unit is destroyed and the attacker receives a medal. [gheintze says 2008-10-17 06:23:50]


Definition of “reclaim” (Comment / Question) The community consensus is that it is enough to drive or eliminate the enemy from your HQ/Supply Tent to replenish your hand. It is not necessary to reoccupy the hex. See

[gheintze says 2008-10-17 06:50:20]

Definition of “reclaim” (Comment / Question) (Comment / Question)

In my opinion there is no consensus. The numbers behind that thread are 2 vs. 2. Official ruling should be provided.

[raistlin_majere says 2008-12-04 12:57:39]


Bastogne Corridor East Clarification (Comment / Question)

In the 'Bastogne Corridor East' scenario in the Air Pack scenario book, (p.46) the western Exit marker is printed on top of another unit. That unit is an armor unit.

[gheintze says 2008-10-17 06:39:54]


French Resistance (Comment / Question)

What has happened to French Resistance on this card?

[thelleha says 2008-03-23 18:33:35]

French Resistance (Comment / Question)

They are in the group, Nation Cards.[thelleha says 2008-03-23 21:30:17]


Hitting with stars (Comment / Question)

Question: Do snipers no longer score hits when a star is rolled (Per stated Eastern Front rules)?

Answer: Yes, they still do hit on stars. This is an oversight, sorry.

[Stuverats says 2007-12-19 04:25:20]

They forgot the retreat & terrain battle rules, too. (Comment / Question)

Not that there's much space left on this card, but the retreat 3 on a single flag rule is important, as is the sniper's ability to ignore enemy terrain restrictions.... one case where the cards fall short. Answer: All true.

[xfoley8 says 2008-02-16 04:41:26]

Sniper vs Sniper (Comment / Question)

Question: When an attacking sniper rolls a star, it's a hit. A sniper can be hit only with a grenade. What happens when one sniper rolls a star against another? Answer: In case of conflict between the attacker and the defender in the interpretation of a star result on the attacker's dice, it is the attacker's interpretation that prevails. So a sniper rolling a star against another scores a hit against him.

[sam1812 says 2008-05-26 20:39:09]


Airplane & aircraft carrier movement (Comment / Question)

Questions: Based on the summary card, it would seem that an aircraft can land and takeoff from an aircraft carrier.

But can BOTH move at the same time?

Example 1: Airplane on carrier. Carrier and airplane ordered. Aircraft carrier moves. Then airplane takes off and moves.

Example 2: Airplane and carrier are ordered. Airplane lands onto carrier. Carrier then moves. Are both examples allowed? If not, please clarify.

Answers:For example 1, you can only order 1 unit per hex in a given turn. So you either order the aircraft carrier to move and battle OR the airplane that was on it to take-off, not both.

For example 2, because a unit can only move once in a turn, you cannot do this. What you could do, though, is order the airplane and order the aircraft carrier, then move the aircraft carrier to a desired spot and move the airplane to land on it once it's move is done. [Caboose says 2008-02-06 20:00:36]


Landing Craft cannot enter hex with Hedgehogs (FAQ entry)

Memoir rulebook, p.16 referenced by R Borg in forums. Thanks, Stevens Correct. A Landing craft cannot move (nor disembark its troops) on any hex that contains a hedgehog. [Stevens says 2008-01-28 01:40:06]

Can a unit move in the same turn that it disembarks from a Landing Craft? (Comment / Question)

Question: Can a unit move in the same turn that it disembarks from a Landing Craft? I know it can't battle, but once it moves 2 aboard the LC can it move on its own?

Answer: No.[JS6583 says 2008-03-09 12:20:31]


Ignoring Flags? (Comment / Question)

Question: When an airplane uses ground support to strip a unit of "terrain protection", does this just apply to the battle dice reduction? Or does it negate the ability to ignore a flag in certain terrain as well? The latter scenario seems more consistent with the concept of the card.

Answer: Ground Support negates any terrain protection, not just the battle dice reduction. So if the unit was able to ignore a flag due to its underlying terrain, it no longer gets that benefit. [Shawn Kehoe says 2008-05-09 13:03:01]


Conflict with Rulebook? (Comment / Question)

Question: The rulebook states Recon can only be used when your plane is adjacent to enemy GROUND units. The summary card makes no distinction and appears to include enemy planes as well. Which is correct?

Answer: The rulebook is correct. Unfortunately, the word "ground" is indeed missing from the card. [ColtsFan76 says 2007-12-27 13:28:36]


Japanese Infantry when flags may not be ignored (Comment / Question)

Q. When a Command card states “flags may not be ignored,” must Japanese infantry ignored these flags?

A. No Command cards the state flags may not be ignored still will cause Japanese infantry to retreat. Like many of you, members of my game group refer to this as “Command cards trump the rules”.

[gheintze says 2008-10-17 07:16:52]
