Advocacy Day 2007
Wednesday, March 28th
Please join parents, teachers, district staff, board members, community leaders,
and other K-!2 public education supporters
in Sacramento to discuss issues affecting children and lobbying our legislators!
Let’s have a large contingent from Alameda!
Education Policy Reform
Reports, Reports, Reports: Is Anyone Listening?
Two major education reports commissioned bythe Governor and State Superintendent are due out this spring.
- Will the Governor and legislators use them as a springboard for new legislation?
- Is our State government ready for education reform?
- What will California education look like in the next decade?
- What about education funding?
Advocacy Day 2007 will begin with a panelofour elected representatives and K-12 education funding experts. Speakers will follow. After each segment, question and answer periods. After lunch, we'll walk
over to the Capitol building to attend an Assembly Education Committee hearing before heading home.
INVITED LEGISLATORS:Governor Schwarzenegger, State Superintendent Jack O’Connell, Senate Pres. Pro Tem Don Perata, Senator Tom Torlakson, Assembly Members Loni Hancock, Guy Houston and Sandre Swanson, Bob Blattner (education advocate), Kevin Gordon (School Innovation and Advocacy), Jo Loss (member of Superintendent O’Connell’s Education Comm. and CA State PTA VP of Leadership) and a member from the Governor’s Education Committee.
BACKGROUND:This is the 27th annual trip to Sacramento by local PTA Councils (SanRamonValley, Las Trampas Creek, and LivermoreValley) and the 1st year Alameda PTA Council will join them. They are strong advocates for equalization in school district funding and believe these Advocacy Days have made a difference!
(1) Bus transportation is currently available to/fromDanville, Lafayette, and Livermore (since Alameda’s joining this event). Buses depart at 7:15 a.m. and return by 4:30 p.m. If at least 48 Alamedans register, we’ll try to arrange our own bus to/from Alameda(cost may increase to $60-65 then). Once buses arrive in Sacramento, we walk across L Street to Capitol's South Entrance (large group entrance) then up elevators to 4th Floor Annex.
(2)Drive/Carpool - closest parking @ 10thL. Street
Online through March 19 @ left column of home page,
click “Register for this Event,” type "Alameda" under "your area.” Payment through Paypal.
$55 registration fee includes transportation,coffee/tea upon arrival, lunch and information packet.
Registration fee same for drivers/carpoolers.
Questions:Please contact Trish Spencer, email or phone 510-769-9143
PTA's lobbying strength is in its numbers. Your presence makes a difference.
Registration is open online through March 19.